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“You are not as good as you think”

- as a Coach
1. Poor listener - Effective 4. Do not develop others -
listeners listen without Great coaches help others
judgment, have a strong develop new skills and assist
desire to understand and are in preparing them for future
willing to take the time to hear opportunities.
about the needs and concerns
of others.
2. Not a role model - The 5. Fail to provide feedback -
best coaches create an open The best coaches are willing
and trusting environment. to give clear, honest and
They do that by initiating pointed feedback about what
positive interactions with people need to do to improve
others and acting as a role performance.
3. Not collaborative - 6. Lack integrity - Great
Ineffective coaches are coaches do the right thing.
competitive. The less effective They honor commitments and
ones are looking for keep promises.
opportunities to make 7. Do not encourage
themselves or their teams look diversity - Great coaches
good in front of others.. respect others and value
differences regardless of age,
gender or race.
Styles of Coaching
Situational coaching
Directive Coaching
As name suggests, it involves striking
Directive coaching takes place a fine balance between directive and
primarily through “telling”. Mentoring non-directive styles according to the
falls into this category. Everybody specific needs of the moment. All
knows what to expect here. A manager managers in a learning organization
shares his knowledge with the junior should aspire to become expert at
member, and that person listens situational coaching.
carefully, hoping to absorb as much
knowledge as possible.

The second approach of coaching is called Non-directive
Laissez-faire. Sometimes the coaching isn’t
the answer. There may be times when all Non-directive coaching is built on
members are productively getting on their listening, questioning, and withholding
work, and the right approach to managing judgement. Managers work here to
them is to leave them alone. Under such draw wisdom, insight, and creativity
situation Laissez-faire is applicable. out of the people they are coaching.
GROW Model
Goal Reality

• Establish what that person wants at • The next step is to ask the right
that particular moment. Not what questions.
their goals are for the job or the • These questions are rooted in what,
organization. when, where, and who. The question
• Ask - “What do you want when you of ‘why’ isn’t included as it leads to
walk out the door that you don’t have self-justification.
now?” • Focus on all the key things
mentioned by them and all the things
they have forgotten.
• Ensure they consider both, the
human side and the operational side.

• This has two parts.
• Many times people might have • In the first part, ask – “What will you
various options in their mind. do?”. If the conversation has gone
• Broaden the conversation by well, they’ll have a clear sense of
allowing people to be free. this.
• Ask - “If you had a magic wand, • In the second part, ask them about
what would you do?” their will to act on a scale of 1 to 10.
• Encourage them to explore the If the answer is eight or higher,
upside and downside both. they’re highly motivated.
Articulate the “Why”
 If you want them to embrace coaching as not just a personal skill but
also a source of cultural strength, you’ll have to make clear why it’s
valuable for the business and their own success.

 A good “why” inevitably connects coaching to an organization’s

mission- critical tasks.

 Articulating the “why” can also involve helping people see the collateral
benefits of coaching.

Model the Behavior

 If you want the people you work with to embrace coaching, you first
need to embrace it yourself.

 Satya Nadella has adopted a growth mindset in the organization, in

which everybody in the organization was open to constant learning
and risk- taking.

Coaching as an  Modeling is powerful because it shows that a leader walks the talk.
Moreover, it builds momentum. Researchers have found that when
people are in doubt about what behavior is appropriate, they copy
Organizational Capacity the actions of others— particularly those who have power and status.

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