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• discuss sexuality as an important component of one's personality.

Gender and sexuality are two issues that greatly affect a teenager's life. These two concepts influence a teenager's view about
himself or herself relationship with other people. Knowing about the real aspect of your gender and sexuality will help you get
to know yourself better.
Concepts on Gender, Sex and Human Sexuality
• Sex - refers to a person's biological characteristics. Also pertains to both physical and physiological differences of males and
• Gender - is a socially constructed distinction associated with a given sex. Gender refers to society's built in features of
women and men, or the social roles that men and women play in the society.
• Human sexuality - refers to the person's sexual desire and attraction to other people, as well as his or her behavior regarding
their sex.
Importance of human sexuality.
• Human sexuality may also serve as the foundation of a relationship. It may start with physical attraction toward a person of
the opposite sex (heterosexual) of the same sex (homosexual), or both sexes (bisexual).
• Transgender - people have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from their sex assigned at birth.

The different dimensions of human sexuality:

Biological Psychological Sociocultural
Physical sexual characteristics Emotions Family beliefs and Traditions
Genetics Self-esteem Religion
Reproductive ability Motivation Socioeconomic status
Sexual response Body image Education
Fertility control Learned attitudes and behavior experiences Media

Factors That Affect a Teen's Sexual Attitudes and Practices

A teen's attitudes and behavior toward sex should be taken both as a personal and as a family matter, as his or her decisions
related to sex has an immediate and lasting impact on his or her overall health condition.
It is the role to teach their children about sexual behaviors that are taboo and those that are allowed.
• About 80% of teens indicated that their parent's opinions on sex and relationship influence their decisions.
• Lack of parent-child communication about sex and sexual activities, as well as parental substance abuse, increases the risk of
teens engaging in risky sexual behaviors.
A teen who lives in community with a higher rate of substance abuse, hunger and violence are more likely to engage in sex at
very young age. Females who do so higher chances of teenage pregnancy.
Schools have the opportunity to inform the youth about the young age. Teens who are inclined with school-related activities
and organizations will have less chances of sexual risks and involvement.
• Adolescents with strong religious attachments and who regularly attend church services are less likely to initiate sex. • Teens
who have an experience with sex ore more uncomfortable in attending worship services.
Teens are exposed to sexually explicit media will be more tolerant regarding sexual behaviors.
• Although media images depicting sex and sexually may have a negative influence among teens, they may also teach them
responsible sexual behaviors, such as teenage pregnancy prevention and safe sex practices.

Gender identity and Sexual Concerns

Sexual Orientation
• refers to how a person becomes romantically, physically, emotionally and sexually attracted to people- of the same sex
(homosexuality)or different sex (heterosexuality) or both sexes (bisexuality) typically this attraction usually starts during the
preteen periods.

Identity Crisis
• a period of uncertainty and confusion in which a person's sense of identity becomes insecure, typically due to a change in
their expected aims or role in society,
Teenage Sexual Behaviors
• The sexual orientation of a person determines his or her sexual behavior. There are teens who prefer to abstain or
participate in sexual activity. Young males are said to be more experienced than young females in terms of sexual activities.
Decision- making skills techniques
The following steps may help a person come up with the right decision.
• Determine and describe the situation
• List all the possible decisions that you may consider. Write them or tell them to yourself.
Share your possible decisions with a responsible adult or a guardian. A responsible adult will guide you on the possible
solutions To the problem.
Write the possible consequences of each decision. You may also formulate questions if you wish.
Evaluate which decision is the most appropriate and responsible. Compare each decision and their consequences before you
Carry nut your decisions and see the results.

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