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E-Commerce Case Study

Submitted to: Dr. Richa Arora

Submitted by: Group 2
Case Study
At the end of 1996, Fujitsu was using an agent-based technology called the Interactive
Marketing Interface (iMi) that allows advertisers to interact directly with targeted
customers and provide valuable services and information. The system enhances the
Customer’s Internet Experience. iMi allows advertisers to interact directly with
specific segments of the customer market through the use of software agents, while
ensuring that consumers remain anonymous to advertisers. Consumers submit a
personal profile to iMi, indicating such characteristics as product categories of
interest, hobbies, travel habits, and the maximum number of e-mail messages per
week that they are willing to receive. In turn, customers receive product
announcements advertisements and marketing surveys from advertisers based on
personal profile information. By answering the marketing surveys or
acknowledgement receipt of advertisements, consumers earned iMi points,
redeemable for gift certificates and phone cards.
Situational Analysis

Before the start of 1997 and after the mid of 1996, Fujitsu was using an agent-based
technology called the Interactive Marketing Interface (iMi) that allows advertisers to
interact directly with targeted customers and provide valuable services and
information. The system enhances the Customer’s Internet Experience.
Facts and Findings

• Fujitsu started using Interactive Marketing Interface (iMi) by the end of 1996.
• iMi allows advertisers to interact directly with targeted customers.
• It provide valuable services and information.
• It allows advertisers to interact directly with specific segments of the customer
market using software agents
Assumption of Problem

• According to the above case study, credentials are asked by iMi by the consumer,
although these are kept anonymous for the advertisers but there is no surety of
• For example, if someone tries to breach the data at iMi then the consumer
credentials can be at risk.

• Strengths:
o Improve internet experience
o Credentials are kept anonymous from advertisers.
o allows advertisers to interact directly with specific segments of the customer
• Opportunity:
o consumers earned iMi points, redeemable for gift certificates and phone
• Threats:
o Security breach
o Misuse of data
Generation of Alternatives

 Google analytics

 GoSquare

 Mixpanel

 Heap

 Formetrics
Q1. State the significance of the case. What is unique about this system?
Ans. • Significance:
 Happened in 1996 so way ahead of its time. Because at that time producing this kind of
technology is revolutionary.
 Customers remains anonymous so all the notifications sent to customers would be
taken seriously instead of spam as they know they are the targetted ones.
 Because of marketing surveys company would be able to improvise and do better in
their respective fields.
• Uniqueness:
 The uniqueness about the Fujitsu is it enhances the customer internet experience it
allows advertisers directly with specific segment of customer market using software
agents, while ensuring the customers remain anonymous to advertisers.
 Consumer's profile is based on personal interests so the services provided by company
would be able to add value to customer's life at a considerable level.
Q2. How is privacy protected?
Ans. The iMi allows advertisers to interact directly with specific segments of the consumer market
using software agents, while ensuring that consumers remain anonymous to advertisers. This
help the credentials of the consumers to stay within the premises of Fujitsu. No intel is given to
Presented By:
Handaki Lamare (1902080002)
Raghav Kumar (1902080005)
Ayush Mittal (1902080033)
Tushar Rana (1902080046)

Any Question?

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