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Diversity in Education

Assignment 3
Ni Luh Putu Niken Apsari (1912021109)
What are the example of diversity in
There are so many diversity that probably could happen in
education field. For example in school, there are diversity in
language. Not all learners will be fluent with the same language.
Their mother tongue might be Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, or
another language. The learners will speak with one another in
English, their second language.
Exposing pupils to a wide range of
perspectives, ideas, and cultural backgrounds
encourages them to be more open-minded later Why is diversity
in life. This enables individuals to participate in
a broader range of social groupings and to feel important in
more secure in themselves and their
relationships with others. It also teaches education?
students how to contribute in a varied working
environment by utilizing their individual
abilities and points of view.
My experience
Based on my experience, i found that in my school back then, a
lot of my friend speak with different dialect and even different
region language. At first it was hard to understand what they are
speaking, and my friends feel the same too. Based on that, we
think that it is better if we use Indonesian language while we
speak, because we will understand it better.
In my opinion, diversity is created by so many
things that actually have big differences, it
could be cultural or it is just the way we being
raised. From those differences, we all meet
others with different cultural too. We can learn
What is diversity?
from those differences, obviously.

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