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Best Tablet to overcome Men

Erectile Dysfunction(Impotence)
What is Cenforce
• Cenforce 100 mg is one of the best medicinal drugs that help to treat Erectile
Dysfunction (impotence) in males.

• Sildenafil Citrate is its active ingredient.

• Being a generic medication there are various manufacturers but Centurion Laboratories
is one of the trusted manufacturer.

• This medicine belongs to the class of PDE5 inhibitors.

• As being an active medicine for strong erection, it helps easily enjoy the second round in
a very short span of time.

• It has helped a lot of men suffering from ED lead happy sexual life.

• As most prefer buying such medicines in privacy, this medicine is easily available in only
pharmacy store just like Allmedscare.
How does Cenforce works
• Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a medical situation in which the penis loses its ability to remain

• In any normal human body, the blood vessels on the penis expand when sexually aroused
and blood pressure in other parts of the body is lowered. This increased supply of blood to
the penile area causes strong erection.

• But it is not the same with men suffering from ED. When sexually stimulated, the blood
vessels fail to expand, and due to low or no flow of blood in the penis, no or little erection
takes place.

• This is where Cenforce 100 mg tablet can help cause boom to men suffering ED get a strong

• The sildenafil citrate active ingredient present in this medicine quickly enters your
bloodstream after consumption. This helps ease the pelvis muscles along with lowering your
blood pressure, expanding the blood vessels of the penis resulting in a strong erection that
last long.
Reference Image
How long do one needs to wait after eating
• For best results, it is always recommended to take this medicine 30
to 40 minutes before making sex.

• In the general case, the duration of erection lasts from 4 to 5 hours

depending on several factors.

• For all those who have a smoking habit or are alcohol addicts or all
those men who consume alcohol or smoke before or during sex. The
pills lose their efficiency after mixing alcohol and smoke with the

• But around about 4 to 5 hours are enough for attaining the best
sexual pleasure.
Ways to Consume Cenforce Tablet
• It is very simple to consume Cenforce 100 mg tablets.

• Gulp 1 pill of Cenforce or as prescribed by the doctor with 1

glass of normal water. Do not use cold water to consume this
medicine for quick results.

• For better results, the medicine should be swallowed as a

whole and not be crushed into pieces or to be chewed.

• Consuming it with only normal water is always best

recommended. Adding other liquids such as alcohol to
consume medicine may cause adverse side effects.
Types of Doses
Storage Condition
• Most preferably store it in cold

• Maintaining temperatures
ranging from 14oC to 35oC.

• Keep the drug away from warm

and moist places as moisture
may react with the drug and
contaminate its ingredient.
Side Effects Caused
Side effects may vary in each individual. Body, size, immunity and lot other
factors contributes to side effects. Some may find side effects while some may
not. General side effects found are as follows.

• Headache
• High blood pressure
• Breathlessness
• Blurred vision
• Loss of vision in critical case
• Stomach ache
• Pain in Chest
• Joint pain
• Swollen skin
• Appearance of Sores
• Itching
Precautions While Consuming
• Unless you are a doctor, Let it be Cenforce or any other medicine do not
consume without consulting a health expert.

• In any case, if you have gone through any surgery especially the heart then do
not experiment with this medicine unless consulting a doctor.

• As this medicine is generic, always recommended to buy Cenforce from an

authorized store or person.

• This medicine is available in different forms such as 25 Mg, 50 Mg, 100 Mg,
150 Mg, and 200 Mg. Hence get the proper dose assigned by your health
consult for best results.

• This medicine is to be consumed 1 pill in 24 hours. Eating more than 1 pill

within 24 hours may cause pain during erection or fatal reactions in the body.
• An unhealthy diet plan, living a wrong lifestyle such as addiction to smoking/excessive
drinking of alcohol, unhealthy body weight due to lack of exercise are the main reasons
behind ED.

• Apart from this, a person may also experience erectile dysfunction under emotional,
medical treatment or due to health issues such as heart problems or diabetes.

• In most cases, a man suffering from depression, isolation or suffering from anxiety
attacks is more prone to experience occasional ED.

• Apart from this medication, some consume on daily basis may also affect the flow of
blood in the penis, causing ED. In such cases, a person may stop experiencing ED after
the completion of medical treatment.

• But for all those who experience frequent ED Cenforce tablet is a trusted and well-
known drug that helps overcome ED in men. Most men from all over the world are
consuming this medicine for years keeping ED under hide.
Thank you for your Time

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