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Velin Shah

EST 7 Sem

Wastewater Treatment-II
Methods of Disinfection
• Boiling: Water bacteria can be eliminated by boiling it for an extended period of time. However, it
is not practicable to boil large volumes of water. Furthermore, it is incapable of dealing with any
future contaminations.
• Excess Lime Treatment: Lime is used in water treatment plants to soften the water. However, if
too much lime is added to the water, it can also kill the bacteria. When lime is added to water, it
elevates the pH value, making it very alkaline. Bacterial survival has been discovered to be
harmed by this excessive alkalinity. Before the water can be distributed to the general public,
excess lime must be removed from it. After disinfection, lime removal treatments like as
recarbonation should be applied.
• Treatment with Ozone: Ozone easily degrades into regular oxygen and emits nascent oxygen. The
nascent oxygen acts as a potent oxidising agent, removing both organic materials and
microorganisms from the water. The ozone dose ranges from 2 to 5 ppm, while the contact time
ranges from 5 to 10 minutes. If leftover ozone is detected in water after a certain period of time,
it is immediately eliminated.
• Chlorination: The germicidal activity of chlorine is described by the current Enzymatic hypothesis,
which states that chlorine penetrates bacterium cell walls and kills enzymes that are vital for the
metabolic activities of living organisms.
• Ultraviolet Radiation: UV rays are emitted when mercury is contained in a quartz bulb and an
electric current is sent through it. These rays have been discovered to be extremely effective in
killing all sorts of bacteria. Water is allowed to flow around the bulb numerous times in this
procedure. The flow depth should not exceed 10-15 cm. This approach does not add flavour or
colour to water, and there is no risk of overdose.
• Potassium Permanganate: Potassium Permanganate is a strong oxidizer. It oxidises the organic
stuff in the water, killing the bacteria. However, this is not suited for large-scale public water
delivery projects.
• Disinfection by Silver: Silver has been discovered to be quite good in killing microorganisms.
Water is passed through the filter media with silver foils on top. The water absorbs part of the
silver, which kills the germs. The silver dosage ranges from 0.5 to 1 ppm.
Chlorination is the process of disinfecting water using chlorine.
The word chlorination refers to the process of destroying germs in drinking water and
wastewater in order to preserve public health from water-borne illnesses.
Because chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent, it is the most often used disinfectant in India
and numerous other nations.
Chlorine penetrates bacterium cell walls and kills enzymes that are required for metabolic
activities in living organisms.
Application Chlorine may be
of chlorine applied in water in
any one of the
following forms:
• Chlorine
• Chloramines
• Bleaching Powder
• Chlorine dioxide
Forms of Chlorination
• Plain Chlorination: The method of adding merely chlorine to raw water is known as
straightforward chlorination. In this situation, the raw water is sufficiently clean that no
first treatment such as sedimentation, coagulation, or filtration is required.
• Pre-chlorination: It is the use of chlorine prior to filtration. It can be included into the
suction pipes or the mixing basin. It decreases bacterial load on filters, resulting in longer
filter runs and the oxidation of surplus organic materials. This aids in the removal of taste
and odour and makes the water fit for usage.
• Post-Chlorination: Post chlorination is when chlorine is given to the water after all
treatments have been completed. It is usually done after filtration. This chlorine dosage is
given to water to control contamination as it travels through the distribution system.
• Super-Chlorination: Super-chlorination is the process of applying chlorine beyond the
creation of a breakpoint. This therapy is required when there is an outbreak of a water-
borne illness. However, as a result of this treatment, there may be a lot of residual
chlorine in the water, which is unpleasant for the users. Dechlorination should be
performed to reduce the residual chlorine to an acceptable level.
• De-Chlorination: Dechlorination is the process of removing excess residual chlorine from
water. The residual chlorine should not be fully eliminated, but a little quantity of
chlorine (approximately 0.25 to 0.50 ppm) should be left in the water so that it does not
harm the distribution system.
Chemistry of Chlorine Reactions
Chlorine immediately dissolves in water forming
hypochlorous acid (HOCl) which, in turn, dissociates to form
hypochlorite (OCl¯) and hydrogen (H+) ions. The main
reactions are as follows:
The HOCl and OCl (Hypochlorous acid and Hypochlorite ion)
formed as above are referred to as free chlorine. This free
form of chlorine is highly reactive and, thus, acts on a
number of pathogen to inactivate them.
pH and temperature determine the equilibrium relationship

HOCl levels are higher at lower pH (at <5 pH all chlorine is

HOCl, 76% HOCl at 7.0 pH, 33% at 7.8 pH and ~ 0% at >

HOCl fraction increases with decreasing temperature

• Breaking Point Chlorination is the process
of chlorinating water to the point that not
only live organisms but also other organic
contaminants in the water are eliminated.
• As chlorine is introduced, readily
oxidizable compounds such as Fe2+,
Mn2+, H2S, and organic matter react with
it, reducing most of it to the chloride ion.
• Following the initial need, the additional
chlorine reacts with the ammonia to
generate chloramines.
 Some chloramines will be converted to nitrogen trichloride, the remaining
chloramines will be oxidized to nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitrogen (N2), and the
chlorine will be reduced to chloride ion.

 With continued addition of chlorine, most of the chloramines will be oxidized

at the breakpoint.
 Continued addition of chlorine past the breakpoint, will result in a directly
proportional increase in the free available chlorine (unreacted hypochlorite).
Tests for Residual Chlorine
• The quantity of chlorine that remains in the water after a given duration or contact time is
referred to as residual chlorine.
• The presence of free chlorine (also known as chlorine residual, free chlorine residual, and
residual chlorine) in drinking water indicates that:
1. Enough chlorine was initially added to the water to inactivate bacteria and viruses that
may cause diarrheal disease; and the water is protected from recontamination during
2. The level of free chlorine in drinking water correlates with the absence of most disease-
causing organisms and hence serves as a measure of water potability.
The residual chlorine in water is tested by the following tests:
• Orthotolidin Test:
• This test is carried out by the following procedure:
• 1 ml of orthotolidin solution is added to 100 ml of sample of water in a test tube
• A yellow colour will be formed. The intensity of colour will indicate the amount of residual chlorine which
should be ascertained by comparing with colour standard. As for example,

Deep Yellow-indicates very high chlorine content

Medium Yellow-indicates moderately high chlorine content

Light Yellow-indicates slightly high chlorine content

Lemon Yellow-indicates safe for potable water

(b) Starch Iodide Test:

10 ml of potassium-iodide is mixed with 1 liter of sample of water. The mixture is agitated thoroughly.
This test is
carried out 5 ml of starch solution is added to the above solution and a blue colour is formed.
by the
This colour is removed by titration with sodium thiosulphate solution.
procedure: The chlorine content is ascertained as follows:

Chlorine Content =
0.3546 * Quantity of
thiosulphate solution
required (in ppm).
Mixing Device of
• Chlorine is mixed with water with a device which is
known as chlorinator.
• It consists of a glass jar containing distilled water in
which the chlorine is fed from the chlorine cylinder.
• An agitator is provided inside the jar. It agitates the
distilled water to form a uniform chlorine.
• It agitates the distilled water to form a uniform
chlorine solution.
• This solution is fed to the water in the main pipe
through injector pipe.
• To control the dose of chlorine a regulator is provided
in the injector pipe.
• One regulator is provided in chlorine inlet pipe and
the other is provided in distilled water pipe to regulate
the flow of chlorine and distilled water respectively.
Thank you

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