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What exactly is relativism?

• Relativism is a philosophical theory that is simple in
foundation but broad in implication
• Relativism implies that Obvious Moral Wrongs are
1. All opinions, beliefs, religions, and moralities are equally good (Moral
2. All beliefs, truth statements, worldviews, and theories are
equally true (Cognitive or Epistemic Relativism)
Possible implications
•Positive Relativism •Negative Relativism
• No one has a better morals • No one has the Truth or the
system, beliefs system, or knowledge of what is Good
truth claim • Truth doesn’t exist, or it can never
• Provides solid logical grounds be reached
to prevent conflict and • There is no Good or Bad, and
promote acceptance • no action can be condemned
• The ultimate philosophical
theory of tolerance
Supporters of relativism in philosophy

1. Ludwig Wittgenstein
2. Richard Rorty
3. Friedrich Nietzsche
Ludwig Wittgenstein
• Wrote a book which supposedly solved all major
problems in Philosophy (Tractatus and The
Philosophical Investigations)
• “Picture Theory”
• Propositions are meaningful if they can be represented with
empirical fact.
• The problems in Philosophy are an issue of
• The issue is not of what is true, rather it is what you
• Language cannot convey concepts of Absolute Truth.
Discussion Regarding Wittgenstein
Richard Rorty
• Disagrees and claims that all foundational philosophies
are false.
• This is because they tend toward a metaphysical
realm (Which many post-Kantian thinkers deny)
• There is no Truth, no ‘God’s-eye point of view’
• Only flux and flow exists, the ever changing nature of the
human condition
• Instead of hunting for a ‘Truth’ we should go after what
works for us, what has utility, and what progresses
humanity (a form of pragmatism).

-According to Khan Academy (2020), cultural relativism

refers to not judging a culture to our own standards of what is
right or wrong, strange or normal. Instead, we should try to
understand cultural practices of other groups in its own
cultural context.
-Cultural relativism maintains that man's opinion within a
given culture defines what is right and wrong.
Examples of Cultural Relativism
1. Here in the Philippines, premarital sex is morally unacceptable. If we
go to another country, teenagers want to lose their virginity at a young
2. Here in the Philippines, we do not cease to debate on the moral
acceptability of contraceptives. In another country, abortion is
perfectly normal, more so the use of artificial contraceptives.
3. One society makes any prohibitions on women; while another
society allows women to have equal opportunities and obligations as

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