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Made Easy

Sowing The Seed

Without Fear
Made Easy
In The New Testament...
 The charge was given Mt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15-16
 It was carried out Ac 8:4-5; 1Th 1:8
 The gospel quickly spread Co 1:23; Ro 10:17-18

How About Today...?

 Have we accepted the charge?
 Is the gospel being shared?
 “Are you sowing the seed of the kingdom, brother?”
Made Easy
Challenges That Discourages Many...
 Finding prospects for study
 Setting up the study
 Teaching the material
 Answering questions
 Asking for a decision
 The fear of rejection
Made Easy
Use Correspondence Courses...
 Eliminates most challenges of evangelism
 The prospects teach themselves
 Questions can be answered at your leisure
 People given opportunity to make a decision

Use Direct Mail...

 You can target a specific audience
 Everyone glances at their mail
 Non-intrusive, non-confrontational
Made Easy
Example: “Jesus, The Way” BCC...
 Written by Sewell Hall
 Simple, inexpensive, yet adequate
 7 lessons presenting Jesus as The Way
 First lesson presents gospel fundamentals
 First lesson suitable for direct mailing
 Even if not returned, the gospel has been shared!
Made Easy
A Plan Of Action...
 Mail first lesson to friends and neighbors
 Start small – send out a few each week
 Mail to everyone on your street
 Mail to family, friends, co-workers, strangers
 Use to get addresses of people
living in your neighborhood
 For every lesson sent, the gospel is shared!
Made Easy

As Easy As
A Trip To Your Mailbox!

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