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• During 19th century ,communication fundamentally
changed in the society,the society that communicated
thorugh voice art and the written word ,the country
added a federal postal
• The world is under the grip of ‘ communication revolution’ is
seen in many ways .This revolution is considered as the third
wave of the global revolution.
• Due to the print revolution the printing techniqes had
evolved.the machine published books became the primary
sources of the information.
• The ‘communication revolution’ has affected the speed of
business communications,the distance from which
information can be obtained ,the amount of information
being used.
"The medium is the message."
"Ads are the cave art of the twentieth century."
"Diaper backward spells repaid. Think about it."
The work of Canadian philosopher Herbert Marshall McLuhan, who lived from
July 21, 1911, to December 31, 1980, is one of the foundations of the study of
media theory. He received his education at the Universities of Manitoba and
Cambridge. Before relocating to the University of Toronto in 1946, where he
spent the rest of his life, he started his teaching career as an English professor at
a number of universities in the United States and Canada. In the first chapter of
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, McLuhan introduced the phrase
"the medium is the message" and the concept of the "global village. "Nearly 30
years before the World Wide Web was created, he predicted its existence.
Four laws of media :

Enhance: The new media enhances, makes possible, or accelerates some things.

Reverse: the new media will reverse it’s original characteristics.

Retrieve: The new media brings back some features of earlier media.

Obsolesce: new media obsolesces some old media.

For example, a car makes it possible for you to travel faster. Too many of them reverses that effect as you
get trapped in traffic jams. The car retrieves the era of knighthood or even cowboy culture … have horse
will travel … and obsolesced the horse and buggy.
• ISAAC ASIMOV(Born January 2
1920,petrovichi,Russia—died April
6,1992,newyork,U.S.)American author and
biochemist,a highly successful and prolific
writer of science fiction and of science
books for the layperson.he wrote or edited
about 500 volumes,of which the most
famous are those in the foundation and
robot series.
• In Asimov’s science fiction, he is writing
perhaps most weel-known for his three laws
of robotics.
Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of
• A robot may not injure a human being or, through
inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

• A robot must obey orders given it by human beings

except where such orders would conflict with the First

• A robot must protect its own existence as long as such

protection does not conflict with the First or Second
What are the benefits of robotics?
• increase productivity
• efficiency

• quality

• consistency of products

• Unlike humans, robots don't get bored.

 The communication revolution which took many decades
helped large numbers of people become literate and raised
living standards along the way.

The communication revolution would not take place

without technological advances.

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