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Hands on Activity #1

Marc Vincent C. Castro

Vacuum Tube
It was Invented in November 16,
The Vacuum tube an electron
tube or valve is a device that
controls electric current flow in
a high vacuum between
electrodes to which an electric
potential difference has been
Was Invented by:
John Ambrose Fleming
It was Invented in February 15,
The ENIAC or Electronic Numerical
Integrator and Computer is used
for calculating artillery firing tables
for US Army Ballistic Research
Laboratory. Its first program was a
study of the feasibility of the
thermonuclear weapon.
Was Invented by:
John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert
Was Invented in the year 1946
The EDVAC or Electronic
Discrete Variable Automatic
Computer was one of the
earliest electronic computers.
Unlike its predecessor the
ENIAC, it was Binary rather than
Decimal was designed to be a
stored-program computer.
Was Invented by:
John Mauchly
Was Invented on June 14, 1951
The UNIVAC or Universal Automatic
Computer is designed as a
commercial data-processing
computer intended to replace the
punched-card accounting machines.
It could reas 7,200 decimal digits per
second, making it by far the fastest
business machine yet built.
Was Invented by:
John Mauchly
Was Invented in April 29,
IBM-701 the Electronic Data
Processing Machine, also
known as Defense Calculator
while in development was
IBM’s first Computer and it
was based on the IAS machine
at Princeton.
Was Invented by:
Nathaniel Rochester

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