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US Climate Foreign

By Alyssa Tomins
Policy Problem:

Two main areas where US foreign policy deals with climate

1. Aid to other countries to combat climate change
a. $900 million to $2 billion annually to Global Climate
Change Initiative under Obama administration
b. $0 to GCCI under Trump administration
2. Paris Agreement
a. Joined in 2015 under Obama administration
b. Withdrew in 2020 under Trump administration
Policy Options:

1. Reverse Trump policies and return to Obama era plan.

2. Expand on US Climate Aid Commitments by increasing
foreign aid.
3. Propose a Green New Deal (but name it something
different) and get Congress to pass funding for a plan to
make the US carbon neutral by 2040.
4. Do nothing.
International Impacts

 Rejoin Paris Agreement and rebuild soft power

 Drastically reduce CO2 emissions
 Encourage other countries and organizations to
pursue bold climate policy
 For example, the EU proposed the European Green Deal
in December 2019
Domestic Impacts

 Create millions of jobs and stimulate the economy

 Reduce reliance on fossil fuels
 Reduce CO2 emissions
 Will be difficult to pass

 The US is experiencing an economic crisis during COVID-

19, so this legislation could be framed to create millions
of jobs in the renewable energy industry.
 Would be extremely challenging to pass this legislation.
Would need to be rebranded and there would need to be
changes made to the original proposal.

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