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A .

Find the grammar - Page 30

Who is that guy?

How often do you see them?

B. Grammar practice – Page 31

1. A: Where does your sister live?

B: She lives in Dublin.

2. A: How many nieces and nephews do
you have?

B: Three. My sister has two girls—

both adopted—and my brother has

a stepson.
3. A: Who do you stay with when you
visit Los Angeles?

B: I stay with my aunt and uncle.

4. A: Who lives with your

B: My half-sister Louise lives with

5. A: What does your stepfather do?

B: He works in a restaurant. He’s

the chef and manager.
6. A: Where does your uncle work?

B: At the hospital around the corner.

A: Does your aunt work there, too?

B: No, she doesn’t.

Conversation Model – Page 31
Large: really big

Well,…: We use it to introduce or

present a long answer.
Conversation Model – Page 31

On my father’s side: On my father’s


On my mother’s side: On my
mother’s family.
Vocabulary – page 32
Look Alike: give the impression to be
Same: (=) identical.
Both: When we consider two people
Wear: use

They both like chocolate cake.
Both: the two women
Look different: give the impression
to be distinct, not similar.
Different kinds of: distinct types of…
…,But…: Expresses contrast,

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