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Human Rights

“The destiny of human rights is in

the hands of all our citizens in all
our communities.”

Plesca Sara-Antonia
Human Rights refers to the
concept of human beings as
having universal natural rights, or
status, regardless of legal
jurisdiction or other localizing,
such as ethnicity, nationality, and
Human Rights are…
 set of standard that guarantee a life befitting a
rational human being
 basic and minimum standards without which
people can’t live in dignity
 guarantees the developement and wholeness of
our being
 the “Foundation of freedom, justice and peace in
the world”
 Denial of Human Rights is not only an individual’ personal tragedy, it also creates
conditions of social and political unrest, violence and conflict within and between
societies and nations
 Human Rights must be appropriate and adequate to the basic needs of the people
 Being aware of our human rights come the responsabiliy in developing and
protecting our dignity and that of others
 Human Rights provide a framework for action where people are empowered to
change their lives and the society
There are four Characteristic of Human Rights
 INHERENT – essential part of our lives
 UNIVERSAL – people have human rights
whoever they are and whatever they are
 INDIVISIBLE – human rights must be
enjoyed by everyone in its full range
 INALIENABLE – can’tbbe taken away o
transferred (but can be limited when the
exercise of it is an affront to the rights of
Human Rights can be classified as…
 CIVIL RIGHTS – e.g. right to a name, right to freedom from discrimination, right
to equality before the law, right to public trial, right to marry, right to leve a
country, etc.
 POLITICAL RIGHTS – e.g. right to vote, right to freedom of expression, right to
free and periodic elections, etc.
 ECNOMIC RIGHTS – e.g. right to work, right to own property, right to adequate
standard of living, etc.
 SOCIAL RIGHTS – e.g. right to social security, right to social welfare, etc.
 CULTURAL RIGHTS – e.g. right to take part in the cultural life, right to enjoy the
benefits of scientific progress and its application
What is the Human Rights Education?
Human Rights Education entitles every
woman, man, youth, and child to:
 The human right to free and compulsory elementary education and to readily
available forms of secondary and higher education,
 The human right to freedom from discrimination in all areas and levels of
education, and to equal access to continuing education and vocational training,
 The human right to information about health, nutrition, reproduction, and family
 The human right to equality between men and women and to equal partnership in
the family and society
 The human right to work and receive wages that contributed to an adequate standard
of living
 The human right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief
 The human right to an adequate standard of living
 The human right to participate in shaping decisions and policies affecting one’s
community, at the local, national and international levels

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