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Modern Times

Global Safety:
Paradigm Shift in ErgoSafety
Disampaikan dalam Acara Seminar Keinsinyuran
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang pada tgl 6 Mei 2021

Sritomo W.Soebroto
Laboratorium Ergonomi & Perancangan Sistem Kerja
Departemen Teknik Sistem dan Industri
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0
Curriculum Vitae
• Sritomo W.Soebroto, Ir., MSc., IPU, ASEAN Eng
• Solo, 25 Oktober 1947
• Dosen Senior ITS (1978 – 2012, Lektor Kepala/
IVe), Sekjur Teknik Mesin (1984-1990), Kaprodi
TI (1985-1990), Dekan FTI-ITS (1996-1999).
• Alamat : Perumahan ITS, Jl. Ilmu Pasti Alam F.6
Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111 HP/email :

Pendidikan/Training : S1 Teknik Mesin ITS (1965-1975); Graduate Programme

Nuffic/PS-ITB (1978-1980), S2 MSc UW-USA (1980-1982), P/O Management
Training INSEAD (1984), Perancis; KRA 28 Lemhannas (1995), Academics
Networking Training – Texas A&M, USA (1996), Universities Technology Park
Visiting Studies - UK (1997), dll.
Organisasi Profesi : IPU – PII, ASEAN Engineer Register, ISTMI; DP PEI (Ergonomi),

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 2

Agenda # 1 :

• Ergo Safety for Enhancing Productivity

& Quality of Worklife
• Isu-Isu Terkait Global Safety
• Paradigma Baru K3/HSE di Era Industri 4.0

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 3

Industrial Accident : Technical Error,
Human Error or Management Error ?

Industrial Safety, Safety Engineering

Sritomo W.Soebroto 4
& Management
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 5
Hammurabi – Babylon’s Building Code (1758 BC)
If a builder has built a house for a man and has not
made his work sound, and the house which he has
built has fallen down and so caused the death of the
householder, that builder shall be put to death. If it
causes the death of the householder’s son, they
shall put that builder’s son to death. If it causes the
death of householder’s slave, he shall give slave for
slave to the householder.

If it destroys property he shall replace anything it has destroyed; and

because he has not made sound the house which he has built and it has
fallen down,he shall rebuild the house which has fallen down from his own
property. If a builder has built a housefor a man and does not make his
work perfect and the wall bulges, that builder shall put that wall into sound
condition at his own cost. Industrial Safety,
Sritomo W.Soebroto
Safety Engineering &
doctors gun - owners

which one more dangerous

700,000 doctors in the US kill 44,000 to 98,000 people each
year ... 80,000,000 gun - owners kill 1,500 people by mistake

Doctors are 7,500 times more likely to kill by mistake than

gun - owners.
[Dekker, 2007]
Industrial Safety, Safety Engineering &
Sritomo W.Soebroto Management
doctors engineers

which one more dangerous

Industrial Safety, Safety Engineering &

Sritomo W.Soebroto Management
Unsafe Acts vs. Unsafe Conditions

80-90% of all incidents are the result of unsafe

10-20% of all incidents are the result of unsafe

Question: If true, why are most efforts geared

towards unsafe conditions?
Answer: It’s easier to deal with unsafe conditions
than unsafe acts.

Safety is about people, and

behavior is the challenge.

Industrial Safety, Safety Engineering &

Sritomo W.Soebroto Management
Design for Safety

• Iron law - if equipment is designed appropriately for

human use in the first place, the cost may be high, but
the cost is paid only once. If inappropriate designs
must be compensated for in training…the cost is paid
everyday. With inappropriate design … no assurances

Industrial Safety, Safety Engineering &

Sritomo W.Soebroto
Safety Design Principles

• Safe-life design principle

• Fail-safe design principle
• Redundant design principle
Industrial Safety, Safety Engineering &
Sritomo W.Soebroto 11
Professional Engineer Competency
• professional ethics
• responsibility
• liability
• accountability
• integrity

KNOWLEDGE (Hard & Soft)
• technical skill
• specific technical issues • organizational skill
• specific legal & practice issues •
communication & interpersonal
• safety & environmental
issues • quality awareness
• social-culture & economic • Management & business skill
Sritomo W.Soebroto
Industrial Safety, Safety Engineering &
Management 12
Standards of Engineering Practice
• Environmental constraints: Is the person
aware of the environmental standards that
have to be addressed for engineering
applications and technology?
• Technical standards: Is the person familiar
with the regulations, code of practice and
standards imposed on technical procedures?
• Code of ethics : Does the person abide by the
standards and codes set by the Institution of
Engineers? Is the person aware of his or her
professional and ethical responsibilities to
the community as an engineer?

Industrial Safety, Safety Engineering &

Sritomo W.Soebroto Management 13
Engineering Activities as a “Business Project”
• Didalam menerapkan kepakaran dan keahliannya, seorang insinyur acapkali
terlibat dalam persoalan-persoalan bisnis yang lebih mengedepankan aspek
komersial yang mengarah pada pencapaian “profit” yang sebesar-besarnya
• Seorang insinyur sering berhadapan dengan dilema etika dilihat dari aspek
individu manusia (personal ethics) dan aspek bisnis (business/ professional
• Sebagai sebuah profesi yang memiliki tanggungjawab besar bagi
kemaslahatan manusia; penerapan kepakaran dan keahlian insinyur haruslah
tetap mengindahkan norma, budaya, adat, moral dan etika (profesi) yang
berlaku baku.

Industrial Safety, Safety Engineering &

Sritomo W.Soebroto Management
Etika Profesi Insinyur (Engineering Ethics)
• Engineering ethics ? “The study of the moral
issues and decisions confronting individuals
and organizations involved in engineering “.
• Teknologi dan proyek (inovasi) engineering
harus mampu menjawab 2 (dua) pertanyaan
mendasar (a) apakah karya keinsinyuran
tersebut sudah mengindahkan nilai-nilai (moral
dan norma) kemanusiaan ataukah justru
mengabai kannya; dan (b) penerapan hasil
karya keinsinyuran tersebut sebenarnya untuk
apa, untuk siapa dan bagaimana cara
pengoperasian serta penanggulangan
terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya dampak
(negatif) yang ditimbulkannya.
• Engineering ethics is preventive ethics (think
scientifically and think ethically) ?

Industrial Safety, Safety Engineering &

Sritomo W.Soebroto Management
Kode Etik Insinyur Indonesia
“ Catur Karsa Sapta Dharma Insinyur Indonesia “

Pertama, Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar :

 Mengutamakan keluhuran budi
 Menggunakan pengetahuan dan kemampuannya untuk kepentingan kesejahteraan umat manusia
 Bekerja secara sungguh-sungguh untuk kepentingan masyarakat, sesuai dengan tugas dan
 Meningkatkan kompetensi dan martabat berdasarkan keahlian profesi keinsinyuran
Kedua, Tujuh Tuntunan Sikap :
 Insinyur Indonesia senantiasa mengutamakan keselamatan, kesehatan dan kesejahteraan
 Insinyur Indonesia senantiasa bekerja sesuai dengan kompetensinya
 Insinyur Indonesia hanya menyatakan pendapat yang dapat dipertanggung-jawabkan
 Insinyur Indonesia senantiasa menghindari terjadinya pertentangan kepentingan dalam tanggung
jawab tugasnya
 Insinyur Indonesia senantiasa membangun reputasi profesi berdasarkan kemampuan masing-masing
 Insinyur Indonesia senantiasa memegang teguh kehormatan, integritas dan martabat profesi
 Insinyur Indonesia senantiasa mengembangkan kemampuan profesionalnya
ErgoSafety for an Enhanced
Productivity & Quality of Worklife

Ergonomics, n…?
• ergo (work) + nomics (study of) = ergonomics
(the study of work)
• the science of interaction between the worker
and the job....
• the science of making the job fit the worker...
• Discipline to study human characteristics for
the appropriate design of the living and work
• Multidisciplinary activity striving to assemble
information on people’s capacities and
capabilities for use in designing jobs, products,
workplaces and equipment  well designed.
• .... Blah blah blah....

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 18

“Ergonomics is the scientific discipline concerned with
the fundamental understanding of interactions
among humans and other elements of a system,
and the profession that applies theory, principles, data
and methods to design in order to optimise human
well-being and overall system performance”

(International Ergonomics Association - IEA, 2000)

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 19
n l y
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Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 20

ErgoSafety = Ergonomics + Safety

Learn about the importance of ergonomics

in the workplace, ergonomic hazard
prevention, and ergonomic principles to
improve quality of work and productivity.

The principles of ergonomics safety :

Ergonomics safety ensures that the products,
methods, and environment that a worker
uses are appropriate to fit the worker’s job
requirements and personal capabilities.
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 21
Fitting the Design to the Man,
Not Fitting the Man to the Design

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 22

Fitting the Tasks/Design to the Man

Three separate areas of

The Tools The Task application :
& Facilities (a) employee safety and health
concern, (b) cost-or-productivity
related fields, and (c) the
comfort of people.

The Work Place


Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 23

The Scope of Ergonomics

Human Characteristics, Capabilities

and Limitations
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 24
Philosophy of Ergonomics
 Fit the task to the person

 Quality of working life

 Increase productivity

 Safe and hygienic work

 Minimize physiological and

psychological stresses

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 25

Objective Ergonomics


Efektivitas, Efisiensi
Well-Being dan Produktivitas

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 26

Justification of an Ergonomics Programs

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Increased Productivity

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 27

Human Centered/Integrated Design
• HC/ID - akan menempatkan semua unsur/parameter design
menyesuaikan dengan karakteristik (kelebihan maupun
kekurangan) manusia ... “fitting the task/ design to the man”.
• Rancangan kerja memenuhi kriteria “baik” kalau mampu
memenuhi konsep ENASE (Efektif, Nyaman, Aman, Sehat dan
Efisien). How to evaluate and measure it?

Productivity ? Quality of Work Life ?

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 28
Ergonomics Safety Problems Today
Matching the job,
work tools/facilities, and
workplace to the worker

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 29

Ergonomics & OHS/HSE Concern

Employee Concerns
Injuries Employer Concerns
Job satisfaction Worker’s comp costs
• Decreased boredom Productivity
• Decreased stress
• Reasonable
workloads Products

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 30

Ergonomics & HSE Awareness
• The education and training succeeded in
creating Ergonomics & HSE awareness and
motivated employees to utilize their creative
problem-solving capacity. Hopefully, these had
helped industries in tackling low productivity,
lack of quality and OHS problems.
• Ergonomics was still a new and emerging field in the Indonesian
industries and was a useful tool for safe and productive technology
transfer from the Industrially Advanced Countries.
• Moreover, the standards, recommendations, procedures, etc. concerning
working conditions and occupational health and safety (OHS) developed
in the industrially advanced countries would not be fully applied
because of the differences in climate, people (anthropometrics, cultures),
method of work, facilities, infrastructures of technology, finance, etc.

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 31

How Ergonomics Can Help ?

 Fewer injuries
 Increased productivity
 Increased efficiency
 Improved quality of work
 Reduced absenteeism
 Lower turnover

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 32

Results of Ergonomics Applications in
Industrial Work Places
• Understanding the effects of particular type of
work on worker’s bodies and their job
performance. Predicting the potential long-
term (or cumulative) effects of work on
worker’s bodies;
• Assessment of the fitness of the workplace
and/or tools to workers in performing a job;

• Improvement of productivity and well-being of workers by

“fitting the task to the person” not “fitting the person to the
task”. To achieve the best matching between worker capabilities
and job requirements;
• Establishment of a knowledge base support for designers,
engineers, and medical personnel for improving the
productivity, safety and well-being of individuals.
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 33
Agenda # 2 :

• Ergo Safety for Enhancing Productivity &

Quality of Worklife
• Isu-Isu Terkait Global Safety
• Paradigma Baru K3/HSE di Era Industri 4.0

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 34

Global Issues
• Depletion of Natural Resources (D).
Contributing factors :
1. the population explosion (P);
2. the increase in our standard of living or
affluence/consumption (C); and 3.
technological Advance.
Formula : D = P C

• Environmental Pollution/Impact (E).

Causes factor are :
1. Population Size )P);
2. consumption per capita (C); and
3. Industrial + Consumer pollution
(I) per unit production (Ip)/consumption (Ic).
Formula : E = P C I = P C (Ip + Ic)

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 35

Natural Depletion & Environmental Pollution

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 36

Global Trend Tahun 2000-an
• Kepadatan penduduk dan
• Communication (IT/ICT) lokasi industri
• High Tech • Kesenjangan pembangunan
dengan sistem pengamannya.
• High speed, energy, • K3 belum menjadi bagian
capacity, volume integral dalam setiap kegiatan.
• Robotic & automatization • Budaya K3 rendah
and computerization
• Innovation/New
• Sources of Hazards • Risiko dan Bahaya Meningkat
• Dampak K3 – tinggi
• High Education/Training • Kecelakaan meningkat
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 37
Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
#1 Ageing
#2 Globalization
#3 Technological Development
#4 Biotechnology
#5 Nanotechnology
#6 Prosperity
#7 Individualization
#8 Commercialization
Megatrend akan melanda dunia dan
telah diprediksi sejak tahun 1990an. #9 Health, Safety and Environment
Akan membawa dampak terhadap #10 Acceleration
seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia #11 Network Organizing
termasuk aspek safety #12 Urbanization

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 38

Global Trends in Industrial Safety
Occupational accidents and work-related
diseases have a major impact on
individuals and their families, not only in
terms of economics, but also in terms of
their physical and emotional wellbeing in
the short and long term.
Moreover, they can have major effects on companies, affecting
productivity, leading to potential disruptions of production
processes, obstructing competitive­ness and the reputations of
companies along supply chains, and impacting on the economy
and society more widely.
Global trend juga membawa pengaruh terhadap aspek safety di
berbagai bidang kehidupan

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 39

Kesadaran Global K3 - Silent Spring
Pemicu Kesadaran Masyarakat Global terhadap K3
• Terbitnya buku Silent Spring (1965) karya Rachel
• Masyarakat global menuntut jaminan keselamatan
• Safe Air to Breath
• Safe Water to Drink
• Safe Food to Eat
• Safe Place to Live
• Safe Product to Use
• Safe & Healthful Work Place

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0
Kesadaran Global K3 :
Dampak Tuntutan Masyarakat Global
Masyarakat global semakin kritis terhadap
keselamatan di semua aspek kehidupan, eg. :
• Larangan terbang maskapai penerbangan Indonesia
(Aviation Safety)
• Larangan terhadap produk berbahaya dari Indonesia dan
China (Product Safety dan Food Safety)
• Dampak kebakaran hutan di Indonesia (Safe Air -
• Keamanan dan keselamatan pada bangunan umum
(Public Safety)
• Travel Warning (Public Safety)
• Larangan formalin dan bahan pewarna makanan (food
• Larangan bagi kapal-kapal Indonesia (marine safety-ISM

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 41

Aspek Keselamatan dalam
• Keselamatan transportasi
• Keselamatan Makanan (Food Safety)
KESELAMATAN UMUM • Keselamatan Produk (Product Safety)
(PUBLIC SAFETY) • Keselamatan Pertambangan
• Keselamatan Rumah (Home Safety)
KESELAMATAN KERJA • KeselamatanAnak (Child safety)
(OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY) • Keselamatan Kimia (chemical Safety)
• Keselamatan Listrik (Electrical Safety)
KESELAMATAN LINGKUNGAN • Keselamatan bangunan (Building safety)
• Keselamatan Lingkungan
• BencanaAlam (Natural Disaster)

Aspek Keselamatan Ada dalam Segenap Aspek Kehidupan

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 42

7 Global Issues in Safety





Occupational Health & Safety

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 43

Dampak Globalisasi dalam Safety
• Persyaratan safety semakin tinggi •
Standar Safety (ISO 45000, 14000,
22000 dll)
• Negara dengan standar safety rendah
banjir produk murah dan tidak aman
• Produk Indonesia dengan standar
safety rendah sulit masuk ke pasar
• Ancaman bahaya produk tidak aman
Safety menjadi kunci
• SDM K3 dari luar masuk pasar dunia
kerja persaingan global

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 44

Standar Global Safety

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 45

Agenda # 3 :

• Ergo Safety for Enhancing Productivity &

Quality of Worklife
• Isu-Isu Terkait Global Safety
• Paradigma Baru K3/HSE di Era Industri 4.0

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 46

ErgoSafety is the door to all workers
Let us pass through this door
47Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0

Industrial Safety, Safety Engineering &

Sritomo W.Soebroto 48
• Safety engineering is an engineering discipline which
assures that engineered systems provide acceptable
levels of safety. It is strongly related to
systems engineering, industrial engineering and the
subset system safety engineering. Safety engineering
assures that a life-critical system behaves as needed,
even when components fail.
• Safety management system (SMS) is a term used to refer
to a comprehensive business management system
designed to manage safety elements in the workplace.
49 Industrial Safety, Safety Engineering &
Sritomo W.Soebroto Management
Permasalahan K3/ErgoSafety di Era Global
(Raison D’etre)

• Bencana merupakan akibat proses transisi

dari masyarakat agraris ke masyarakat
industri, dari low risk society ke high risk
society. Potensi bahaya berbanding lurus
dengan tingkat risikonya.

• Kecelakaan mempengaruhi daya saing

Indonesia di tingkat global. K3 berkaitan
dengan daya saing suatu bangsa. Semakin
rendah daya saing, angka kecelakaan semakin
tinggi (ILO).

• Perlu perubahan paradigma meng hadapi apa

yang sedang dan kemungkinan yang akan

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 50

Country Competitiveness Vs Safety

Soehatman Ramli
Permasalahan Umum K3/ErgoSafety/OSH
• Budaya Keselamatan berbanding lurus
dengan tingkat kesejahteraan. Semakin
meningkat kesejahteraan maka kebutuhan
keselamatan semakin tinggi (Teori

• Lebih 20% rakyat Indonesia masih hidup di

bawah garis kemiskinan karena itu tidak
butuh keselamatan. Keselamatan
merupakan barang mewah.

• K3/ErgoSafety/OSH sulit berkem bang

sehingga perlu peran Pemerintah via
Manajemen (SMK3/ ISO 1800)
memberikan perlindung an keselamatan
dan Kesehatan Kerja.
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 52
Perkembangan K3 di Industri
Era Revolusi Industri
 Penggunaan mesin-mesin uap yang
menggantikan tenaga manusia.
 Pengenalan metode-metode baru
dalam pengolahan bahan baku,
khususnya industri kimia dan logam.
 Perkembangan teknologi baru yang
dipakai, memunculkan penyakit-
penyakit yang berhubungan dengan
pemajanan karbon dari bahan sisa

Era Industrialisasi
 Penggunaan teknologi semakin berkembang.
 Muncul pembuatan APD (Alat Pelindung Diri),
safety devices, interlock, dll.
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 53
Perkembangan K3 di Industri (contd.)
Era Manajemen K3
 Teori Heinrich (1941) yang
menjabarkan penyebab
kecelakaan kerja umumnya
karena faktor manusia/unsafe
act (85%).
 Bird (1972) mengemukakan
pendapat bahwa faktor Era K3 Industri Kini & Esok
manajemen merupakan latar  Perkembangan K3 tidak hanya
belakang penyebab terjadinya difokuskan pada permasalahan
kecelakaan. yang dijumpai pada industri dan
 Munculnya standard-standard lingkungan pekerja saja.
internasional ISO 9000, ISO  Perkembangan K3 mulai
14000, OHSAS 18000. menyentuh aspek publik atau
masyarakat luas untuk menjaga
harkat martabat manusia serta
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industrypenerapan
4.0 HAM. 54
ErgoSafety System Approach

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 55

Paradigma K3/ErgoSafety Industri
Paradigma dalam disiplin intelektual adalah cara pandang
orang terhadap diri dan lingkungannya yang akan
mempengaruhinya dalam berpikir, bersikap, dan bertingkah
laku. Paradigma juga dapat berarti seperangkat asumsi,
konsep, nilai, dan praktik yang di terapkan dalam
memandang realitas dalam sebuah komunitas yang sama,
khususnya, dalam disiplin intelektual

Paradigm provides public awareness. industry has

worked with paradigm to fulfill public education and
community awareness requirements.
Masih menggunakan paradigma lama. K3 masih
dianggap beban (cost) belum dianggap sebagai
kebutuhan maupun “investasi”. Perlu dan HARUS
merubah paradigma mengenai K3 Industri tentang
Safety. Health and Global Environment

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 56

New Paradigm of Safety Management
Injuries are All Injuries
1 unavoidable Can be prevented

2 Unsafe Act-Condition Management System

3 Fault the Employee Fault the system

Supervisor key All Manager the key

4 the safety to safety

5 Short range planning Long term planning

6 Crisis Management Strategic Management

7 Accident Rate Process Control

8 Safety First Safety is Equals

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 57

1 All Injuries can be Prevented

• Setiap kecelakaan pasti

ada sebabnya
• Kecelakaan bukan hanya
sekadar takdir
• Jika sebab kecelakaan
dihilangkan, kecelakaan
dapat dicegah

Landasan perkembangan Ilmu K3

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 58
2 Unsafe Act/Condition Vs Management System
• Pendekatan Heinrich tahun 1930 dengan teori domino
menyebutkan bahwa kecelakaan disebabkan oleh tindakan
tidak aman dan kondisi tidak aman.
• Pendekatan baru melihat bahwa kedua faktor tersebut
bukan merupakan sebab dasar (basic causes), tetapi hanya
gejala (symptom)
• Kecelakaan merupakan kegagalan dari sistem yang berlaku
dalam organisasi/perusahaan (organizasional incidents)
• Penanganan K3 melalui pendekatan sistem/
Sistem Manajemen K3 (OH&S Management

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 59

3 Fault Employee-Fault the System

• Kecelakaan pada pekerja hanya merupakan gejala ketimpangan

dalam management system.
• Tindakan terhadap pekerja yang salah tidak sepenuhnya
menyelesaikan masalah karena hanya merupakan symptom
• Perbaikan harus dilakukan pada perbaikan sistem seperti sistim
pembinaan, pengawasan, prosedur atau sistem operasi.

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 60

4 Responsibility of Safety

• Paradigma lama menyatakan

bahwa Pengawas/Supervisor
adalah kunci keselamatan
dengan alasan : • Paradigma baru menyatakan
• Pengawas bertanggung bahwa semua Fungsi berperan
jawab langsung meng awasi dan bertanggung jawab
anak buahnya. terhadap keselamatan.
• Pengawas paling me • Safety bersifat multidisiplin
ngetahui kondisi bahaya dan
metoda kerja yang aman. • Masalah keselamatan saling
terkait antar semua fungsi
• Pengawas memiliki oto ritas misalnya sistim pelatihan dan
dalam menjalankan pembinaan, jaminan sosial,
keselamatan di lingkungan sistim jam kerja, prosedur,
nya. peralatan kerja, pemeliharaan
tempat kerja, sistim
pengawasan dan penilaian dsb.
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 61
5 New is Long
Paradigm Term
of Safety Planning

• Pendekatan lama menekankan

pendekatan represif atau
kuratif, yaitu perbaikan jika
terjadi kecelakaan (trouble
• Sistem ini kurang berhasil
menekan kecelakaan karena
tidak mampu melihat faktor
penyebab kecelakaan secara • K3 harus terkait dengan bisnis
penuh. strategi jangka panjang yang
menentu kan visi, misi dan
• Pendekatan baru menekankan strategi perusahaan.
kepada perencanaan jangka
• K3 harus direncanakan secara
terpadu sejalan dengan kebijakan
• K3 dimulai dari tahap rancang dan arah bisnis perusahaan
bangun sesuai dengan life cycle dengan mempertim bangkan
produksi. aspek dan isu yang berkembang
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 62
New Paradigm of Safety Management
6 Crisis Management vs Strategic Management
ideas Action
to reduce


Global Pandemi

Investigation Lesson
recommendation learned

Reactive Approach to Incident (Covid19)

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0
6 Crisis Management vs Strategic Management

to reduce
ideas incident


Investigation learned

Proactive Approach to Incident (Covid19)

Scenario : “Rescue – Recovery – Rebuild/Development”
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0
New Accident
7 Paradigm Rate Management
of Safety - Process Control

 Leading Indicator
• Paradigma lama mengukur K3  Program pembinaan dan
berdasarkan result atau hasil pelatihan
yang ditandai dengan kinerja  Penerapan manajemen K3
angka kecelakaan. Pengharga
an K3 didasarkan terhadap Zero  Program behavior safety dll
Accident.  Proses Sistem Manajemen K3
 Lagging Indicator
• Paradigma baru melihat kinerja  Zero Accident/Incident
K3 sebagai suatu proses input  FR/SR
dan out put yaitu kombinasi
antara upaya pencegahan dan  Angka Penyakit akibat Kerja
hasilnya. Kinerja K3 diukur  Angka Kebakaran
berdasarkan Leading Indicator
 Angka kejadian dll
dan Lagging Indicator

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 65

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 66
7 Accident Rate- Process Control

OH&S Program/Input
Leading Indicator

• Kinerja K3 yang baik harus

dicapai melalui suatu proses Bad Safety
pengelolaan K3 yang baik luck Excellency
• Nihil kecelakaan saja tidak
menjamin bahwa pelaksana
an K3 telah berjalan dengan Good
baik hanya merupakan nasib luck
baik (good luck)
OH&S Result/Out put
Lagging Indicator

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 67

8 Safety
New FirstofvsSafety
Paradigm Safety is Equals

• Paradigma lama
mengatakan “ Safety First”
• Paradigma baru melihat
bahwa OH&S adalah setara
dengan fungsi lainnya dalam
organisasi seperti produksi,
keuangan, teknis, SDM,
enjinering dll
• OH&S adalah bagian integral
dalam proses bisnis
Good OH&S is good business
• Good OH&S is good

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 68

Peter Drucker :
The first duty of business
is to survive, and the
guiding principle of the
business economics is not
maximization of profit – it
is avoidance of loss.

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 69

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 70
Industry vs Productivity
• industry is a sector that produces goods or
related services within an economy. The major
source of revenue of a group or company is an
indicator of what industry it should be classified
in. Industri adalah kegiatan ekonomi yang
mengolah bahan mentah, bahan baku, barang
setengah jadi atau barang jadi menjadi barang
yang bermutu tinggi dalam penggunaannya,
termasuk kegiatan rancang bangun dan
perekayasaan industri.
• Productivity is defined as the efficient use of
resources, labour, capital, land, materials,
energy, information, in the production of various
goods and services. Higher productivity means
accomplishing more with the same amount of
resources or achieving higher output in terms of
volume and quality from the same input.

Industrial Safety, Safety Engineering &

Sritomo W.Soebroto 71
Occupational Safety & Health
• Safety is the state of being "safe" (from
French sauf), the condition of being
protected from harm or other non-
desirable outcomes. Safety can also refer
to the control of recognized hazards in
order to achieve an acceptable level of
• Occupational safety and health (OSH), also
commonly referred to as
occupational health and safety (OHS),
occupational health, or work-
place health and safety (WHS), is a
multidisciplinary field concerned with
the safety, health, and welfare of people at

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 72

K3 – Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
K3 merupakan salah satu aspek perlindungan tenaga kerja dan
sekaligus melindungi aset perusahaan/ industri.

 Setiap tenaga kerja berhak mendapat

perlindungan atas keselamatan dan kesehatan
dalam melakukan pekerjaan, dan setiap orang
lainnya yang berada di tempat kerja perlu terjamin
pula keselamatannya serta setiap sumber produksi
perlu dipakai dan dipergunakan secara aman dan
efisien sehingga proses produksi berjalan lancar
(UU No 1 Tahun 1970 tentang Keselamatan Kerja).
 Hak atas jaminan keselamatan ini membutuhkan
prasyarat adanya lingkungan kerja yang aman dan
sehat bagi tenaga kerja dan masyarakat di

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 73

Aplikasi Iptek di Industri

• Pemanfaatan IPTEK dalam proses industri dapat menimbulkan

kecelakaan, peledakan, kebakaran, penyakit akibat kerja dan
pencemaran lingkungan.
• Pengalaman menunjukkan bahwa setiap kecelakaan selalu
mengakibatkan kerugian yang bersifat ekonomi, penderitaan
korban dan keluarganya serta masyarakat umum

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 74

Age of Technology Impacts on Safety

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 75

Mega Trend in Industry
Salah satu dampak mega trend adalah dalam sektor industri
yang dikenal dalam revolusi industri dari 1.0 - 4.0

Apa Pengaruh Terhadap K3 di Industri ?

(Hazards Identification & Risks Assessment)
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 76
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 77
Revolusi Industri 1.0 sd 3.0

 Revolusi industri pertama 1.0 terjadi pada abad 18, ketika ditemukan
mesin - mesin bertenaga uap yang membuat manusia beralih dari
mengandalkan tenaga hewan ke mesin-mesin produksi mekanis.
 Revolusi industri kedua 2.0 berlangsung di sekitar 1870 ketika
perindustrian dunia beralih ke tenaga listrik yang mampu menciptakan
produksi massal.
 Revolusi industri ketiga 3.0 terjadi di era 1960-an saat perangkat
elektronik mampu menghadirkan otomatisasi produksi.

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 78

The 4th Industrial Revolution – Industry 4.0

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 79

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 80
Antisipasi (Revolusi) Industri 4.0

 Pabrik pintar sebagai produk Industri 4.0 nyaris tidak membutuhkan

tenaga kerja manusia. Mesin-mesin dan robot pengganti tenaga
manusia bakal hadir (sudah terjadi di revolusi industri sebelumnya).
Gelombang Industri 4.0 masih menyisakan ruang bagi tenaga
manusia, tapi ini sangat terbatas, hanya untuk tenaga kerja terampil.
 Dunia memang sedang bergerak menuju era Industri 4.0. Pasar
tenaga kerja berubah drastis sebagai dampak digitalisasi kegiatan
ekonomi. Di satu sisi, kekhawatiran naiknya tingkat pengangguran
akan terus membayangi perekonomian. Di sisi lain, Industri 4.0 justru
membuka peluang baru bagi kreativitas tenaga kerja sekaligus
menaikkan standardisasi tenaga kerja terampil.
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 81
Revolusi Industri 4.0

Sebenarnya kita sedang berada di ambang era baru di mana

konsep-konsep ekonomi tradisional tidak lagi bisa diandalkan.

Sekarang ini kita hidup dalam dunia yang bergerak cepat dan
saling terkoneksi, dimana perubahan teknologi, politik,
demografi, dan ekonomi secara bersamaan mampu
mengguncang dunia nyaris secara instan.

Klaus Schwab, World Economy Forum (WEF), 1970

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 82
Apa dan Bagaimana Industri 4.0 Bekerja ?
 Industri 4.0 mengintegrasikan dunia online
dengan produksi industri. Sebuah pabrik
pintar (smart factory) yang didalamnya
dijumpai mesin-mesin dan robot yang
mampu bekerja menjalankan tugas-tugas
rumit, bertukar informasi, saling memberi
dan menerima perintah secara otomatis
tanpa melibatkan manusia.
 Semua proses produksi beroperasi dengan
memanfaatkan teknologi internet Dimana
semua obyek dilengkapi sensor yang
mampu berkomunikasi sendiri dengan
sistem teknologi informasi (ICT).

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 83

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Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 87
Safety in Industry 4.0

With all the talk of Industry 4.0 we need to address the very
important issue of safety. Honeywell are tackling the safety side of
Industry 4.0 with its personal protective equipment, as every year
there are huge numbers of tragedies and cost with casualties and
diseases that are not acknowledged. Taking a look at Industry 4.0
and the safety industry as a whole, there is a €476bn cost of
workplace related injuries and ill health to the EU, and according to
the EU-OSHA, 98% of work related deaths in the EU are caused by
work related illnesses.
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 88
Safety in Industry 4.0
With the rapid change of the
modern world into an ‘Industry 4.0’
economy, it can be said that the
change is somewhat similar to the
Industrial revolution of the 18th
century. Industries have undergone
a significant change in terms of
production and optimization of the
whole process, things like machine
learning; AI i.e. artificial intelligence
and automation are the primary

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 89

Karakteristik K3/OSH Industri 4.0

• Remote operation –
• Penggunaan robot
• Kontak Manusia dengan
alat kerja
• Kontak dengan Hazards
• Personal Risk
• Health Hazards

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 90

Tantangan Safety in Era 4.0
Dalam 30 tahun ke depan, kata
Jack Ma:
Jack Ma kepada David Faber
Perubahan serius di dunia.
dari CNBC, kecerdasan buatan
Gelombang Baru akan datang,
akan melampaui pengetahuan
Dunia akan menjadi DATA
manusia, yang menyebabkan
hilangnya pekerjaan.
“Gelombang baru akan datang.
Pekerjaan akan diambil alih
(oleh data)," ujar Jack Ma.
"Orang-orang yang mengejar itu,
akan kaya, akan lebih sukses."
tambahnya sebagaimana dilansir
dari CNBC Make It di Jakarta,
Selasa (25/8/2020)
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 91
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 92
Safety Data
(Data Security)

Data security means protecting

digital data, such as those in a
database, from destructive
forces and from the unwanted
actions of unauthorized users,
such as a cyberattack or
a data breach. Technologies Disk
encryption. Disk encryption
refers to encryption technology
that encrypts data …
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 93
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 94
The Occupational Health and Safety
Dimension of Industry 4.0
• Review : This 4.0 technological revolution,
designed to make industrial production
more efficient, more flexible and of higher
quality, is characterized by greater
automation and computerization. This
trend will inevitably affect the way work is
organized and carried out, and may affect
the health and safety of workers.
• OHS 4.0 Objective : To provide a
comprehensive overview of the
Occupational opportunities and problematical aspects of
Health & Safety Industry 4.0 in relation to the health and
safety of workers.

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 95

The Occupational Health and Safety
Dimension of Industry 4.0

Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 96

Results & Discussion
• Results: Automated machines and robots can either
replace workers or sustain them by making their tasks
more flexible, safer, and socially more inclusive. On the
other hand, workers will be engaged in tasks requiring
decision-making, responsibility and management, as well
as man-machine interaction that will expose them both to
health and safety risks intrinsically related to automated
tools and to greater psychosocial stress.

• Discussion: Occupational health professionals, responsible for

safeguarding health in the workplace, should make an adequate
assessment of the risks attributable to 4.0 tools and should
promote and protect the health and safety of workers through
careful risk management based on continuous occupational
training and information.
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 97
Let’s implement Safety, Health & Ergonomic activities to
achieve Great World Class Company …. and
Better People Quality of Life !!!
Sritomo W.Soebroto ErgoSafety in Industry 4.0 98
Thank You !!!

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