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Genre is a French word that means type or kind. Most students
will be aware of genre as a way of putting films, television
programmes and other media texts into groups that have things
in common, such as the story, or the 'look' of a film, or the
characters, the settings and even the way the characters dress

Genre, as you might guess from the way it sounds, comes straight from
French, a language based on Latin. It's closely related to genus, a word
you may have encountered in biology class. Both words contain
the gen- root because they indicate that everything in a particular
category (a genre or a genus) belongs to the same "family" and thus
has the same origins. So the main genres of classical music would
include symphonies, sonatas, and opera, and the major genres of
literature would include novels, short stories, poetry, and drama.
What is comedy?
• a play, movie, etc., of light and humorous character with a happy or
cheerful ending; a dramatic work in which the central motif is the
triumph over adverse circumstance, resulting in a successful or happy
Why is it called comedy?
• The Greeks and Romans confined their use of the word "comedy" to
descriptions of stage-plays with happy endings. Aristotle defined
comedy as an imitation of men worse than the average (where
tragedy was an imitation of men better than the average).
• Comedy the whole Genre itself. There are funny
humorous moments in various works of media. It is
usually played for laughs; A trope is used for humor
instead of being treated seriously. Impossible things that
are tolerated because they are funny.
• Comedy is also categorized in many forms OR there are
several types of comedy such as:
SITCOM-Situational comedy, driven by scripted plot and
CRINGE COMEDY-Humor derived from embarrassment and
HORROR COMEDY-The hybrid genre of comedy and horror
RANT COMEDY-Humorously trash-talking about something
that really annoys you.
• Comedy may be divided into multiple genres based on the source of
humor, the method of delivery, and the context in which it is
delivered. The different forms of comedy often overlap, and most
comedy can fit into multiple genres. Some of the subgenres of
comedy are farce, comedy of manners, burlesque, and satire. Self-
deprecation is a technique of comedy used by many comedians who
focus on their misfortunes and foibles in order to entertain.
• Stand-up comedy is a mode of comic performance in which
the performer addresses the audience directly, usually
speaking in their own person rather than as a
dramatic character.
• Stand-up comedy is a comedic performance to a live audience
in which the performer addresses the audience directly from
the stage. The performer is known as a comedian, a comic or
a stand-up.
• Stand-up comedy consists of one-liners, stories, observations
or a shtick that may incorporate props, music, magic
tricks or ventriloquism. It can be performed almost anywhere,
including comedy clubs, comedy festivals, bars, nightclubs,
colleges or theatres

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