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Is the Sign of The

Cross in the Bible?

In the original Hebrew language, "tav" was
used. The meaning of "tav" is "mark" or "sign."
What is written in The Jerusalem Bible is correct.

"He called the man in white with a scribe's ink horn in his belt, And
said, Go all through the city, all through Jerusalem, and mark a Cross on
the foreheads of all who deplore and disapprove of all the filth practiced
in it."(Ezekiel 9:4, Jerusalem Bible).
Why do Catholics make the Sign of the
Christians have to be proud of the Cross of Christ that gives victory to
all of God’s children and the reason why our sins were forgiven.

"But may it never be for me to boast, except in the cross our Lord
Jesus Christ, through whom the world has been crucified to me and I
to the World."(Galatians 6:4, The Interlinear Bible, Greek-English)

The Greek Bible used "καυχᾶσθαι" o "kauchasthai", which means in

Greek lexicon, "to glory, boast
That is why the Apostle Paul is proud of the Cross of Christ.
He even said in his letter to the Philippians, "Brethren, join in following
my example, and observe those who walk according to the pattern you
have in us."(Philippians 3:17).
Why should Catholics be proud of the
Cross of Christ?
1. Because He abolished the Jewish Law
(Ephesians 2:15-16)
2. Christians can now eat pork, which used to be forbidden
based on the laws of the Jews (Leviticus 11:7) along with fish
that do not have scales and entrails(Leviticus 11:9).
Is it true that the message about the death of
Christ on the cross is a big mockery for

For the word of the cross is folly to those who are

perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18)
When we make the Sign of the Cross, is
it done by touching our forehead,
breast, and shoulders? Why is it in the
forehead, breast and shoulders?
Let us not forget that the Sign of the Cross is
a symbol of God’s love for us. Through
Christ who was sent by the Father, the death
of His Son on the Cross saved all of mankind
from sin. (John 3:16)
When we make the Sign of the Cross, we
show our love for the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit in our hearts, minds and our
strength. (Luke 10:27).
On our forehead

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your
thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and
lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and
worthy of praise”(Philippians 4:8).
In our hearts

We want Christ to become king (James 1:23) because without

the Word of God who became man (John 1:14), we are simply
fooled by our hearts (Jeremiah 17:9).
On our shoulders
We want to be guided by the Holy Spirit so we can be guided towards
the path that God wants us to walk on (Acts 16:6).
The Holy Spirit guides us in the right way that we should walk on to
serve God.
If we make the Sign of the Cross, do we
bless ourselves? Does this have a basis in
the Bible?

We bless this not in the name of any person, but in

the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
(Matthew 28:19)
When we make the Sign of the Cross, why do
most of us use the right and not the left hand?

In the Bible, the Lord Jesus is seated at the right hand of the
Father. (Colossians 3:1)

Those who inherit the Kingdom of God are placed by God at

the right. (Matthew 25:31)
Aside from the two verses, this is another beautiful verse in the

The Lord stands at your right hand to protect you. He will

strike down many kings when his anger erupts. (Psalms
How do we answer the criticisms of
anti-Catholics against the Sign of the
1. If the Sign of the Cross of Catholics can drive
away demons, why do you still make the Sign of the
Cross in your Church? Do you have enemies in your

The devil can go inside the Church .”(2

Thessalonians 2:4)

The Sign of the Cross helps you to drive away

the devil (1 Corinthians 1:18).
2. If Christ died through the shotgun or the electric chair,
would you also use the shotgun or electric chair in your
pendants just like what you put on the pendant of the cross?

The first shotgun was invented in 1878 while the

electric chair was built in 1890. The Book of Ezequiel 
was written between 593 and 565 B.C.

Second, those who assail Catholics should understand

that the mind of God (Isaiah 55:9)
2. Is it true that people who are far away and cannot be heard
by Pilate made the Sign of the Cross during that time they
were being asked what they wanted to be done to Jesus?

Those who are against the Sign of the Cross refer to what is
written in Matthew 27:22-24. We cannot read anything like that.

It is clear that it is written in the Bible that whoever makes an

addition is not for Christ.

"Anyone who does not stay with the teaching of Christ, but goes
beyond it, does not have God."(2 John 1:9).
3. The Sign of the Cross is a mark of the
The question is: did the Catholic Church teach us that the Sign of
the Cross is the name of a beast or the devil?

What was taught to us is the name of

the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Why do many anti-Catholics who hate
Catholics, single out the Sign of the Cross?

During the time of Saint Paul, he already mentioned in

his letters to different people that many people live like
that. It is true that the cross is an honor for Apostle Paul
but a shame for some people. (Philippians 3:17-18)
Pro deo et ecclesia!

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