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Session 4

Pancasila and Religious Diversity

in Indonesia
Learning Outcomes:

Students be able to explain Pancasila and the reality of

religious diversity in Indonesia and the meaning of
God Almighty

The first principle of Pancasila is "Belief in One God". This principle

actually places a solid religious foundation for the life of the Indonesian
people, which in fact are very diverse in religion, namely: Islam,
Catholicism, Protestant Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism
and Beliefs.

The Indonesian people agree to direct and

orient the totality of their lives to God as the
starting point and ending point as well as the
highest value of life for adherents of various
religions in Indonesia.

Indonesia is a country that recognizes the

existence of God. The state according to
Pancasila is expected to protect and develop
religious life; while religion is expected to play a
public role related to strengthening social ethics
The Challenge of
Religious Diversity
- A fact that we cannot deny is that Indonesia is a heterogeneous
nation in its various dimensions: ethnicity, religion, race and
intergroup. Born out of ethnic, sub-ethnic and cultural pluralism,
the Indonesian nation is a unified whole united under the banner
of Pancasila and the “Bhineka Tunggal Ika” slogan.

- The main challenge is how to strive for harmonious living with

different religions/belief.

- Intolerant fact
Pancasila as the ideology of
deconstruction of intolerance

- The issue of intolerance in Indonesia is still a problem that concerns our

- All actions and attitude of intolerance are bad examples that undermine
the conditions of harmony in Indonesia
- For this reason, a method of deconstruction of intolerance is needed to
create a more ideal condition of tolerance base on Pancasila
Pancasila as the ideology of
deconstruction of intolerance

Deconstruction is a technical offer to identify

contradictions in a text/discourse or context. Its open
alternative possibilities to get new meanings and improve
critical thinking skills to see experiences and ideological
realities that are unethical in the context of religious
tolerance and religious harmony in Indonesia.
Pancasila as the ideology of
deconstruction of intolerance

The principle of the “Belief in One God” have emphasized the

basic principles of national values ​that the existence of all
adherents of religion and belief in God in Indonesia is basically
equivalent and parallel. Therefore, all religious subjects are
equally important in Indonesia. All religious adherents need to
pay attention to each other, respect each other, and tolerate each
other. This is a continuous effort that must be carried out
incessantly by all parties, including the millennial generation .
Tolerant God: The Ethical Basis of
Intersubjectivity Relationship

- Tolerant God (Ketuhanan yang toleran)

- Religious diversity in Indonesia requires tolerance for the diversity of
religions that exist.
- God Almighty demands respect for religious differences and tolerance
among human beings.
- In Bung Hatta's view, "Respect for humans as creatures of God is the core of
the first principle of Pancasila, Belief in One God"; Respecting humans and
humanity in human and international relations means not building barriers
due to differences, instead accepting differences as a reality that must be
faced in the spirit of mutual respect”.
Tolerant God: The Ethical Basis of
Intersubjectivity Relationship

- The main idea of ​tolerance is equality and the position of equality among all subjects of
faith and religious adherents (Islam, Catholicism, Protestant Christianity, Hinduism,
Buddhism, Confucianism, etc.) in the context of national and state life.
- The existence of our togetherness as religious people is not a singular-singular entity, but
always a plural-plural entity. Our plural presence requires each of us (you and me) to
build our relationship in a dialogical-reciprocal condition. My presence as a subject
presupposes the existence of you as my other neighbor, who is in an equal position with
me. You and I finally become us.
- Our relationship in our different religious positions ultimately forms an intersubjectivity
relationship, an interpersonal relationship that is autonomous but also presupposes,
complements, and helps each other. To be able to build meaningful intersubjectivity
relationships, we need the right footing.
Building Religious Values Based
on Pancasila

1. Believe and be devoted to God Almighty in accordance with their respective religions and
beliefs according to the basis of just and civilized humanity
2. Respect and cooperate between adherents of religions and adherents of different beliefs so
that harmonious life is fostered
3. Mutual respect for the freedom to worship according to their respective religions/beliefs
4. Do not impose a religion or belief on others
5. The phrase God Almighty emphasizes oneness in religion
6. It means that there is a causa prima (first cause), namely God Almighty.
7. Ensuring every resident to embrace their respective religions and worship according to their
8. The state provides facilities for the growth and development of religion and the faith of
citizens and mediators when there is a religious conflict
9. Tolerance in religion, in this case tolerance is emphasized in worship according to their
respective religions
Thank you

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