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Gender and Human

What is human sexuality?

• Human sexuality is complex. It is a state of a person’s

ability to express his or her sexual orientation and
preferences. It is more than physical expressions and
sexual organs. It is the totality of a person’s expression
of being a male or female. The way you behave, how
you express yourself, and how you react and interact
with all the things around you including your own body
are determined and affected by your sexuality.
Terms that are associated with sexuality

• 1. Sex - the biological differentiation between male

and female as evidenced by the external and
internal reproductive parts. It is determined right
away at the time of fertilization as the chromosomes
inherited from the mother and the father combine.
Genetically, a male or a boy has X and Y
chromosomes and a penis while a female or a girl has
two X chromosomes and a vagina.
• 2. Gender - a social concept on how men and
women should think, feel, and act. It refers to the
behaviors and attitudes that are expected to be
shown based on a person’s sex. It also refers to the
roles and activities that are exhibited by a person
as a male or a female as deemed appropriate or
proper by the society. A person’s gender may be
classified as masculine or feminine.
The following table differentiates between
sex and gender.
• 3. Gender Equality - permits man and woman
equal enjoyment of human rights.
• 4. Gender Role - refers to set of roles,
characteristics, and expectations of how a man or
a woman should feel, think, and act as influenced
by parents, peers, and society. This is often an
outward expression of gender identity.
What are the dimensions of human sexuality?

• Biological Dimension – this dimension

is described by a person’s biological
or physical sexual characteristics as
controlled by the sex chromosomes
and hormones produced by the sexual
• Psychological Dimension – a major
psychological factor that affects one’s sexual
wellness is body image. A positive body image
leads itself to a feeling of overall wellness; a
negative self-image can lead to drug abuse or
psychological disorders such as anorexia,
bulimia, binge eating disorder, and the like.
• Sociocultural Dimension – this dimension of
sexuality is the sum of the cultural and social
influences that affect thoughts and actions. The
people surrounding you greatly contribute to your
sexuality. These include your family, school, and
neighborhood. Religious and spiritual beliefs,
multi-culture and ethics also influence your

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