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The term Avant-Garde is
applied to music when it is
considered "ahead of its
time" by critics or fans, i.e.,
it contains unique or
original elements, or it
explores unusual fusions of
different genres .
Avant-Garde Music

•Electronic Music
•Chance Music or
Aleatory Music
•Futurism Music
•Minimalism Music
Electronic Music- is a
medium in which
sounds of instrument
and from nature could
be altered, and
completely new sound
could be produced.
Chance or Aleatory
Music- leaves some
choice to the performer.
The music may change
each time it is
performed. John Cage,
the father of
indeterminism is known
for this kind of music.
John Milton Cage Jr.
 (September 5, 1912
– August 12, 1992)
was an American
composer, music
theorist, writer, and

He is known for his

4 ‘33 composition
Futurism Music-
use of noise in
place or in
addition to
musical sound
Minimalism Music- a
style of music with the
following qualities:
Simple because of
limited or minimal
musical materials used;
steady pulse; repetition
of musical pattern; and
with hypnotic effect.
For ARTS and
beauty is

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