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Problems With
Social Media
The Problems with
Social Media
Dangers of Social Media
What psychologist know about most people
on social media:                     
• They are constantly trying to define
• They crave positive feedback to help
them see how their identity fits into their How is this harmful:​
world. •The danger exists in the possibility of a very
• They use social media for this feedback... public rejection because negative feedback is
but they are looking in a there for anyone and everyone to see. ​
dangerous place.  •Another danger is that teens ask for
feedback without learning first that not everyone will
respond in a supportive way.​
What Causes Social Media Addiction?
Addictiveness – yes, social media – and online media in general – is addictive in a certain sense of the word. The
companies that run today’s most successful social networking apps and websites work hard on improving and
growing the amount of people they can bring onto their platform, alongside maximizing the amount of time a person
spends on their platform. The more time a person spends, the more ads they can run, and the more they’re likely to
make a profit off their product. In the end, it’s a matter of business, and any great online platform is built for brutal
efficiency when it comes to getting people to stay.

Stress & Self-Esteem – Social media can be a great tool for good, allowing people to stay in touch despite
thousands of miles of distance, communicating at near-instant speeds. It can also be a great tool to engage with
communities, receive customer feedback, organize groups and meetups, and more. However, due to the way social
media incentivizes an almost voyeuristic look into everyone’s life while incentivizing maximum curation and
reputation editing, online media often makes a person’s life look much more exciting and alluring than yours – as
well as making it look much more exciting and alluring than it really is. This can severely take advantage of people’s
sense of social competitiveness and belonging, often making them feel outclassed, or less attractive.

Social Anxiety – for people who struggle to maintain a relationship or communicate in person, online media
provides the perfect environment to communicate and self-express. While this is a positive thing, it isn’t generally
healthy to avoid addressing major issues of social anxiety, especially due to all the negative emotional and physical
effects of excessive screen time and online consumption.
The Brain Fog That Social Media Causes
Brain fog is characterized
by confusion,
What Is Brain Fog and Trouble sleeping,
forgetfulness, and a lack Headaches Low energy or fatigue
symptoms? insomnia
of focus and mental

Impaired cognitive How Can You Improve -Turn off your phone for
Mood swings Irritables
function Mental Fog: about 2 hours a day

You can use YourHour to

Spend less time on Get enough sleep – 7-8
count how many
computer and mobile hours a day, go to bed at
Change your diet Regular exercise seconds/minutes/hours
phone – remind yourself 10pm or no later than
you spend on your phone
to take a break midnight
Social Media And Productivity
• Social Media can really mess your productivity, because social media
its meant to release the most amount of dopamine, Social media
provides an endless amount of immediate rewards in the form of
attention from others for relatively minimal effort. ... When a person
posts a picture they may receive positive social feedback, which
stimulates the brain to release dopamine, rewarding that behavior and
perpetuating the social media habit. And that amount of dopamine can
make you a "slave" to social media, that´s why most people lie about
their life on social media, because usually they want attention from
others, from lack of self-esteem. We should use Social media has a
platform, but we shouldn´t use it has our life.
How to solve the problem
• Given the “social” nature of social media, perhaps the easiest way to
bring a halt to the social acceptance of saying mean things on social
media. One way to do that is to get rid of the anonymity problem.
When people can comment anonymously, they feel empowered to say
and do things that they wouldn’t normally do if their social reputation
were on the line.
• But getting rid of anonymity will only go so far. It’s clear that
cyberbullying among teens is a problem that’s here to stay as long as
we have Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat.
Thank you


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