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By Ioana Zalatimo
Reptiles adaptation
Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrates.(Vertebrates have
backbones.) They have dry skin covered with scales or bony
plates and usually lay soft-shelled eggs.

The skin of reptiles is cover by these scales that help

them get protected tears and injuries towards the skin
Reptile scales Reptile eggs
Feeding behavior
Reptiles adaptation
Like carnivorous reptiles, herbivorous reptiles cannot chew
to speed digestion. Instead, they swallow rocks and pebbles,
which slosh about in the gut to help break down food by
grinding it.
Reproductive behavior

Reptiles when looking for a mate may

wagging their tails, mouth gaping,
inflation, body posture, head bobs, “push
ups” and even changing their colors! But
that’s only for a few species
Seasonal changes
Since reptiles are cold blooded their
temperature can rather rise or fall when the
environment changes.

So if the reptile is cold it is because the

environment around them made their blood
cold so they will lay in the sun to warm up!
Reptiles Identify
• All species of reptiles have at least 1 lung
• They have connected scales that you can’t pick off
• Snakes shed their old skins
• They body temperate changes with the environment temperate
Reptiles facts!
• Some species can smell with their tongues!
• There are over 10,000+ reptile species
• The saltwater crocodile is the heaviest reptile
• Reptiles do NOT sweat
• Venomous Snakes are the most dangerous reptile
• Reptiles are 350 years old
• Not all of them eat meat
• October 21st is national reptile awareness day!
Saltwater Crocodile

Snake smelling
thought their tongue
Thank u
For listening!!

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