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Target Group:

• Our Target segment will be the growing child of school-Age (6-12 years).
• The role that habit formation at such an young can play in promoting long run behavioral change.
• The key ‘influences’ in children’s habit-of-mind formation and how they have an effect, can help in
creating long lasting habits such a brushing twice a day through out their lifetimes.

The Problem:
•  At least 8 out of 10 children in India suffer from oral health issues, underscoring the need for
immediate action.
• Children lose baby teeth between 6 and 12 years of age. Prevent tooth decay by brushing teeth
twice a day and avoiding sugary foods and drinks etc.
• The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride
toothpaste for two minutes each time.

• Educating the importance of brushing twice is important and create the necessary awareness
among the households including the estimated future cost of dental expenses due to negligence.

Positioning Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior:
Common barriers are due to the lack of habit of brushing at night. Creating conducive en9vroment through
influencers is the only way.

Role of Influencers in making children Brush Twice:

Parenting practices and parenting styles

Parenting practices and styles in relation to their children’s activities in the early years have a powerful influence upon
the child’s cognitive ability and long-term habits.
Reaching out to young parents and making them well educated about the benefits of maintaining dental hygiene by
brushing twice a day for their child’s dental care.

Teacher influences
Several studies have examined how children’s dispositions and behaviours in school relate to the quality of the pupil-
teacher relationship.

Media Strategy:
Advertising influences preschool and primary school-aged children on many levels, including the relatively immediate
product-persuasion effects intended by the advertiser.
Kids as an audience i.e. the age-group of 02-14 years, accounts for 20% of total TV impressions. This is the highest
share across all age cuts.

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