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Hannah Joy Ancog
(BSEd-English 3 – 5th reporter)


• Understand the purpose of speeches for special occasions

• To know the types of special occasion speech
• To know how to write a special occasion speech
Special Occasion Speech

type of speeches given to mark the significance of a specific event. It is a speech given
to commemorate someone or something. In other words, it is a speech written and given
to celebrate, honor, remember, or memorialize someone or something.
What is the Purpose of Special Occasion Speech?
Special occasion speeches are given on some special occasions according to the context of
the event. These speeches use pathos to persuade a group of people by appealing to their
emotions. Pathos may be intended to make the audience laugh or make them reflect at a
memorial service.

1. Ceremonial Speeches
2. Inspirational Speeches
Ceremonial speeches are speeches given during a ceremony or a ritual marked by
observance of formality or etiquette. The ceremonies are special occasions that people
arrange to celebrate something. There are 9 common types of ceremonial speaking.

1. Speech of introduction
2. Presentation Speech
3. Acceptance Speech
4. Dedication Speech
5. Toast
6. Roast
8. Farewell Speech
9. After-dinner Speech
1. Speech of Introduction
An introduction speech is a mini- A good introduction speech could be like
speech given by the host of an
“Have you watched Marrie Jhonson’s
event to introduce the upcoming
recent interview about depression? She
speaker. This speech is very has done tremendous research on the
precise and short, given only to causes of depression and how the United
familiarize the audience with the States people deal with depression. You
need to listen to her because she has
speaker going to deliver a some incredible facts to share about
speech. depression.”
2. Presentation Speech
A speech of presentation is a brief
These speeches provide the following
speech given to accompany a prize or components:
Speeches of presentation can be as ▧ Highlights the award’s significance
simple as saying, “This year’s that is being given.
recipient of the Schuman Public
▧ Highlights the merits of the award
Speaking prize is Ryann Curley,” or recipient
could last up to five minutes as the
▧ Enhance the credibility of the
speaker explains why the honoree
award and the event by
was chosen for the award. personalizing the speech
3. Acceptance Speech

The speech of acceptance basically has three main

The speech of acceptance is given by
a person who has just received an
award, a prize, or an honor. The • A special thanks to the prize or award giver.
speaker usually starts by thanking • Other special thanks to those who have helped
in achieving the goal.
everyone and ends with expressing
• The prize or the award needs to be put into
4. Dedication Speech

When preparing for a dedication

Speech of dedication is delivered speech, you need to consider the
to dedicate something to following factors:
someone. It is usually given at an
inauguration ceremony, a building • How you are involved in the
named after someone, a new shop
• Explain what is being dedicated
opens, and so on. • Explain who was involved in the
• Explain the importance of the
5. Toast

While delivering a toast, keep these

A toast is a kind of brief tribute to key points in mind:
a particular person or a specific
event. It is designed to appreciate • Keep it brief and specific to the
and congratulate the people being event.
• Focus attention on the person
toasted. It allows the speaker to
being toasted
recognize the person’s • Avoid any inside joke which is not
achievements and give the best accessible to all of the audience as
wishes for the future. toasts are public.
• End the toast by praising the
person being toasted
6. Roast
Follow these tips to write an interesting toast:

• Think about the person who is being roasted.

A roast is an interesting and funny • Look for any amusing story or a strange
speech because it is designed to habit of the person being roasted.
praise and humorously insult the • Poke fun at them but avoid massacre the
person being toasted. It is usually specific person.
delivered at the end of a banquet to • Avoid the things that are truly private or
honor a person's life achievements. might hurt the specific person’s emotions.
• Choose the jokes and stories that work best
with all of the audience.
• Make your speech as humorous as possible.
• Leave with a positive note and appreciate
the person.
When preparing a eulogy, the speaker
needs to do the following things:

A eulogy speech is a special • Get a lot of information about the

occasion speech given in honor departed soul. It will help to
personalize the eulogy.
of a person who has died. It is • Remind the audience about the
delivered to pay tribute to the deceased person and his/her life
departed soul. achievements
• Tell the deceased’s story.
• Celebrate the deceased’s life and
mourn their death
8. Farewell Speech

It allows you to say goodbye to a current part of

your life as you are moving to another part. The
speeches are very common at college and
university farewell parties. The graduating class
says farewell to the institute as they are moving
9. After-dinner Speech

After-dinner speech is directed toward a specific

group. It aims to entertain yet inform the
audience about a particular issue. They are quite
tricky because of their dual role, but with
practice, anyone can deliver an effective speech.
The goal of the inspirational speech is to inspire the audience
to believe something or act upon something. It aims to
inspire the audience to take a particular action regarding
personal or professional growth.
There are two types of inspirational speeches :

 Goodwill Speech
 Commemorative Speech
Goodwill Speech
Goodwill speeches are delivered to build a goodwill relationship with the audience. These
speeches seek to introduce an entity or a person to another group, organization, or country.
These speeches are informative as well as persuasive in nature.

There are three types of goodwill speeches:

• Public Relations Speech - intended to enhance the speaker’s or the organization’s

• Justification Speech - attempts to defend why a particular action has taken or will be
• Speech of Apology - given to accept the mistake, apologize, and ask the audience for
Commemorative Speech
The commemorative speech has these
Commencement or commemorative basic components:
speeches are usually given at
graduation ceremonies during which the • Highlight the importance of the day
degrees are being awarded to the in the graduates’ lives
students. It is a kind of celebration that • Count the accomplishments of the
marks an important milestone in graduating class
graduates’ lives. It is usually given by a • Gives best wishes for the future
well-known person who is recognized by endeavor
many i.e. the president of the country. • Put the light on future goals.


1. Understand what is oral interpretation.

2. To know the characteristics of oral interpretation.
3. To know the standards for effective oral interpretation.
Oral Interpretation

involves the performing of literature aloud to communicate

meaning to an audience. An interpreter analyzes the
literature and uses his or her voice to communicate the
results of the analysis. The interpreter is the connection
between the literature and the audience.
Characteristics of Oral Interpretation
There are major differences between oral interpretation and public speaking or acting:

1. You are not the author.

2. You perform the author’s words by direct reading.

3. You interpret a piece of literature.

4. You remain yourself during the performance.

Here are some of the many kinds of literature you could use for oral

 Favorite Authors
 Literature Collections
 Biographies or Autobiographies
 Plays or Screenplays

As you select your performance material, think about these standards: the
quality of the literature, its audience appeal, the oral possibilities of the
literature and your feelings for the piece,
As you select your performance material, think about these standards:
the quality of the literature, its audience appeal, the oral possibilities of the literature
and your feelings for the piece,

 Quality of the Material

 Audience Appeal

 Oral Possibilities

 Your feelings

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