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Shape and
 bean-shaped
 located on either side of the
spine, below the ribs and behind
the abdomen
Functions of kidney

 excretion of waste products

 regulation of homeostasis
 secretion of hormones
Kidney disease

 chronic kidney disease (CKD)

 kidney Stones
 glomerulonephritis
 polycystic kidney disease
 Most human beings are born with 2 kidneys. However, if
one of the kidneys is taken out, the body only loses 25%
of kidney function. Due to hypertrophy, the remaining
kidney continues to sustain the body
For children born with renal agenesis, the lone kidney

grows till it has the combined weight of two.

facts  Healthy kidney produces 150-170 liters of primary urine

per day.
 About 120 liters of blood go through kidneys every hour
 World Kidney Day is celebrated at the beginning of
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