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East Asian Music

Japanese Vocal Music

Japanese music has two modes, the yo-sen and in-sen
The two modes consist of five primary tones-based on a
scale with seven tone. The remaining tones are considered
as auxiliary tones.
The classical Japanese melodies are based on yo-sen and
in-sen mode but not always in one mode alone. It usually
shift on both modes.
Chinese Vocal Music
The prominent expressive features of Chinese music
are the melody and tone color. Chinese vocal quality is
often described as being high-pitched and nasal. This
is generally true, but there are regional differences.
The northern style of singing (such as Peking opera)
tends to be higher and more shrill than the southern
style of singing (such as Kun Opera or Nanguan).
Korean Vocal Music
The music of Korea has a slow tempo
that gives a very peaceful and pensive
character. Skilled singers and drummer
perform Pansori Music.
1. Vocal timber— nasal and throaty
2. Rhythm— duple, triple, quadruple
3. Melody— pentatonic scale, diatonic scale
4. Texture:
◦ monophony (acapella);
◦  homophony (with chordal accompaniment);
◦ heterophony (same melody but ornamented by
several instruments
5. Form— Strophic (using the same tune on different

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