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A world without borders

Consider the possibility that Martin Luther King Jr. never had a dream.
Imagine it, rather than operating outside of the constraints of time and
space, he had resolved to operate solely inside them. Imagine he stood on
the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and unveiled a five-point plan that he
thought he could sell to the black community and gain a majority in both
chambers of Congress, bringing civil rights legislation that much
closer.He, on the other hand, did not. He chose not to get involved in the
details of the present moment. Instead, he focused on what should be,
rather than what would or could be. In that spirit and tradition, I'd want
to make this gift now.
I am well aware that no country will be able to eliminate
its borders overnight. Watch Question Time or listen to
the Today Programme if you want to hear about
practical immigration policy that can be implemented in
the next legislative session. There, you'll find folks
circling in circles about what's practical instead of
worrying about what's ethical or moral.It is not naive to
believe that something that does not appear achievable
in the near future is nonetheless necessary and worth
fighting for. As a descendant of slaves and a kid of a
single-parent immigrant working-class family.

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