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Subject: Integrated Studies

Class: Grade Two

Duration: 5 x 60 minutes

Unit Title Living together as a family

Focus Question: How do family members relate to each other?

Day 1

Attainment Targets

1. Develop an understanding of the interdependent relationship between man and his



1. Explain how family members relate to each other in their different roles

Key vocabulary: discuss roles and responsibilities, cooperate in group

Material: Song (The more we are together)

Content: A chore is a special job that is given to you that you have to do.


Engage: Students will sing “The more we are together”. Discussion will follow.

Explore: Students will tell if they are being praised for the contribution made. E.g.
thank you, good work, that’s nice, etc.
In groups, students will discuss and share what are chores and
Students will take turns discussing family roles and responsibilities and
how they relate to each other.

Explain: They will explain why they are roles, responsibilities or chores.

Elaborate: Students will work in groups to dramatize a scenario in which they have to
show how to solve a conflict among family members.
Evaluate: Students will identify roles and responsibilities

Teacher Evaluation


Day 2 Family Activities - Celebration

Attainment Target:

1. Display an appreciation of some of the beliefs, practices and expressions of persons from
different religious faith.


1. Discuss family celebrations including special religious celebrations- their significance

and how they are celebrated.

Key vocabulary: celebration, religions,

Material: Text: Living together as a family

Content: Family celebrations draw family members closer and help keep them be
in contact with each other.


Engage: Students will sing the song “Celebrate Jesus”. Students will be brainstorm
about what is meant by celebration, what are some of the things they

Explore: In groups, students will list at least 3 celebrations that they share with their
families. Responses will be written on chalkboard.

Explain: Students will explain how these celebrations are done.

Elaborate: Students will state why they think we celebrated different events.
Students will identify different celebrations projected and tell which
month they fall into. Using the information projected students will tell
which they celebrate with their families.

Evaluate: Students will go to text and read information on page 88 about family
celebration. They will complete activity on page 88.

Homework - Students will take pictures family celebrations to work in

groups on Friday.

Teacher Evaluation


Day 3

Attainment Target:

1. Recognize that religion contributes to shaping the identity and guides our understanding
of the meaning and purpose of life.


1. Critically assess relationships between family members in Biblical and other sacred

Key Vocabulary: celebration,

Skills: identifying, reporting, writing, answering questions reading

Material: Carlong Primary Integrated Studies Grade 2


Engage: Students will sing the song “I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God”.

Explore: Students will listen to the bible story “Esau and Jacob”.
In groups, discuss the relationship between the members of the family in
the story. They will report to the class.

In a chart they will record things that were wrong and things that were
right as the members of the family interacted with each other.

Elaborate: Students will participate in a game where they will answer questions about
the characters to understand the importance of family relationship.

Evaluate: Students will write two sentences about their favourite character in the
story. Slower students will draw their favourite character.



Day 4

Attainment Target:

1. Express a range of feelings and emotions through the enactment of dramatic scenarios.


1. Dramatize aspects of their family traditions/activities.

2. Use drama modes to understand the relationship among characters.

Key Vocabulary: activity, parent, leisure

Skills: identifying, listening, expressing, naming, drawing, reading


Engage: Students and teacher will sing “The more we are together”. Followed with
a discussion.

Explore: Students in groups will write some family activities and paste them on a
chart. They will share some family activities they are involved in.
Students and teacher will read the story “The Little Red Hen”.
Explain: Students will explain the importance of being involved in family activities.

Elaborate: Students will dramatize parts of their family activities. They will tell the
relationship among the characters.

Evaluate: Students will draw their favourite family activities and state what they are

Extended Learning: They will work in group to construct a poem entitled “I will do my Best”

Teacher Evaluation

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