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Dr. Vandana Gupta
• Environmental Management is the process to improve the
relationship between the human beings and environment which
may be achieved through check on destructive activities of man,
conservation, protection, regulation and regeneration of nature.

• Aspects of Environmental Management:

 Socio-economic development

 Stability of biosphere in general and stability of individual

ecosystems in particular 
• To identify the environmental problem and to find its solution.

• To restrict and regulate the exploitation and utilization of natural resources.

• To regenerate degraded environment and to renew natural resources


• To control environmental pollution and gradation.

• To reduce the impacts of extreme events and natural disaster.

• To make optimum utilization of natural resources.

• To assess the impacts of proposed projects and activities on environment.

• To review and revise the existing technologies and make them ecofriendly.

• To formulate laws for the implementation of environmental protection and

conservation programmes.
Components of Environmental Management
Based on five fundamental aspects.

1. Environmental perception and public awareness

(a) Sources of environmental perception and public awareness.

(b) Level of environmental perception.

(c) Role of environmental perception in environmental planning
and management.

2. Environmental education and training:

Environmental education and training should be given at
school, college and University levels by professionals.
3. Resource management
(a) Classification of natural resources

(b) Survey and evaluation of ecological resources

(c) Preservation of resources

(d) Conservation of resources

4. Control of Environmental degradation and pollution

(a) Control of environmental degradation and pollution.

(b) Adopting suitable preventive mechanisms to reduce natural

hazards and disaster.

(c) Regeneration of degraded environment.

5. Environmental impact assessment
(a) Appraisal of existing environmental conditions
(b) Appraisal of existing and proposed production methods
(c) Methodologies and procedures

(d) Probable impacts of existing and proposed project.

(e) Review of technology and required improvement.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
• Environmental assessment (EA) is the assessment of the
environmental consequences (positive and negative) of a
plan, policy, program, or actual projects prior to the
decision to move forward with the proposed action.

• The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision

makers consider the environmental impacts when
deciding whether or not to proceed with a project.
• The International Association for Impact Assessment

(IAIA) defines an Environmental Impact Assessment as

"the process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and

mitigating the biophysical, social, and other relevant

effects of development proposals prior to major

decisions being taken and commitments made".

Concept of EIA
• EIA is a process by which a development is assessed in terms of its likely
impact upon baseline environment, to enable decision makers to
determine the acceptability of a development prior to its approval.

• Baseline environment – population, flora, fauna, air, water, climatic factors,

material assets, landscape and their inter-relationship factors.

• Environmental impact (positive and negative) can be classified in terms of

their significance which an EIA intend to identify (EIA regulation, 2011)
according to relevant best practice guidelines and methodologies.

• Once significant impacts have been identified an EIA will propose

avoidance and mitigation strategies which may be applied to avoid, reduce,
remedy or compensate for the predicted significant effects.
Scope of EIA
The scope of the EIA falls under three broad categories:
• Technical scope
• Spatial scope
• Temporal scope
Technical scope
• determines the extent to which topics should be included
in the EIA
• likely to give rise to significant effects, including direct
effects and any indirect, secondary, cumulative, short,
medium and long-term, permanent and temporary,
positive and negative effects.

Temporal scope
• generally refers to the time periods over which effects
may be experienced.
• This has been established for each technical topic, where
appropriate discussion with the relevant statutory
Spatial or geographical scope has taken into account the
following factors:
• the physical extent of the proposed works, as defined by
the scheme design
• the nature of the baseline environment and the manner
in which the impacts are likely to be propagated
• the pattern of governmental administrative boundaries,
which provide the planning and policy context for the
Proposed Development.
Types of environmental impacts
Direct impact
• Direct impacts occur through direct interaction of an activity with
an environmental, social, or economic component.
• For example, a discharge of any industry or an effluent from the
Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) from the industrial estates into a
river may lead to a decline in water quality in terms of high
biological oxygen demand (BOD) or dissolved oxygen (DO) or rise
of water toxins.
Indirect impacts
• These are not a direct result of the project, often produced away from or as a
result of a complex impact pathway.
• The indirect impacts are also known as secondary or even third level
• For example, ambient air SO2 rise due to stack emissions may deposit on
land as SO4 and cause acidic soils.
• The indirect impacts may also include growth- inducing impacts and other
effects related to induced changes to the pattern of land use or additional
road network, population density or growth rate (e.g. around a power
• In the process, air, water and other natural systems including the ecosystem
may also be affected.
Cumulative Impacts:
• It is created as a result of the combination of the project evaluated in
the EIA together with other projects causing related impacts.
• These impacts occur when the incremental impact of the project is
combined with the cumulative effects of other past, present and
reasonably foreseeable future projects.
Induced Impacts:
• The cumulative impacts can be, due to induced actions of projects and activities that
may occur if the action under assessment is implemented such as growth inducing
impacts and other effects related to induced changes to the pattern of future land use
or additional road network, population density or growth rate.

• Induced actions may not be officially announced or be part of any official plan.
Increase in workforce and nearby communities contributes to this effect.

• They usually have no direct relationship with the action under assessment and
represent the growth- inducing potential of an action. New roads leading from those
constructed for a project, increased recreational activities, and construction of new
service facilities are examples of induce actions.

• However, the cumulative impacts due to induced development or third level or even
secondary indirect impacts are difficult to be quantified. Because of higher levels’ of
uncertainties, these’ impacts cannot be normally assessed over a long time horizon.
An EIA practitioner usually can only guess as to what such induced impacts may be
and the possible extent of their implications on the environmental factors.
EIA techniques
• Ad-hoc method

• Checklist method
• Overlay mapping method
• Network method
• Matrices method
Ad-hoc method
Ad hoc methods
• provide little, if any, formal guidance for an impact assessment.
• While varying considerably with the team of experts, they usually identify a
broad area of impact rather than define specific parameters which should be
investigated or attempt a quantitative assessment.
• A major advantage, however, is in their ease of use and the possibility to tailor
them to the specific circumstances of a given assessment problem without the
constraints of a rigid formalism.
• As a consequence, however, they depend very much on the background,
expertise and experience of the people undertaking them.
• While fast, and possible to conduct with minimal effort, they do not include any
assurance of completeness or comprehensiveness; they may lack consistency in
the analysis due to lack of guidance and a specific formalism;
• and they require the identification as well as the assembly of an appropriate
group of experts for each new assessment.
Checklist method
Matrix method
Network Method
Overlay Method
Modelling Systems
• Modeling  Systems analysis and modeling are among the few techniques that allow consideration of

multi-dimensional problems that involve multiple (and usually conflicting) objectives, multiple criteria,

multiple purposes and users, as well as interest groups.

• Basically, modeling attempts to replicate a real-world situation, so as to allow experimentation with the

replica in order to gain insight into the expected behavior of the real system. Models, implemented on

computers, are extremely powerful tools of analysis, though they are often demanding and complex.

• Modeling has been used extensively in developed countries, but its use for impact assessment in

developing countries has been rather limited because of constraints on resources, especially in expertise

and data.

• The two main problems, namely, lack of expertise and lack of data, are good reasons to look into the

use of computers, in particular into new technologies such as expert systems, interactive modeling, and

dynamic computer graphics. The basic idea behind an expert system is to incorporate expertise, i.e.,

data, knowledge and heuristics relevant to a given problem area into a software system.
• Environmental impact assessment usually deals with rather complex problems that touch upon many
disciplines, and rarely will an individual or a small group of individuals have all the necessary
expertise at their disposal. The expert systems component of an EIA system can help to fill this gap
and at the same time take over the role of a tutor.
• The same line of argument holds for the missing data. A forecast of likely consequences and impacts
has to be based on some kind of model. Whether that is a mental model, a set of ``rules of thumb'' or
heuristics an expert might use, or a formal mathematical model, the necessary information must be
somehow inserted in the (mental or mathematical) procedure. If no specific data are available, one
looks for similar problems for which information or experience exists and extrapolates and draws
upon analogies. This role is usually filled by the expert's knowledge, or by handbooks and similar
sources of information
• Such information, however, can also be incorporated in a
model or its interface, or be made available through dedicated
data bases connected to the models for the automatic
downloading of parameters required.
• In a similar approach, basic parameters such as chemical
properties relevant to environmental fate and transport
calculations, for example, can be provided to the respective
models through auxiliary models or estimation techniques.
System diagram technique
• guide data collection;
• organize and summarize data;
• make explicit interactions between the environment and the
“proposed project”;
• place various kinds of impacts and alternatives in perspective
with each other and with the entire system;
• identify components of a macroscale system which need
microscale analysis;
• and permit quantification of total impact and quantitative
comparisons of impact types, of alternatives, and of
environmental control strategies.
• Drawbacks: The procedures do not guarantee that important
impacts have not been overlooked, do not deal with aesthetic
impacts, and do not guarantee that the appropriate system
boundary has been chosen.
Environmental Impact Statement
• An environmental impact statement (EIS), under United
States Environmental Law, is a document required by the
1969 National Environmental Policy Act  (NEPA) for certain
actions "significantly affecting the quality of the human
• An EIS is a tool for decision making. It describes the positive
and negative environmental effects of a proposed action, and it
usually also lists one or more alternative actions that may be
chosen instead of the action described in the EIS.
• The purpose of the NEPA is to promote informed decision-making by federal agencies by
making "detailed information concerning significant environmental impacts" available to both
agency leaders and the public.
• EIS acts as an enforcement mechanism to ensure that the federal government adheres to the
goals and policies outlined in the NEPA
• An EIS should be created in a timely manner as soon as the agency is planning development
or is presented with a proposal for development.
• The statement should use an interdisciplinary approach so that it accurately assesses both the
physical and social impacts of the proposed development.
•  In many instances an action may be deemed subject to NEPA’s EIS requirement even though
the action is not specifically sponsored by a federal agency.
• These factors may include actions that receive federal funding, federal licensing or
authorization, or that are subject to federal control.
• Not all federal actions require a full EIS. If the action may or may not cause a significant
impact, the agency can first prepare a smaller, shorter document called an Environmental
Assessment (EA).
• The finding of the EA determines whether an EIS is required. If the EA indicates that no
significant impact is likely, then the agency can release a finding of no significant impact
(FONSI) and carry on with the proposed action. Otherwise, the agency must then conduct a
full-scale EIS.
• Most EAs result in a FONSI. A limited number of federal actions may avoid the EA and EIS
requirements under NEPA if they meet the criteria for a categorical exclusion (CATEX)
An EIS typically has four sections:
• An Introduction including a statement of the Purpose and Need of the Proposed Action.
• A description of the Affected Environment.
• A Range of Alternatives to the proposed action. Alternatives are considered the "heart" of the EIS.
• An analysis of the environmental impacts of each of the possible alternatives. This section covers
topics such as:
 Impacts to threatened or endangered species
 Air and water quality impacts
 Impacts to historic and cultural sites, particularly sites of significant importance to Indigenous
 Social and Economic impacts to local communities, often including consideration of attributes
such as impacts on the available housing stock, economic impacts to businesses, property
values, aesthetics and noise within the affected area
 Cost and Schedule Analyses for each alternative, including costs and timeline to mitigate expected
impacts, to determine if the proposed action can be completed at an acceptable cost and within a
reasonable amount of time
• While not required in the EIS, the following subjects may be
included as part of the EIS or as separate documents based on
agency policy.
• Financial Plan for the proposed action identifying the sources
of secured funding for the action. For example, the Federal
Highway Administration has started requiring states to include
a financial plan showing that funding has been secured for
major highway projects before it will approve an EIS and issue
a Record of Decision.
• An Environmental Mitigation Plan is often requested by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) if substantial
environmental impacts are expected from the preferred
• Additional documentation to comply with state and local
environmental policy laws and secure required federal, state,
and local permits before the action can proceed.
• The NEPA process is designed to involve the public and gather the
best available information in a single place so that decision makers
can be fully informed when they make their choices.
• This is the process of EIS
• Proposal: In this stage, the needs and objectives of a project have
been decided, but the project has not been financed.
• Categorical Exclusion (CATEX): As discussed above, the
government may exempt an agency from the process. The agency
can then proceed with the project and skip the remaining steps.
• Environmental Assessment (EA): The proposal is analyzed in
addition to the local environment with the aim to reduce the negative
impacts of the development on the area.
• Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI): Occurs when no
significant impacts are identified in an EA. A FONSI typically allows
the lead agency to proceed without having to complete an EIS.
Environmental Impact Statement
• Scoping: The first meetings are held to discuss existing laws, the available information, and
the research needed. The tasks are divided up and a lead group is selected. Decision makers
and all those involved with the project can attend the meetings.
• Notice: The public is notified that the agency is preparing an EIS. The agency also provides
the public with information regarding how they can become involved in the process. The
agency announces its project proposal with a notice in the Federal resister, notices in local
media, and letters to citizens and groups that it knows are likely to be interested. Citizens and
groups are welcome to send in comments helping the agency identify the issues it must
address in the EIS (or EA).
• Draft EIS (DEIS): Based on both agency expertise and issues raised by the public, the
agency prepares a Draft EIS with a full description of the affected environment, a reasonable
range of alternatives, and an analysis of the impacts of each alternative.
• Comment: Affected individuals then have the opportunity to provide feedback through
written and public hearing statements.
• Final EIS (FEIS) and Proposed Action: Based on the comments on the Draft EIS, the
agency writes a Final EIS, and announces its Proposed Action. The public is not invited to
comment on this, but if they are still unhappy, or feel that the agency has missed a major
issue, they may protest the EIS to the Director of the agency. The Director may either ask the
agency to revise the EIS, or explain to the protester why their complaints are not actually
taken care of.
• Re-evaluation: Prepared following an approved FEIS or ROD when unforeseen changes to the proposed
action or its impacts occurs, or when a substantial period of time has passed between approval of an
action and the planned start of said action. Based on the significance of the changes, three outcomes may
result from a re-evaluation report: (1) the action may proceed with no substantive changes to the FEIS,
(2) significant impacts are expected with the change that can be adequately addressed in a Supplemental
EIS (SEIS), or (3) the circumstances force a complete change in the nature and scope of the proposed
action, thereby voiding the pre-existing FEIS (and ROD, if applicable), requiring the lead agency to
restart the NEPA process and prepare a new EIS to encompass the changes.
• Supplemental EIS (SEIS): Typically prepared after either a Final EIS or Record of Decision has been
issued and new environmental impacts that were not considered in the original EIS are discovered,
requiring the lead agency to re-evaluate its initial decision and consider new alternatives to avoid or
mitigate the new impacts. Supplemental EISs are also prepared when the size and scope of a federal
action changes, when a significant period of time has lapsed since the FEIS was completed to account
for changes in the surrounding environment during that time, or when all of the proposed alternatives in
an EIS are deemed to have unacceptable environmental impacts and new alternatives are proposed.
• Record of Decision (ROD): Once all the protests are resolved the agency issues a Record of Decision
which is its final action prior to implementation. If members of the public are still dissatisfied with the
outcome, they may sue the agency in Federal court.
• Often, the agencies responsible for preparing an EA or EIS do not compile the document directly, but
outsource this work to private-sector consulting firms with expertise in the proposed action and its
anticipated effects on the environment. Because of the intense level of detail required in analyzing the
alternatives presented in an EIS or EA, such documents may take years or even decades to compile, and
often compose of multiple volumes that can be thousands to tens of thousands of pages in length.
• To avoid potential conflicts in securing required permits and approvals after the ROD is issued, the lead
agency will often coordinate with stakeholders at all levels, and resolve any conflicts to the greatest
extent possible during the EIS process. Proceeding in this fashion helps avoid interagency conflicts and
potential lawsuits after the lead agency reaches its decision.
• On exceptionally large projects, especially proposed highway and
railroad corridors that cross long distances, the lead agency may
use a two-tiered process prior to implementing the proposed action.
• In such cases, the Tier I EIS would analyze the potential socio-
environmental impacts along a general corridor, but would not
identify the exact location of where the action would occur.
• A Tier I ROD would be issued approving the general area where
the action would be implemented. Following the Tier I ROD, the
approved Tier I area is further broken down into subareas.
• Tier II EIS is then prepared for each subarea, that identifies the
exact location of where the proposed action will take place.
• The preparation of Tier II EISs for each subarea proceeds at its own
pace, independent from the other subareas within the Tier I area.
• By requiring agencies to complete an EIS, the act encourages
them to consider the environmental costs of a project and
introduces new information into the decision-making process.
• The NEPA has increased the influence of environmental
analysts and agencies in the federal government by increasing
their involvement in the development process.
• Because an EIS requires expert skill and knowledge, agencies
must hire environmental analysts.
• Unlike agencies who may have other priorities, analysts are
often sympathetic to environmental issues.
• In addition, this feature introduces scientific procedures into
the political process.
• The differences that exist between science and politics limit the
accuracy of an EIS.
• Although analysts are members of the scientific community, they are
affected by the political atmosphere.
• Analysts do not have the luxury of an unlimited time for research. They
are also affected by the different motives behind the research of the EIS
and by different perspectives of what constitutes a good analysis.
• In addition, government officials do not want to reveal an
environmental problem from within their own agency.
• Citizens often misunderstand the environmental assessment process.
The public does not realize that the process is only meant to gather
information relevant to the decision.
• Even if the statement predicts negative impacts of the project, decision
makers can still proceed with the proposal.
• Checklists and matrices   Checklists consist of a list of environmental parameters to be investigated for potential impacts. They therefore ensure complete coverage of environmental aspects to be investigated. Checklists may or
may not include guidelines about how impact-relevant parameters are to be measured, interpreted, and compared. A typical checklist might contain entries such as:
o Earth: mineral resources; construction material; soils; land form; force fields and background radiation; unique physical features;
o Water: surface (rivers, lakes and reservoirs, estuaries); coastal seas and ocean, underground; quality; temperature; recharge; snow, ice, and permafrost;
o Atmosphere: quality (gases, particles); climate (micro, macro); temperature;
o Flora: trees; shrubs; grass; crops; microflora; aquatic plants; endangered species; barriers; corridors;
o Fauna: birds; land animals including reptiles; fish and shellfish; benthic organisms; insects; microfauna; endangered species; barriers; corridors;
o Land use: wilderness and open space; wetlands; forestry; grazing; agriculture; residential; commercial; industrial; mining and quarrying;
o Recreation: hunting; fishing; boating; swimming; camping and hiking; picnicking; resorts.
• Obviously, checklists do carry a geographical, as well as cultural, bias or, if universal in intent, carry a large number of mutually exclusive categories. They are usually also implicitly oriented towards certain categories of projects,
related to the history of their development. Further, their elements may be interrelated (for example, the categories of water bodies and their relevant properties in the example above) such that the linear presentation in the listing
has to be interpreted as a hierarchical or even multi-dimensional system in many cases.
• Various sub-categories of approaches can be identified, based on checklists:
o Simple checklists, consisting of a simple list of environmental parameters.
o Descriptive checklists, including guidelines on the measurement of parameters (e.g., De Santo, 1978; Schaenman, 1976).
o Scaling checklists, including information basic to the (subjective) scaling of parameter values. Important concepts include the {\em threshold of concern}, the duration of an impact, and whether it is reversible or irreversible (e.g., Sassaman, 1981).
o Questionnaire checklists, containing a series of linked questions, which guide the user through the process. The possible answers are provided as multiple-choice, making the process easy to use even for less experienced persons.
o Environmental Evaluation System (EES): Checklist based, including scaling and weighting (Dee et al., 1979; Lohani and Kan, 1982).
o Multi-attribute Utility Theory. Similar to the weighting method used in the EES procedure, developed by Batelle Columbus Laboratories in the USA, it is basically a decision support (weighting) method that can also be used in conjunction with other approaches to derive the impacts (Keeney and Raiffa, 1976; Keeney and Robilliard, 1977;
Kirkwood, 1982; Collins and Glysson, 1980).
• Impact matrices combine a checklist of environmental conditions likely to be affected with a list of project activities, the two lists arranged in the form of a matrix. The possible cause--effect relationships between activities and
environmental features are then identified and evaluated cell by cell. Matrices can be very detailed and large, the classical Leopold matrix contains 100 by 88 cells, and is thus somewhat cumbersome to handle (Leopold, Clarke,
Hanshaw et al., 1971). As a consequence, numerous extensions and modifications have been developed for almost each practical application (e.g., Clark et al., 1981; Lohani and Thanh, 1980; Welch and Lewis, 1976; Phillip and
DeFillipi, 1976; Fischer and Davies, 1973). In a more strategic approach, project planning matrices are used to structure and guide the assessment procedures in the goal-oriented ZOPP ( Ziel-Orientierte Projekt Planung) method
(GTZ, 1987).
• Overlays   Overlay methods use a set of physical or electronic maps, of environmental characteristics and possible project impact upon them, that are overlaid to produce a composite and spatial characterization of project
consequences (McHarg, 1968; Dooley and Newkirk, 1976). Modern geographical information systems such as GRASS, developed for EIA by the US Army Corps of Engineers, use graphic workstations to implement overlay
techniques using digital cartographic material and the more versatile logical interactions between spatial features.
• Networks and diagrams   Networks are designed to explicitly consider higher order, i.e., secondary and even tertiary consequences in addition to the primary cause--effect relations addressed by the methods above. They consist of
linked impacts including chained multiple effects and feedbacks (Sorensen, 1971; Sorensen, 1972; Gilliland and Risser, 1977; Lavine et al., 1978). IMPACT is a computerized version of network techniques, developed by the US
Forest Service (Thor et al., 1978).
• Cost--benefit analysis   Cost--benefit analysis (CBA), in a narrow sense, is an attempt to monetize all effects for direct comparison in monetary terms. While providing a clear answer and basis for the comparison of alternatives, the
monetization of many environmental problems is sometimes extremely difficult and thus can affect the usefulness of the method considerably.
• Numerous approaches to help monetize environmental criteria have been developed. Some of the more frequently used include the  cost of repair, i.e., the estimated cost to restore an environmental system to its original state, or
the willingness to pay, based on direct or indirect (e.g., travel cost) approaches to assess the value, for example, of park land or wilderness. Approaches and problems, as well as the underlying economic theories, are discussed (e.g.,
in Cottrell, 1978; Kapp, 1979; or Burrows, 1980). An excellent and critical treatment of cost--benefit analysis, and evaluation in environmental planning in general, can be found in McAllister, 1980. A discussion of the principles of
environmental extensions to traditional cost--benefit analysis is given in Hufschmidt, James, Meister et al., 1983.
• Examples of cost--benefit approaches to environmental impact assessment include:
o the UNEP Test Model of extended cost--benefit analysis (Lohani and Halim, 1987), mainly oriented towards the natural resource base of a project. The basic format of the approach includes:
• essential project description setting the physical and economic parameters for the analysis;
• itemizing resources used in the project, those indirectly affected, and residues created;
• resources exhausted, depleted, or that have deteriorated;
• resources enhanced;
• required additional project components;
• formulation of the integrated cost--benefit presentation, summary and conclusions.
o the cost--benefit analysis of natural system assessment, developed by the East-West Centre in Hawaii (Hufschmidt and Carpenter, 1980).

• Attempts to overcome some of the weaknesses of CBA have led to numerous extensions and modifications, such as the  Planning Balance Sheet (PBS) or the {\em Goals Achievement Matrix} (GAM). The Planning Balance Sheet
(Lichfield et al., 1975) stresses the importance of recording all impacts, whether monetizable or not, and analyzing the distribution of impacts among different community groups. Thus it adds the analysis as to whom cost and
benefits accrue to the basic concept of CBA. The Goals Achievement Matrix (Hill, 1968; Hill and Werczberger, 1978) defines and organizes impacts according to a set of explicit goals that the (public) action is attempting to meet
and identifies consequences to different interest groups. It is also designed to accommodate non-monetizable impacts, and uses a set of non-monetary value weights for computing a summary evaluation; it is thus similar to CBA.
EIA Process
• Screening
• Scoping
• Impact analysis
• Impact mitigation

• Reporting
• EIS review
• Decision making

• Monitoring
Step 1: Screening
This step determines:
• whether or not EIA is required for a particular project

• what level of EIA is required

Screening Outcomes:
• Full or comprehensive EIA required

• Limited EIA required

• No EIA required
Tools for Screening
• Project lists:

Inclusive — listed projects must undergo EIA

Exclusive — listed projects exempted from EIA
• Case-by-case examinations:

determine whether projects may have significant

environmental effects
• if so, project should undergo EIA
Step 2: Scoping
• It begins once screening is completed
• establishes the content and scope of an EIA report

• identifies key issues and impacts to be considered
• lays the foundation of an effective process, saves time

and money, and reduces conflict

• Types of Scoping
 Closed scoping: wherein the content and scope of an EIA
Report is pre-determined by law and modified through
closed consultations between a developer and the
competent authority.
 Open or Public scoping: a transparent process based on
public consultations.
• Actors: proponent, EIA consultant, supervisory
authority for EIA, other responsible agencies, affected
public and interested public.
Step 3: Impact Analysis

Type biophysical, social, health or

Nature direct or indirect, cumulative, etc.
Magnitude of severity high, moderate, low
Extent local, regional, trans-boundary or
Timing immediate/long term
Duration temporary/permanent
Uncertainty low likelihood/high probability
Reversibility reversible/irreversible
Significance unimportant/important
Tools for Impact Analysis

• Checklists (annotate environmental factors that needs to be


• Matrices (grid-like table used to identify interaction between project

activities and environmental characteristics)

• Networks (illustrate cause-effect relationship of project activities)

• Overlays and geographical information systems (map impacts

spatially and display them pictorially)

• Expert systems: (used to assist diagnosis, problem solving and

decision making)

• Professional judgment
Step 4: Impact Mitigation
• to avoid, minimise or remedy adverse impacts
• to ensure that residual impacts are within acceptable levels
• to enhance environmental and social benefits
Step 5: Reporting

Different name of EIA reports

• Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA Report)
• Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
• Environmental Statement (ES)

• Environmental Assessment Report (EA Report)

• Environmental Effects Statement (EES)
Contents of the Report
• description of the project

• an outline of the main alternatives studied by the developer, and an

indication of the main reasons for this choice
• a description of the aspects of the environment likely to be significantly
affected by the proposed project

• a description of the likely significant environmental effects of the proposed


• measures to prevent, reduce and possibly offset adverse environmental


• a non-technical summary

• an indication of any difficulties (technical deficiencies or lack of know-

how) encountered while compiling the required information.
Step 6: Review
• Review the quality of the EIA report.
• Take public comments into account.
• Determine if the information is sufficient.

• Identify any deficiencies to be corrected.

Who Perform the review?

• Environmental agency

• Independent panel
• Public comment and input
Step 7: Decision Making
• To provide key input to help determine if a proposal is
• To help establish environmental terms and conditions
for project implementation
Step 8: Monitoring
• Ensure the implementation of conditions attached to a

• Verify that impacts are as predicted or permitted.

• Confirm that mitigation measures are working as

• Take action to manage any unforeseen changes.
Key components of Monitoring
• Establish baseline conditions.
• Measure impacts of a project as constructed.
• Verify conformity with established with conditions and
acceptable limits.
• Establish links to environmental management plans.

• Carry out periodic checks and third-party audits.

Importance of EIA
• EIA is potentially a useful component of good
environmental management.
• It is the Government policy that any industrial project
has to obtain EIA clearance from the Ministry of
Environment before approval by the planning
• Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool to
evaluate the environmental effects of a
product or process throughout its
entire life cycle.

• An LCA entails examining the product

from the extraction of raw materials for
the manufacturing process, through the
production and use of the item, to its
final disposal, and thus encompassing
the entire product system. Cradle to Grave
Concept of LCA
•The assessment includes the entire life cycle of the

product, process or activity, encompassing extracting and

processing raw materials; manufacturing, transportation

and distribution; use, re-use and maintenance; recycling;

and final disposal (the so called 'cradle to grave' concept).

•LCA is a standardized methodology, which gives it

its reliability and transparency.
Steps in LCA
• According to the ISO 14040 and 14044 standards, a LCA
is carried out in four phases:
 Goal and scope
 Inventory analysis

 Impact assessment
 Interpretation.
• Goal and Scope
 In the phase, definition, the aim, the breadth and the depth of the study are

 The most important (often subjective) choices such as the reason for executing the
LCA, a precise definition of the product and its life cycle and a description of the
system boundaries are considered.

• Inventory analysis/ Life-cycle inventory (LCI)

 It involves the compilation and quantification of inputs and outputs for a given

product system throughout its life cycle.

 LCI establishes demarcation between what is included in the product system and

what is excluded.

 In LCI, each product, material or service should be followed until it has been

translated into elementary flows (emissions, natural resource extractions, land use,

• Life-cycle impact assessment
 It aims to understand and evaluate the magnitude and significance of the potential
environmental impacts of a product system.
 This phase is further divided into four steps.

1. Classification

2. Characterization
3. Normalization (voluntary): provides a basis for comparing different types of
environmental impact categories (all impacts get the same unit).
4. Weighting (voluntary): implies assigning a weighting factor to each impact category
depending on the relative importance.
 The two first steps are quantitative steps based on scientific knowledge of the relevant
environmental processes
 The next two steps are not technical, scientific or objective processes, but may be
assisted by applying scientifically based analytical techniques.
• Impact categories (ICs)

 It represent environmental issues of concern to which LCI results may be


 The ICs selected in each LCA study have to describe the impacts caused

by the products being considered or the product system being analysed.

 The selection of the list of ICs has to fulfill several conditions:

• The overall recommendation regarding the choice of ICs is to include all

the ICs for which international consensus have been reached

• The list should not contain too many categories

• Double counting should be avoided by choosing independent ICs

• The characterisation methods of the different ICs should be available

• Interpretation
 During the interpretation phase, you check that your conclusions
are well-substantiated.
 The ISO 14044 standard describes a number of checks to test
whether conclusions are adequately supported by the data and by
the procedures used.
 This way, you can share your results and improvement decisions
with the world without any surprises. 
Ecological footprint
• Ecological footprint (EF) measures the demands made by a person or group of

people on global natural resources.

• Ecological footprint analysis is widely used around the Earth in support

of sustainability assessments.

• It enables people to measure and manage the use of resources throughout the

economy and explore the sustainability of individual lifestyles, goods and services,

organizations, industry sectors, neighborhoods, cities, regions and nations.

• EFs measure the amount of productive land and water required for the production

of goods and the assimilation of waste required to support that population or

• It measures the requirements for productive areas
(croplands, grazing lands for animal products, forested areas to
produce wood products, marine areas for fisheries built-up
land for housing and infrastructure, and forested land needed
to absorb carbon dioxide emissions from energy
• One can estimate the EF, measured in “global hectares” (gha),
at various scales—for individuals, regions, countries, and
humanity as a whole.
• The Global Footprint Network (GFN)—a non-profit
organization that partnered with hundreds of cities, businesses,
and other entities to advance the EF as a metric of
sustainability—calculates the per capita global footprint.
• It takes Earth more than one year and eight months to
regenerate what is used in one year.
• Ecological Footprints provide concise, credible,
comprehensive, detailed and scalable data based on best
available scientific data and technology.
• The size of an EF can change over time, depending on
population, consumption levels, technology and resource use.
• EFs are measured in global acres (or global hectares). One
global acre (or hectare) represents one acre (or hectare) of
biologically productive land or water. Dividing a region's EF
by its population gives the global acres (or hectares) per
• An individual's resource consumption is not restricted to local resources.
• Consequently, local, regional and global productive areas utilized by a
certain population or activity, have to be incorporated into the EF.
• The final EF can be compared to the existing biologically productive area to
determine how sustainable the activity, lifestyle or population is.
• Various uses, mostly mutually exclusive uses, compete for biologically
productive land and water.
• Flora, fauna and biological conservation are accounted for in EF calculations.
However, the amount of productive land given to this group varies between
• Ecological footprint analysis compares human demand on nature
with the biosphere's ability to regenerate resources and provide
• Footprint values at the end of a survey are categorized for Carbon,
Food, Housing, and Goods and Services as well as the total
footprint number of Earths needed to sustain the world's
population at that level of consumption. 
• The WWF claims that the human footprint has exceeded the
biocapacity (the available supply of natural resources) of the planet
by 20%.
• Ecological footprint analysis is now widely used around the globe
as an indicator of environmental sustainability.
• EF calculations use official statistics and peer reviewed literature to gather data.
Five assumptions underpin any EF calculation (Redefining Progress):
• Most of the wastes generated and resources consumed can be tracked.
• Most of these resource and waste flows can be converted into the biologically
productive area that is required to maintain these flows.
• These different areas can be expressed in the same unit (acres or hectares) once
they are scaled proportionally to their biomass productivity. That is, each
particular acre can be translated to an equivalent area of world-average land
• Since these areas have been standardized and stand for mutually exclusive
uses, they can be added up to a total representing humanity's demand.
• This area for total human demand can be compared with nature's supply of
ecological services, since it is also possible to assess the area on the planet that
is biologically productive.
• The advantage of EF calculations is that it uses a single, easy to
understand unit of measurement which is comparable between activities
and populations.
• EFs reinforce concepts such as "earthshare" and linkages can be made
between local and global consumption.
• However, EFs can oversimplify issues, data can be hard to source and
not all impacts (eg toxic waste) are calculated.
Carbon Sequestration
• Carbon dioxide is the most commonly produced greenhouse gas.

• Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing and storing

atmospheric carbon dioxide.
• It is one method of reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere with the goal of reducing global climate change.
• Carbon sequestration occurs both naturally and as a result
of anthropogenic activities.
Carbon Cycle
• Carbon is transferred naturally from the atmosphere to terrestrial carbon sinks through
photosynthesis; it may be stored in aboveground biomass as well as in soils.
• Reservoirs that retain carbon and keep it from entering Earth’s atmosphere
are known as carbon sinks. 
• For example, deforestation is a source of carbon emission into the
atmosphere, but forest regrowth is a form of carbon sequestration, with the
forests themselves serving as carbon sinks.
• Carbon sequestered in soils and aboveground vegetation could be released
again to the atmosphere through land-use or climatic changes.
• For example, combustion (caused by fires) or decomposition (microbe
activity) can cause the release of carbon stored in forests to the atmosphere.
Both processes join oxygen in the air with carbon stored in plant tissues to
produce carbon dioxide gas.
Carbon Sequestration
Carbon Sequestration And Climate Change Mitigation
• The Kyoto Protocol under the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change allows countries to receive
credits for their carbon-sequestration activities in the area of
land use, land-use change, and forestry as part of their
obligations under the protocol.
• According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), improved agricultural practices and forest-related
mitigation activities can make a significant contribution to the
removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at relatively
low cost. 
Carbon Capture And Storage (CSS)
• It’s a new technology of carbon sequestration.

• In CCS processes, carbon dioxide is first separated from other

gases contained in industrial emissions.

• It is then compressed and transported to a location that is

isolated from the atmosphere for long-term storage.

• Suitable storage locations might include geologic formations

such as deep saline formations (sedimentary rocks whose pore
spaces are saturated with water containing high
concentrations of dissolved salts), depleted oil and gas
reservoirs, or the deep ocean. 
• The IPCC has estimated that CSS would increase the cost of
electricity generation by about one to five cents per kilowatt-
hour, depending on the fuel, technology, and location.
• Leakage of carbon from reservoirs is also a concern, but it is
estimated that properly managed geological storage is very
likely (that is, 66–90 percent probability) to retain 99 percent
of its sequestered carbon dioxide for over 1,000 years.
Carbon Credit
• A carbon credit is a permit or certificate allowing the
holder, such as a company, to emit carbon dioxide or
other greenhouse gases.
• The credit limits the emission to a mass equal to one ton
of carbon dioxide.
• The ultimate goal of carbon credits is to reduce the
emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
• Each carbon credit is valued against one ton
of hydrocarbon fuel.
• Companies or nations are allotted a certain number of
credits and may trade them to help balance total
worldwide emissions.
• "Since carbon dioxide is the principal greenhouse gas,"
the United Nations notes, "people speak simply of
trading in carbon."
• A 1997 agreement known as the Kyoto Protocol set binding
emission reduction targets for the countries that signed it, set to go
into force in 2005.

• Another agreement, known as the Marrakesh Accords, spelled out

the rules for how the system was to be implemented.

• The Kyoto Protocol divided countries into industrialized and

developing economies. Industrialized (Annexure I) countries
operated in their own emissions trading market.

• If a country emitted less than its target amount of hydrocarbons, it

could sell its surplus credits to countries that did not achieve their
Kyoto level goals, through an Emission Reduction Purchase
Agreement (ERPA).
• The separate Clean Development Mechanism for
developing countries issued carbon credits called a
Certified Emission Reduction (CER).
• A developing nation could receive these credits for
supporting sustainable development initiatives.
Importance of Carbon credit
• Carbon credits were devised as a market-oriented
mechanism to slow worldwide carbon emissions.
• Countries or companies with surplus carbon credits can
trade them with others who need more to meet their
targets and avoid fines.
• Emissions trading is based on international agreements,
most recently the Paris Agreement of 2015.
Environmental Quality Monitoring
(ISO 14000)
• The International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) defines an environmental management system as
“part of the management system used to manage
environmental aspects, fulfill compliance obligations,
and address risks and opportunities.”
• ISO 14000 are developed by ISO Technical Committee
ISO/TC 207 and its various subcommittees.
ISO Characterization
ISO 14001 Requirements with guidance for use
ISO 14004 General guidelines on implementation
ISO 14006 Guidelines for incorporating eco-design
ISO 14015 Environmental assessment of sites and organizations (EASO)
ISO 14020 to 14025 Environmental labels and declarations
ISO/NP 14030  Environmental performance of nominated projects and assets;
discusses post-production environmental assessment
ISO 14031 Environmental performance evaluation - Guidelines
ISO 14040 to 14049 LCA; discusses pre-production planning and environment goal
ISO 14050 Vocabulary; terms and definitions
ISO 14062 Integrating environmental aspects into product design and
ISO 14063 Environmental communication - Guidelines and examples
ISO 14064 Greenhouse gases; measuring, quantifying, and
reducing greenhouse gas emissions
• The framework in the ISO 14001 standard can be used
within a plan-do-check-act (PDCA) approach to continuous
• It is a family of standards related to environment
management that exists to help organizations 
 To minimize their operations (processes, etc.) which
negatively affect the environment.
 To comply with applicable laws, regulations, and other
environmentally oriented requirements
 To continually improve in the above.
• ISO 14000 entails five aspects
 Environmental Audit and related investigations
 Environmental labels and declarations
 Environmental Performance evaluation
 LCA terms and definitions

• Key elements
 Policy
 Planning
 Implementation and operation
 Checking and corrective action
 Management Review
 Continual Improvement
Principle of ISO 14000
• Plan: Recognize an opportunity and plan a change.
• Do: Test the change. Carry out a small-scale study.

• Check: Review the test, analyze the results, and identify what
you’ve learned.
• Act: Take action based on what you learned in the study step.

• If the change did not work, go through the cycle again with a
different plan.
• If you were successful, incorporate what you learned from the
test into wider changes.
• Use the plan for new improvements, beginning the cycle again.
• Aspects & Impacts
• Legal Requirements
• Objective Targets

• Management • Management,
Review Structure
• Training/Awareness
• Evaluate • Communication
• Continual • Documentation
Improvement • Emergency Response

• Monitor & Measure

• Corrective Action
• EMS Audit
What is ISO 14001:2015?
• ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) is a
systematic framework to manage the immediate and long term
environmental impacts of an organisation’s products, services and
• By completing ISO 14001 certification, the organization can assure
stakeholders that the environmental management system meets
international industry specific environmental standards.
• It helps organization to
 Minimize their environmental footprint
 Diminish the risk of pollution incidents
 Provide operational improvements
 Ensure compliance with relevant environmental legislation, and
 Develop their business in a sustainable manner
• Benefits of ISO 14001:2015
 Identify cost savings with greater emphasis on resource, waste and
energy management
 Develop corporate image and credibility
 Quantify, monitor and control the impact of operations on the
environment, now and in the future
 Ensure legislative awareness and compliance

 Improve environmental performance of supply chain

 Protect the company, assets, shareholders and directors

 Potentially decrease public liability insurance costs for the organization

 Grow the access to business partners and potential customers

ISO Certification Process in India
• Pre-Requisite to ISO Certification Process
 Choosing the type of ISO Certification
 Choosing an ISO Certification Body

• Process for ISO Certification in India

 Create an application /contract
 Quality Documents Review
 Make an  Action Plan
 Initial Certification Audit (Stage 1 and stage 2)
 Completing the ISO Certification
 Surveillance Audits
• Cost involved in the ISO Certification Process
 Number of employees

 Number of Processes

 Level of risk associated with the scope of services of the organisation

 Complexity of the management system
 The number of working shifts etc.

• Time involved in the ISO Certification Process

 Small organisations: 6-8 months
 Medium organisations: 8-12 months

 Large organisation: 12-15 months

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