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Learning Agenda
What is What is Millieu
01 Schizophrenia 02 Therapy

Components of millieu Examples and

therapy and how it

03 04
is being applied to
description of the
schizophrenia therapies

05 Advantages and disadvantages of millieu

therapy to Schizophrenia
What is Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a tough brain illness that makes
it difficult to tell what is real and what is not and
has difficulty thinking effectively, managing
emotions, relating to people, and operating
normally. It has an impact on how a person acts,
thinks, and perceives the world. These
disruptions last at least six (6) months.

The level of functioning in work, interpersonal

relationships, and self-care are significantly lower
than it has been since the onset of symptoms.
Have difficulty distinguishing between reality and
The prevalence of schizophrenia affects 1.1 percent of the
population over the age of 18 or 51 million people worldwide
each year, 2 million Americans are affected in the United
States alone, with 7.2 in 1000 developing it during their

RISK FACTORS Schizophrenia is classified into five

Schizophrenia may develop if
there’s a family history within
• Paranoid
the family, anomalies of the
• Disorganized
autoimmune system as well as
• Catatonic
substance abuse in early
• Undifferential
adulthood and adolescence.
• Residual
Schizophrenia typically progresses through three distinct
Prodromal Phase
• Occurs prior to inpatient or within a year.
• Regarded by a concise fall in function from his previous
• Withdraw from friends and family, as well as hobbies
and interests, and exhibit strange behavior, as well as a
decline in work and school performance.
Active Phase
• Typically brought on by a stressful event
• It is distinguished by the presence of acute psychotic
symptoms (e.g. hallucinations, delusions, incoherence, and
catatonic behaviors).
• With each acute episode, the prognosis worsens.

Residual Phase
• This is the point at which the illness pattern is established,
the level of disability is stabilized, and late improvements may
What is Milieu Therapy
What is milieu therapy
Milieu therapy is a method for treating mental health
conditions using a person’s surroundings to encourage
healthier ways of thinking and behaving. This treatment
approach may be known as milieu therapy (MT) because
those in the program are immersed in a small, structured
community focused on helping them develop skills and
behaviors that’ll enable them to live healthier lives in a
larger society. Milieu therapy is a flexible treatment
intervention that may work together with other treatment
‌ milieu therapy setting maintains a non-threatening surrounding. It
motivates the individuals to get comfortable enough to express
themselves. Freedom of expression encourages socialization.
Socializing with nurses, therapists, and other members helps to get
immediate feedback. The proper feedback may positively impact
treatment for members.

Milieu therapy is effective in bringing down conflict behaviors in

people with mental illness. A good example is schizophrenia. Studies
have shown milieu therapy helps reduce violent behavior in people
with schizophrenia. Milieu therapy is essential because it gives a
holistic approach to mental health treatment.
Components of
Milieu therapy
Schizophrenia deeply impacts each person afflicted with it in
unique ways. However, the neurochemistry aspects of the illness
are only one part of the puzzle. Schizophrenia may strip one of a
sense of reality, but it also transforms what reality itself looks
like. Milieu therapy for schizophrenia is founded on the notions
that everyday life can be a therapeutic experience that
therapeutic experience extends beyond treating acute
symptomatology and that treatment must extend beyond
Rather of focusing primarily on psychopharmacology, milieu therapy
promotes whole-person rehabilitation by cultivating concrete living
skills that lead to enhanced autonomy and self-determination,
reducing the need for mental health specialists.

Client participation in treatment is the foundation of milieu therapy

in long-term residential treatment programs. The therapeutic
community becomes an integrally participatory arena where clients
can make decisions about their own treatment experiences on a
regular basis.
By living, interacting, eating, bonding, and processing in a
therapeutic community setting, clients are able to learn
invaluable, concrete emotional and behavioral skills that
nourish independence in ways medication alone cannot. These
include the ability to:

• Manage personal self-care

• Form meaningful relationships
• Engage in-the-moment emotional
• Resolve conflict
• Manage one’s own treatment
Environments have regular, predictable routines that
help in building trust. Consistency also provides
learning opportunities that contribute to health
• Accept the possibility of relapse
• Assist in anticipating triggers and cravings.
• Change your thinking.
• Encourage your loved one to get medical assistance.
• Ensure that any co-occurring disorders are addressed.
• Inspire them to pursue new hobbies.
A milieu therapy environment is warm and welcoming. It's a
safe space for those who might feel vulnerable. Protection
encourages members to explore new habits that help them
develop new life skills. Involvement. These are often regular
routines that encourage socialization. Where necessary,
therapists can help members learn new methods to
reciprocate and develop friendships.
• Members are encouraged to experiment with new
behaviors that will help them to build new life skills
• It can act as a safe area for patients with schizophrenia
who might feel vulnerable
• Refers to simultaneously acknowledging the individual’s
ideals and honoring the patient’s distinct viewpoint
• Milieu therapy is effective in bringing down conflict
behaviors in people with mental illness. A good example
is schizophrenia. Studies have shown milieu therapy
helps reduce violent behavior in people with
schizophrenia. Milieu therapy is essential because it gives
a holistic approach to mental health treatment. Unlike 
other mental health interventions, milieu therapy
incorporates activities like bathing, eating, and waking up
Milieu therapy is crucial because it promotes collective interests.
Shared interests help members identify how their behavior affects
others. In milieu therapy, this is considered a valuable contribution
to individual growth. During therapy, those receiving the treatment
are challenged to develop and maintain personal values. Personal
values are essential in milieu therapy. That's because they're the
foundation of achieving positive social values.

Examples of personal values include:

• Self-awareness.  The conscious knowledge of your

behavior and character.
• Self-confidence. The ability to trust yourself. 
• Decent behavior. This is behaving acceptably.
Milieu therapy environments have various limiting
rules. These rules are consistent and communicated
clearly to people enrolled in the therapy treatment.‌
• Awareness and Coping with Emotion 

• Helping people with schizophrenia find an

appropriate type of care, live with symptoms, and
build a rich, meaningful life can make a
Awareness and Coping with Emotion in
• Accept the illness and its difficulties.
• Pursue self-help and therapy that helps you
manage symptom
• Set and work toward life goals
• Stay involved with others.
• Use relaxation techniques to relieve stress
• Manage your emotions.
Strategies for maintaining control in
• Educate yourself.  
• Use empathy, not arguments.   
• Maintain social interactions  
• Keep up with your treatment and recovery plan
• Remember your goals
Examples and Description of
Therapies Beneficial to
Individual Psychotherapy
A therapist or psychiatrist can teach the client how to
manage their thoughts and behaviors during sessions.
They'll learn more about their sickness and its
consequences, as well as how to tell what's real from what
isn't. It can also assist them in managing their daily lives.
Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)
This can assist the individual in changing their mindset and
behavior. They will be shown how to deal with voices and
hallucinations by a therapist. They can finally discern what triggers
their psychotic episodes and how to decrease or stop them.
Cognitive enhancement therapy (CET)
Cognitive remediation is another name for this type of therapy. It
teaches people how to increase their attention, memory, and
capacity to organize their ideas by teaching them how to notice
social cues or triggers. It combines group sessions with computer-
based brain training.
Psychosocial Therapy
It's likely that they'll want further assistance in
learning how to integrate into a community.
Social skills training
• This training method focuses on increasing social
and communication skills.
Schizophrenia most commonly manifests during the years when
establishing careers. As a result, rehabilitation may involve job
counseling, problem-solving assistance, and financial education.

  Family education
Understanding psychosis and schizophrenia might aid a friend or
family member who is suffering from it. According to research,
people with schizophrenia who have a strong support system
perform better than those who do not have friends and family to
encourage them.
Social recovery therapy
This treatment focuses on assisting the individual in setting
and achieving goals as well as cultivating optimism and positive
ideas about themselves and others.

Antipsychotic Drugs
Antipsychotic drugs serve to lessen psychotic symptoms like
hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking by
modifying brain chemistry. Rather than totally eliminating
symptoms, antipsychotic medication may help the person feel
more secure and productive by preventing them from becoming
so intrusive and acute.
Milieu therapy benefits various, particularly in schizophrenia
patient because it assures that they will get therapy that will help
them to create a self-sustaining environment while also boosting
mental health stability. The main benefits are: independence from
a developed system that could obstruct treatment, encouragement
to establish healthy habits while experimenting with different
coping techniques, a sense of safety to inspire growth, caregivers
and the community should provide direct feedback, and
supportive environment.
These are the primary benefits of undergoing milieu
treatment. While there are many benefits of underdoing
milieu treatment, there are also some drawbacks. This
therapy has several possible negatives, include not being
suited for individual who are aggressive or suicidal,
interfering with the patient’s full –time employment or
studies, and not being suggested for those with considerable
cognitive impairment.
Limitations of Milieu Therapy
Milieu therapy has several limitations attached to it. People
with mental health challenges may find it difficult to continue
with the same organizational skills that the program provides.
A lack of support may cause a setback. Also, adapting to slight
changes in the environment or staff may be challenging for
people with mental health issues. 

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