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Ni Wayan Erly Sintya Dewi, S.Si., Pg.Dip.,M.Si.

Physiology & Biochemistry Departement

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Warmadewa University
Tujuan Pembelajaran :
a. Komponen transkripsi dan translasi
b. Proses transkripsi dan translasi
c. Modifikasi pasca translasi
d. Mekanisme regulasi ekspresi gen
DNA Replication Review

Three main components:

Helicase unzips/unwinds the DNA molecule
DNA Polymerase brings in new nucleotides
Ligase zips the new DNA back together

Why is DNA Replication important?

each new cell in the body has the same set of genetic instructions as the cells that preceded it.
every new generation of individuals has the same genetic information as his/her parents.
Central Dogma
DNA carries information that can be used to construct the proteins
which form structures and regulate the body’s activities.

• Protein synthesis involves two processes  transcription and

• Transcription the DNA  RNA molecule.
• Translation RNA  assemble amino acids into a protein chain.
Transcription and Translation
Transcription and Translation

Transcription involves the copying of the information in DNA into mRNA.

Translation involves ribosomes using the Messenger RNA as a blueprint to synthesize a protein
composed of amino acids.
Initiation  RNA pol binds to
the DNA upstream (5′) of the
gene at a specialized sequence
called a promoter

Genes  RNA by the enzyme

RNA polymerase II  Core promoter consists of  transcription start site, a
controlled by core promoter. TATA box (at the -25 region), and a TFIIB
recognition element (at the -35 region).
• RNA polymerase locally
denatures the DNA.
• RNA polymerase does not
require a primer.
• Transcription factors are
released, and the polymerase
leaves the promoter region.
Initiation and

• The first base of the new RNA

strand is placed complementary to
the +1 site.
• RNA polymerase moves along the
transcribed or template DNA
• The new RNA molecule (primary
transcript) forms a short RNA-DNA
hybrid molecule with the DNA
Transcription termination is the process where a nascent RNA is released from its complex
with RNA polymerase and the DNA template.
Terminator is a sequence of DNA that causes RNA polymerase to terminate transcription.
Transcription termination in
Inverted repeats terminate transcripstion. Inverted repeats in the DNA sequence being
transcribed can lead to an mRNA molecule that forms a hairpin loop. This is often used to
terminate transcription

• When the genetic message is copied to make mRNA, the message contains unwanted base sequences.
• The ‘junk’ sequences (called introns) are removed from the message and the remaining sequences (exons) are linked
together to produce a sequence of codons that will translate into a polypeptide.
• This process occurs before the message leaves the nucleus.
Translation Concept
The three-base code in DNA or mRNA is called a codon.
They are always coded in threes
Each triplet code corresponds with one amino acid
THREE type of RNAs
 Messenger RNA (mRNA)
Long strands of RNA nucleotides that are formed complementary to one
strand of DNA
 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
Associates with proteins to form ribosomes in the cytoplasm
 Transfer RNA (tRNA)
Smaller segments of RNA nucleotides that transport amino acids to the
ribosome where proteins are made by adding 1 amino acid at a time

 Translation begins when mRNA binds to the RIBOSOME in the cell.

 In translation, tRNA molecules act as the interpreters of the mRNA codon sequence.
 At the middle of the folded strand, there is a three-base coding sequence in the tRNA called
the anticodon.
 Each anticodon is complementary to a codon on the mRNA.
The role of Ribosomes
 The third type of RNA is ribosomal
RNA (rRNA). Ribosomes are made

 Ribosomes are the ‘decoding’ units

of the cell. (Sites of protein

 Ribosomes consist of two major

components — the small ribosomal
subunit which reads the RNA, and
the large subunit which joins amino
acids to form a polypeptide chain.

 Ribosomes have binding sites for

both tRNA and mRNA molecules.

1. tRNA carrying methionine

attaches to the small
ribosomal subunit
2. They bind to the 5' end of
the mRNA by recognizing
the 5' GTP cap (added
during processing in the
3. They "walk" along the
mRNA in the 3' direction,
stopping when they reach
the start codon

1. matching tRNA has landed in the A site, transfers the methionine from the first tRNA
onto the amino acid of the second tRNA in the A site.
2. he mRNA is pulled onward through the ribosome by exactly one codon. This shift allows
the first, empty tRNA to drift out via the E ("exit") site. It also exposes a new codon
in the A site, so the whole cycle can repeat.
Translation: termination

• Elongation proceeds until STOP codon reached UAA, UAG, UGA

• STOP codon is recognized by a release factor
• tRNA charged with last amino acid will remain at P site
• Release factors cleave the amino acid from the tRNA
• Ribosome subunits dissociate from each other

• Lehninger, Albert L., Cox, Michael M.Nelson, David L. Lehninger Principles Of Biochemistry. New York :
W.H. Freeman. 2008.
• Murray, R. K. 1., Granner, D. K., & Rodwell, V. W. Harper's  illustrated biochemistry. 29th ed. New York:
Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill. 2012.

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