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Group 2
Bahenting, Getes, Hogman, Panibon, Quiachon
The human being is innately good. They are said to be gifted with
the ability to know the highest good that engages themselves in
freedom in choosing to act on the good that they ought to do.

Freedom means knowing the best goal and being able to reach it
through decisive action.

Contractual labor may be good in that it provides a living for a

short period of time. But what will happen to them at the end of
their contract? They are concerned with the well-being of the

“Why not just regularize them?”

Point #1

Contractual labor is not morally acceptable in view of

the fact that it slows down the economy due to the
termination of employees at every end of the contract,
it also affects the employees that are being terminated
since their job is their source of fund and budget for
their family it’s both difficult for the people and
government that’s why I am not in favor in this, only
businessmen benefit this kind of agreement.
Point #2
Contractual duties might also be an insufficient basis because
individuals might feel responsible for things not included in the
For example, a teacher or social worker might feel obliged to
take responsibility for a kid in ways that go far beyond her
contractual obligations. If all that there were to occupational
duties were what is written down in the contract, this would
mean that workers who are willing to take on extra
responsibilities are morally misguided - which may sometimes be
the case, but which we would often not see as an adequate
description of a case.
Point #3

Work contracts can, explicitly or implicitly, include duties that

require a lot from individuals.

This is the case if these burdens, e.g. certain risks, come with
the job. Some jobs, such as being a firefighter, consist in taking
on certain risks; some jobs have such additional duties as a
probable by-product, as in the case of doctors who might be
called upon in emergencies even outside their working hours.
Contractualization is good in the first part but turns out to be bad
in the latter part. It is good for the short term by giving a chance
for everybody to work. It is bad in the long run for it makes the
company exploit its loophole and abuse the rights of the workers.
If humans are innate to be good, “Why do these things happen?”

St. Thomas said that humans have the freedom to do the highest
good then, but the acts of those companies taking advantage of the
workers is a contradictory idea in regards to the theory of St.
Thomas. Moreover, the government should also come up with a
way to apply new laws or rules that provide workers with a fair
chance at success. After all, while the nation needs to advance
economically, workers also need to be paid fairly so they can
support their families. to prevent anyone from being left behind.
Stop contractual labor!

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