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Surya Kelana Putra, S.Pd.I.,M.Hum.

Name and NIM

Zahara Vonna Novlianun Dly

01 0701222126 02 0791223159

Nur Aulia
03 0701221041
Surah Al-Qalam
ۙ َ ‫نۤ َۚوال ْ َقل َ ِم َو َما يَ ْس ُط ُر ْو‬
● 1. “Nun. Demi pena dan apa yang mereka tuliskan,” (Nun. By the pen and what they inscribe)

● ‫ك بِ َمجْ نُوْ ٍن‬ َ ‫“ َمٓا اَ ْن‬.

َ ِّ‫ت بِنِ ْع َم ِة َرب‬
● 2. “dengan karunia Tuhanmu engkau (Muhammad) bukanlah orang gila.“ (You are not, [O
Muhammad], by the favor of your Lord, a madman.)

● ‫ك اَل َجْ رًا َغ ْي َر َم ْمنُوْ ۚ ٍن‬

َ َ‫"واِ َّن ل‬
● 3. “Dan sesungguhnya engkau pasti mendapat pahala yang besar yang tidak putus-putusnya.“
(and verily you will surely get a great reward that will not be broken)

● ٍ ُ‫“واِنَّكَ لَ َع ٰلى ُخل‬

‫ق َع ِظي ٍْم‬ َ
● 4. Dan sesungguhnya engkau benar-benar, berbudi pekerti yang luhur.“ (And actually you are
right, virtuous and noble character)

● َ‫صر ُْو ۙن‬ ِ ‫“فَ َستُ ْب‬

ِ ‫ص ُر َويُ ْب‬
● 5. “Maka kelak engkau akan melihat dan mereka (orang-orang kafir) pun akan melihat,“ (Then
one day you will see and they (unbelievers) will also see)
“ ‫بِاَيِّى ُك ُم ْال َم ْفتُ ْو ُن‬
6. “siapa di antara kamu yang gila?" (which of you is crazy?)

“ ‫ض َّل َع ْن َسبِ ْيلِ ٖ ۖه َوهُ َو اَ ْعلَ ُم بِ ْال ُم ْهتَ ِدي َْن‬

َ ‫ك هُ َو اَ ْعلَ ُم بِ َم ْن‬
َ َّ‫اِ َّن َرب‬
7. “sungguh, Tuhanmu, Dialah yang paling mengetahui siapa yang sesat dari
jalan-Nya; dan Dialah yang paling mengetahui siapa orang yang mendapat
petunjuk." (Indeed, your Lord, He is the one who knows best who strays from His
way; and He is the one who knows best who is the one who gets the guidance)

“ َ‫فَاَل تُ ِط ِع ْال ُم َك ِّذبِ ْين‬

8. “maka janganlah engkau patuhi orang-orang yang mendustakan (ayat-ayat
Allah)." (So do not obey those who deny (the verses of Allah)

“ َ‫َو ُّدوْ ا لَوْ تُ ْد ِه ُن فَيُ ْد ِهنُوْ ۚن‬

9. “mereka menginginkan agar engkau bersikap lunak maka mereka bersikap
lunak (pula)." (They want you to be lenient so they are lenient (too).)

“ ‫ف َّم ِه ْي ۙ ٍن‬
ٍ ‫َواَل تُ ِط ْع ُك َّل َحاَّل‬
10. “dan janganlah engkau patuhi setiap orang yang suka bersumpah dan suka
menghina," (And do not obey everyone who likes to swear and insults)
Elliptical Construction is the form of
equivalent compound compound sentences,
the omission of the same predicate part of a
sentence, and or the occurrence of the
similarity of ideas between one sentence
and another
Types of elliptical construction?

1. Positive elliptical
2. Negative elliptical
3. Contrary elliptical
1. Positive elliptical
Merging of two positive sentences (phrases).
Using ‘too’ And ‘so’ words.

● and + so + aux + subject 2

● and + subject 2 + aux + too

Auxiliary verb
(kata kerja bantu)
- TO BE (is, am, are,was,were)
- Modal: (can,could, will,
may,would,shall, should,might)
- do, does,did,have,has,had
Example positive

● I like a programming
Nara like programming
I like a programming and so is nara
I like a programming and nara is too

● I’m working on an algorithm

Alyssa is working on the algorithm
I’m working on an algorithm and so is alyssa
I’m working on an algorithm and alyssa is too
2. Negative elliptical

Use the words either and neither.

● and + neither + aux + subject

● and + subject + aux + not + either
Example negative

● She is not a hacker and neither am i

She is not a hacker and i am not either

● I don’t understand calculus and neither am they

I dont understand calculus and they am not either
3. Contrary elliptical
s1+verb 1+but/while s1+ verb 2+
+ s2+do/does not but/while+s2 + did not
They enjoy staying at computer Dina agreed to practice algorithm
lab but/while he does not on Tuesday but andy did not

s1+ aux not

s1+ aux+but/while+ +but/while+subject +aux
s2+ aux not
I am not interested in computer
I think that my sister will be major but my best friend is.
interested in developing program
while my brother will not
Thank you

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