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George Washington

 Name: Zara Khan

 Semester: 1(Omega)
 Roll number: 22-CP-22
 Date: 20th October,2022
• Name of President: George Washington.

• Best known for: George Washington is often called the “Father of His Country”. He is best known for being the first president of the United States and
also commanded the Continental Army during the American Revolution.

• Personal Life: Washington became a great man and was acclaimed as a classical hero because of the way he conducted himself during times of
temptation. It was his moral character that set him off from other men. He was a man who loved entertainment and the company of others. There are
many accounts of his dancing late into the night at various balls, cotillions, and parties. He loved theater and attended plays of all sorts throughout his life.
• Education: George attended local schools and did well, but stopped his formal education around the age of 15.
• Career: He served in the army and the first President of U.S from April 30, 1789 – March 4, 1797.
• Major Accomplishments:
• George Washington's role in the French and Indian war
• He led the continental army during the American revolutionary war
• Commander-in-chief of the continental army
• Famous for and interesting facts:
• Washington was mostly self-educated.
• He was fearless in battle.
• Washington's bold actions saved the American Revolution, twice.
• He never abused power.
• Washington owned more than 50,000 acres and was an ardent promoter of westward expansion.
Early life:
• Born:
• When: He was born on 22 February,1732
• Where: Westmoreland County, Virginia, United States
• Parents: His mother was Mary Ball Washington and his father name was Augustine Washington.
• Siblings:
• Brothers: Lawrence Washington, Samuel Washington, John Augustine Washington, Butler Washington,
Charles Washington, Augustine Washington Jr.
• Sisters: Mildred Washington, Jane Washington, Betty Washington Lewis.

• Childhood: George, the eldest of Augustine and Mary Washington's six children, spent much of his childhood at
Ferry Farm, a plantation near Fredericksburg, Virginia. After Washington's father died when he was 11, it's likely
he helped his mother manage the plantation.
• Interesting Facts: George's childhood was modest. He lived in a six-room house crowded with beds and
frequent visitors. George seems to have been happy as a child, spending much of his time outdoors.
Later Family Life:

• Marriage:
• Where: New Kent County
• When: January 6, 1759
• Spouse: Martha Dandridge Custis Washington
• Children: Although George Washington never had any biological children, he did have a rather
large family, comprised of his many siblings and step-children.
• Interesting Facts:  George Washington did not have any children. Despite that fact, there were
always children at Mount Vernon. They raised Martha Washington's two children from a previous
marriage, as well as her four grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.
Overview of Education and Career:

• Education: Washington did not have the formal education his elder brothers received at Appleby
Grammar School in England. He stopped his formal education at the age of 15.
• School: Washington did attend the Lower Church School in Hartfield.
• Subjects: He learned mathematics, trigonometry, and land surveying.
• Career: He became a talented draftsman and map-maker. He also had a military career in his
early age and then gained the position of the 1st President if United states if America.
• Interesting Facts: Although several universities and other educational institutions bear his name,
Washington did not attend college. He is the only major founding father without a college
education. He left school at the age of 15 because his family could not afford his college education.
As a result, he was self-taught in many fields.
Overview of Important events:

• Wars fought: Washington's service can be broken into three periods, French and
Indian War, American Revolutionary War, and the Quasi-War with France, with
service in three different armed forces (British provincial militia, the Continental
Army, and the United States Army).
• Years of service: 1752–1758
• Battles: General Washington fought in 17 battles in the Revolutionary War, winning
6 of the battles, losing 7 of them, and fighting to a draw in 4 battles.
• Influenced by: George William Fairfax became a mentor to Washington
• Inspiration: In 1750, he resigned his position to devote himself to farming and
acquiring new farmland. Two years later, inspired by his recently deceased
brother Lawrence's military service, Washington joined the Virginian Militia.
Overview of his presidency:
• State: United states of America

• When & why: The presidency of George Washington began on April 30, 1789, when Washington was inaugurated as the first president of the
United States, and ended on March 4, 1797.he was elected president as Washington was both an obvious first choice for president and
possibly the only truly viable choice.
• Dates: April 30, 1789 – March 3, 1797

• How many times elected: George Washington stood for public office five times, serving two terms in the Virginia House of Burgesses and two
terms as President of the United States. He is the only independent to serve as U.S. president and the only person unanimously elected to that

• Other important leaders he worked with: There were the royal governors of Virginia, the landed gentry and their leaders with whom he lived
and worked while in the Virginia House of Burgesses for fifteen years and British generals Braddock and Forbes. Washington keenly observed
them and learned from them all.
• Name of Political Party: George Washington did not belong to a political party. 
• Important events that he went on when he was President:
• April 30, 1789. Inauguration.
• May 29, 1790. Ratifying the Constitution.
• May 31, 1790. Copyright law.
Overview of His Major Presidential
• Important things he did: Washington had several characteristics, long before he was a leader, that led naturally to his
leadership style. He was known for his patience, drive, attention to detail, strong sense of responsibility, and firm
moral conscience. All of these characteristics drew people to him and contributed to their trust in him.
• Awards:
• Honorary Doctorate of Laws, Harvard University, 1776
• Congressional Gold Medal, 1776
• Grand Master of Masons of the American Colonies, 1779
• President general, Society of the Cincinnati, 1783
• General of the Armies of the United States of America, 1976
• Speeches: 1792 State of the Union Address.
• Treaties: Formally titled the "Treaty of Amity Commerce and Navigation between His Britannic Majesty
and the United States of America," but more popularly known as the Jay Treaty, the document was officially
ratified by President George Washington in August 1795.
• Writings: George Washington both produced and received a large number of letters, documents, accounts,
and notes during his lifetime.
Overview of His Later life:

• Term completed: April 30, 1789 – March 4, 1797

• What did he do after being president: He employed enslaved workers making barrels to store the grain and
sailing ships to port with the finished product. After his retirement, Washington built a distillery that
created whiskey from rye, corn, and barley. At the time of his death, it was one of the largest, most
productive distilleries in the nation.
• Where did he live: Mount Vernon
• When did he die: Washington retired for the last time, in March 1797. Two years and nine months later, he
died at Mount Vernon.
• Who was president after him during this time: John Adams, a remarkable political philosopher, served as
the second President of the United States (1797-1801), after serving as the first Vice President under
President George Washington. 
• Any important wars: Washington's service can be broken into three periods, French and Indian War,
American Revolutionary War, and the Quasi-War with France, with service in three different armed forces
(British provincial militia, the Continental Army, and the United States Army).
• Summary of your major points: Washington is commonly called the "Father of his country" since he played a
major role in fighting for independence and helped form the government America now has. He did his work
sincerely with loyalty towards his country. He was a simple and not quite educated person but still managed
to earn the position as President.
• Comments you would like to make: George Washington was a man of bravery. He had a simple approach
towards life and even though he was uneducated yet he served his country with full patriotism and
determination. He was fearless about battles had leadership Qualities.
• Conclusions you came to about him: George Washington had successful leadership and had played a key
role in the American Revolutionary War and the start of forming The United States of America. Without
some of the Battle and events that George Washington was commanding or involved with, America might
actually be different than it is today.
• Questions you would have liked to ask him: I would ask him about his point of view towards life and how it
changed after being the president of United states of America.
• Or time period you would have liked to live in: I would love to live in the early 1700’s.
• Books about George Washington:
• Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow.
• You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington by Alexis Coe.
• The Indian World of George Washington by Colin Calloway.
• Never Caught: The Washingtons' Relentless Pursuit of Their Runaway
• Magazines:
• Mount Vernon Magazine
• Time Magazine
• Websites:

• Newspapers:
• Nytimes
• Washington papers
Interesting Facts About George Washington:

Washington had only a grade-school education.

At age 22, Washington led a disastrous military skirmish that sparked a world war.
Washington wasn’t always a great general, but he was an excellent spymaster.
When he stepped down as commander-in-chief, he didn’t want to run the country.
Washington was really into his animals.
He had a complicated relationship with slavery.
Washington was a tough man to kill.
Research performed on a set of Washington’s dentures in 2005 showed they were
made of gold, ivory, lead, and human and animal teeth.
The End!

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