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The Nazi Cult of

Motherhood and The

Art of  Propaganda
The Inception
Hitler as we all know was a master
advocator and was extremely masterly in
persuading people. So, in order to
accomplish his aim of a unified Genius ! :
"Nazi state", he(maybe she..) made sure )
that :-
卐 Children in Nazi Germany were
repeatedly made aware of their presumed
"radical differntiation between men and
卐  The fight for equal rights for men
and women that had become a part of
democratic struggle everywhere was
wrong and that it would destroy
society( theirs as you guessed it:).
卐  While boys were sent off to be taught
to be militaristic, girls were usually told
that they had to be good mothers and
rear pure-blooded Aryan children.
  卐  Girls attended classes that taught them how to be
good mothers and wives. Girls were also encouraged to
join youth groups (which later progressed for them to the
League of German Maidens) which taught them the
importance of motherhood and ways to be a good wife.
卐 Women were expected to have large families and
would earn rewards based upon how many children they
卐  Girls were also asked to maintain the purity of the
race, distance themselves from Jews, look after the home,
and teach their children "Nazi values".
卐   They had "the great responsibility of the Nazi state to
be the bearers of the Aryan race and culture".
Nazi expectations
for women 
Hitler says :
卐  Women are the center of family life, as housewives and
mothers. Female doctors, teachers and civil servants were
forced to give up their careers .Women weren't allowed in
the army. Their job was to keep the home nice for their
husband and family. 
卐  Hitler wanted Germany to have a high birth rate, so that
the population would grow. The Nazis even considered
making it a law that families should have at least
"4" children.
卐  "The Law for the Encouragement of Marriage" gave
newly-wed couples a loan of 1,000 marks and allowed them
to keep "250" marks for each child they had. Women were
supposed to copy traditional German peasant dress , with
hair in buns and flat shoes. They were not expected to wear
makeup or tousers, dye their hair or smoke in public.
What Hitler said
about Motherhood
In 1933, Hitler said:' In my state
the mother is the most important
But in Nazi Germany all mothers were
not treated equally. Women who "bore
racially undesirable children were
punished" and those who "produced
racially desirable children were
awarded". They were given favoured
treatment in hospitals and were also
entitled to concessions in shops and on
theatre tickets and railway fares. To
"encourage" women to produce "many
children", "HONOUR CROSSES" were
awarded with a bronze cross to
bearers of four children, silver for
six and gold for eight or more .
All Aryan women who deviated from the
prescribed code of conduct were publicly
Those who maintained contact or relations with
the Jews, Poles and Russians were made to
walk in the town with shaved heads, blackened
faces and placards hanging around their neck
mentioning “I have sullied the honour of the
nation.” Many received jail sentences and lost
civic honour as well as their husbands and
families for this 'criminal offence'.

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