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What’s your reaction?

Reaction Paper, Review, an
d Critique
Ms. Chary Patricia B. Vinarao


Develop an objective and
Compare and contrast the
Write an insightful reaction balanced critique using
structure of a reaction paper,
paper appropriate language and
a review, and a critique
What consideration should one
take in preparing a critique?
What is a reaction paper?

An essay that conveys

the writer’s reaction to
one or several texts or
films that he or she has
read or seen (Lund
University, 2017).
A reaction paper is/does/must…..

Include your opinions but be careful to Summarize what you

A reaction to something you are reacting to in the
support your opinion with evidence.
have read or seen beginning of the
Have citations and references.

Explain your
reaction(s) to the Identify and discuss the
Judge, analyze or evaluate
topic and explain why polarizing issues of the topic.
the issues of the topic
You think this way Be organized.
about the topic.
How to write a
A reaction paper
The first part of your paper will include a quick, objective
summary of the work you're reacting to. At this point, it's
unnecessary to go into detail on any one point or introduce any
subjective opinions. 

PART 1: Introduction and Summary

Summarize the material so

Identify the author and title that the reader gets a
01 of the work and include in
parentheses the publisher 02 general sense of all key
aspects of the original
and publication date.. work.

Do not discuss in great Keep the summary

detail any single aspect of
03 the work, and do not 04 objective and factual. Do
not include in the first part
neglect to mention other of the paper your personal
equally important points. reaction to the work.
This is your analysis, the most important section of this paper. Your
reactions can answer a question relating the work to real-life
situations in society, they can respond to the emotions evoked in you
when you read/watched it or they can articulate how the original work
shifted or solidified your perspective on the subject.

PART 2: Thoughts, feelings, and opinions

How is the material

related to your life,
How is the work related to
01 problems in our present-day
02 experiences, feelings and
ideas? For instance, what
emotions did the work
arouse in you?

Did the work increase Evaluate the merit of the

your understanding of a work: the importance of its
03 particular issue? Did it 04 points, its
change your perspective
in any way? organization, and so on.
Your evaluation should discuss
the accuracy, organization,
importance and completeness of
the work.
PART 3: Conclusion

Your conclusions should

You should indicate here
be presented concisely
01 whether or not you would
recommend the work to 02 and reiterate your thesis
and the main points that
others, and why.
took shape as you wrote. 

Restate the general

03 overview and importance 04 Include your strong closing
of the topic.
Write a reaction paper
Write a reaction paper
Write a reaction paper
¡? • Pdf
• 12, times new roman
• Justified
• 1000 words
• Essay type (Must have an intro,
body, and conclusion)
What’s your review?
What is a review paper?

analyzes, and
evaluates a work.
That is a type of professional paper writing which demands
a high level of in-depth analysis and a well-structured
presentation of arguments.

Parts of review paper

Contains the purpose and importance of the review, its scope, and the organizational

Synthesizes and analyzes the readings pertinent to the material

Summarizes/restates the thesis, challenges the readers, or the author/maker of the
Steps for
writing an
article review
Steps for writing an article review

1: Write the Title 2: Cite the article

Write a title that reflects the main

focus of your work. Respectively, create a proper citation
the title can be either interrogative, for the reviewed article. 
descriptive, or declarative.
Steps for writing an article review

Step 3: Article Identificarin

After your citation, you need to include the identification of your reviewed article:
• Title of the article
• Author
• Title of the journal
• Year of publication

All of this information should be included in the first paragraph of your paper.
Steps for writing an article review
Step 4: Introduction

• If you are wondering how to start an article review, begin with an

introduction that mentions the article and your thesis for the review.
• Follow up with a summary of the main points of the article.
• Highlight the positive aspects and facts presented in the publication.
• Critique the publication through identifying gaps, contradictions,
disparities in the text, and unanswered questions.
Steps for writing an article review
Step 5: Summarize the article

Make a summary of the article by revisiting what the

author has written about. Note any relevant facts and
findings from the article. Include the author's
conclusions in this section.
Steps for writing an article review
Step 6: Critique it

• Present the strengths and weaknesses you have found in the publication.

• Highlight the knowledge that the author has contributed to the field.

• write about any gaps and/or contradictions you have found in the article. 
Steps for writing an article review
Step 6: Critique it

• Take a standpoint of either supporting or not

supporting the author's assertions, but back up your
arguments with facts and relevant theories that are
pertinent to that area of knowledge.
Steps for writing an article review
Step 7: Write a conclusion
In this section, revisit the critical points of your
piece, your findings in the article, and your
critique. Also, write about the accuracy, validity,
and relevance of the results of the article review.
Things to keep in mind
before submitting your
article review
Things to keep in mind….

1 As you read the article, highlight the key points. This will help you pinpoint the
article's main argument and the evidence that they used to support that argument.

2 While you write your review, use evidence from your sources to make a point.
This is best done using direct quotations.

3 Select quotes and supporting evidence adequately and use direct quotations
sparingly. Take time to analyze the article adequately.

4 Every time you reference a publication or use a direct quotation, use a

parenthetical citation to avoid accidentally plagiarizing your article.

5 Re-read your piece a day after you finish writing it. This will help you to spot
grammar mistakes and to notice any flaws in your organization.
¡? Activitiy: Write an
article review
¡? • Pdf
• 12, times new roman
• Justified
• 1000 words
• Essay type (Must have an intro,
body, and conclusion)
What is a critique paper?

It is a genre of academic writing that

briefly summarizes and critically
evaluates a work or concept. Critiques
can be used to carefully analyze a
variety of works such as creative
works, research, and media.
(Queensland University of
Technology, 2020)
Reaction, Review, and Critique

Reaction papers/reviews/critiques
allow writers to express their views,
enabling others to share their point
or a contrary viewpoint.
Differences of
Reaction, Review,
and Critique
Reaction Paper

A person is expected to write

his or her personal experience
in relation to the event or
reading material.
Reaction Paper

It is necessary to a writer not

just to write the usual details
of the text being analyze but
also give reaction to it.
Review Paper

Formal evaluation that

synthesizes the results from
several literature papers to
produce coherent arguments.
Review Paper

It is based on proof and the

writer’s reasoning.
Critique Paper

A form of intellectual
discourse that details with
articulate and profound
evaluation of an event, article,
or book.
Critique Paper

It is written by a critic
who is an expert in a
particular field.
¡? Activitiy: Write a
critique paper
¡? • Pdf
• 12, times new roman
• Justified and double spacing
• 500 words
• Essay type (Must have an intro,
body, and conclusion)


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