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What is coaching leadership?
 Coaching Leadership is when a leader coaches team
members to develop and improve over time.
 Coaching leadership builds engagement and focuses
on improving employees to become better individuals
and professionals in the long term.
 Coaching leadership can be difficult and time-
Elements & Characteristics of
Coaching Leadership
 A coach won’t create a successful team if the team
doesn’t collaborate. It’s less about maintaining
hierarchy and status and more about supporting what’s
best for the team. Sure, the coach will give directions
to help team members develop their skills, but this is
still within a collaborative environmen
 A key item in collaboration is to spend a lot of time with
the people you coach and being clear on the purpose
as well as the long-term goal of the coaching approach
and how you will accomplish this goal together.

 Helping people become their best

selves isn’t a simple task. A coach
should think creatively about how to
approach the coaching process so
that each team member is developed
and the team collectively achieves
the best result. It’s a process of
great commitment and sacrifice but
the final outcome of this creative
 Scaffolding is a term used in education to
describe “a variety of instructional techniques
used to move students progressively toward
stronger understanding and, ultimately, greater
independence in the learning process.” Coaches
inevitably become teachers as they guide team
members towards honing their skills. The best
coaches know that their guidance should
gradually be reduced so that each team member
 Team members won’t know how well or how poorly they’re
doing unless they receive feedback. Constructive criticism is
necessary for their growth. Coaches know how to use the task
behavior component of coaching leadership to appropriately
express their feedback. Team members, in turn, are receptive
because they know that this feedback will help them improve
their skills. If the individual being coached is not open to
feedback, the coaching leadership style is very unlikely to work.
It cannot be stressed enough that feedback is a core part of
coaching leadership. Feedback is also an art form.
 Coaching leadership is a two-way street. Coaches
should be willing to sacrifice their time to motivate
team members to hone their skills and become
the best versions of themselves. However, team
members should also have a high level of self-
motivation especially as the coach begins to give
them a greater sense of autonomy. It is very
difficult to coach an individual who isn’t motivated
to improve and grow.
 As in so many other leadership styles, we
come back to empathy being a pillar in
leadership. In order to coach well, a leader
needs to understand the person being
coached on an emotional level. Through
empathy, the leader can calibrate how to
challenge and develop the individual and
know when to reduce and increase
pressure for instance.
Here are five disadvantages of
coaching leadership:

 People enjoy working with coaching leaders

Coaches help people improve their skills so that they can perform at their
best. Therefore, coaching leaders are able to create a work environment
where people are highly motivated, eager to learn, and willing to
collaborate. People actually enjoy being at work which should result in a
low employee turnover rate.
 Coaching leads to clear expectation
Team members don’t have to guess what’s required from them. With the
coaching leadership style, their coach makes expectations clear and
guides the team members towards developing the skills needed to
accomplish their tasks as well as their long-term goals. Having that
support makes meeting those expectations easier for the team members.
personal mentorships so that each team
member ’s skills are developed
a p p r o p r i a t e l y. T h e y, t h e r e f o r e , b e c o m e
more productive and are more likely to
provide mentorship opportunities to others
a s t h e y c l i m b t h e c o r p o r a t e l a d d e r. I n
essence, people who have a coaching
leader often become coaching leaders
themselves. This benefits the organization
in the long term. A highly skilled workforce
gives an organization a competitive
to focus on the strengths of a team and use
t h e m t o t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n ’s a d v a n t a g e . H o w e v e r,
the weaknesses of a team can threaten
everything an organization has built. This
makes it very important for these weaknesses
to be addressed.
Coaching leaders are able to quickly identify a
team member’s weakness and implement a plan
to help that team member transform that
weakness into a strength or at least create
awareness of the weakness so consequences
can be limited. All team members have
weaknesses. It’s all about identifying those
weaknesses quickly and helping each team
member improve in the best way possible.
Here are four disadvantages of coaching
Coaching requires a lot of time and patience
 Imagine providing personal mentorship to a
team of 100 people. Not only is it time-
consuming, but it also requires a lot of patience.
 Coaching is difficult Few people are gifted at
being effective coaches. It requires confidence,
experience, and the ability to give meaningful
 Coaching is a two-way street The coaching
leadership style will only work if team members are
committed to the process. Too much responsibility
rests on the leader’s shoulders if they aren’t.
 Coaching without good chemistry can impact
progress The team and leader should work well
together in order for the coaching leadership style to
be effective. The organization has to consider
personality, experience, and its most pressing needs
before deciding who would be the best fit for the role.


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