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Listen to identify similarities and

differences – Page 32
A . Listen to identify similarities and
differences – Page 32

1. look alike

2. like the same kind of food

3. like the same kind of movies

A . Listen to identify similarities and
differences – Page 32

4. like different kinds of music

5. have the same number of kids

6. twins
B. Listen to take notes – Page 33

Appearance: Lucille and Laura look


Sports preferences: Laura loves

football, but Lucille loves baseball.
B. Listen to take notes – Page 33
Families: Laura has two boys, but
Lucille has a boy and a girl.

Favorite colors: Laura’s favorite

color is green, but Lucille’s is blue.
B. Listen to take notes – Page 33

Musical tastes: Laura likes pop

music, but Lucille likes classical.

Clothes: Lucille and Laura wear the

same kind of clothes.
Reading – Vocabulary – Page 34
Sent off: When you or people tell or
ask a person to leave a place,
especially for a specific reason or

College: university
Sell: When you give an object or
property in compensation for

Job: It refers to the role, purpose,

function, responsibility or position of
a person in an office.

*His job is very boring: He only sits in

front of a computer for hours.

* I have a new job. I’m going to be an

assistant at Sunat.
Move back: return
Most: the majority of
Expect: suppose, assume
Move out: When you leave your house or
Housing: The conditions or buildings
where people live in.
*The city is constructing new buildings
for old people

* The cost of housing in Lima is

Move back: return

Expenses: The money you use when you

buy a product or pay for a service.

Household : domestic (different activities

connected to home)
Chores: When a member of your family
regularly does an activity, especially
clean the house, wash the dishes or
clothes, cook, etc.
Cleanup: It is the action, act or process of
cleaning or eliminating the dirt or waste
in a place.
Laundry: Dirty clothes you need to wash.
dirt waste
A. Confirm facts – Page 34

1. a

2. a
B. Infer information – Page 35

1. They don’t have jobs.

They get divorced.

They can’t afford housing.

B. Infer information – Page 35
2. to discuss chores at home

to try to understand his daughter

to not worry too much about his

Review – page 36

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