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Early Symbols

By: Eshaan, Tarun, Mukhtar,

Dhruv and Kashyap
What are early symbols?

To understand about early symbols, we must know that

the early utopic cavemen have used them in their lives.
What is astonishing is that, we humans in the modern
era still know about them. A symbol, in this case, is not
just writing or math but the act of creating a
representation of something else, which is a
psychologically relevant discovery.
Oldest Symbols known to mankind

8 oldest symbols known to man:

1. Ankh
2. Cuneiform Tablets
3. Double-Headed Eagle
4. Swastika
5. Cave Symbols
6. Cave Hands
7. Red Crosshatch
8. Ramle Bone Fragments
Question - Why are these 32 symbols found in ancient

These 32 symbols found in ancient caves because Written

language, the hallmark of human civilization, didn't just
suddenly appear one day. Thousands of years before the
first fully developed writing systems, our ancestors
scrawled geometric signs across the walls of the caves
they sheltered in.
A picture of the early
Human express themselves
From pigments to printing presses, symbols changed the
way humans lived and provided new ways to cope with an
unpredictable world.
Modern humans used color, words, and sound to produce
the artifacts you see here. The ability to plan, record
information, and communicate helped humans survive as
climates fluctuated strongly.
Ultimately, words and symbols led to language and the
richness of modern human life.
Communicating with color
By 350,000 years ago

With ocher and manganese, our ancestors marked

objects and possibly their own skin. Colors were
symbols by which they identified themselves and
their group.

Humans may have first used ocher either as an

adhesive or a pigment, and later to make artistic
drawings and paintings.

Flattened areas on these pieces of pigment are

signs of grinding or rubbing, telling us that they
were held and used roughly like chunky crayons.
Case study on
Symbols In Egypt

The symbols of Ancient Egypt have been around

for thousands of years.Ancient Egyptian symbols
affected life in ancient Egypt which was a fusion
between the spiritual and the physical aspects that
became the foundation of their culture that showed
in the form of artistic architecture, symbols,
amulets, and many objects that were used to bring
good fortune and protection.
The ankh is a very
significant symbol in ancient
Egypt. Its hieroglyphs,
translated to English as "the
key of life," literally means
eternal life and have long
been associated with rituals
performed by priests or
royalty meant for everlasting
existence on Earth.
Wadjet Eye(Eye of Horus)
The Eye of Ra symbol is an ancient Egyptian icon, known by many
names. It has been speculated to be the right eye of Horus or a
representation of different goddesses like Sekhmet, and Bastet, which
were all seen as personifications of power under the protection of
Ra.The Eye of Ra is the most famous ancient Egyptian symbol, and it
was used as an amulet to protect from evil spirits, disease, harmful
animals, and envy. The Eye includes gold which represents sacrificial
qualities because people would offer sacrifices for the gods to grant
their wishes. It also has features from god Ra that represent curing
abilities because frequently, Egyptians sought help with healing
ailments or just getting rid of bad luck through offerings made by this

Communication has been one of the driving forces

for human inventiveness across our entire history,
and people in the ancient world found some great
ways to spread information. Many developed
writing systems, which used symbols to represent
the entire spoken language

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