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Princess Date

F.A.Q. about matchmaking

 Many of you ask how long it will take to get married using our marriage agency in Ukraine. 
 If any agency tells you that in one month you will meet the perfect woman, you can be sure
they're not telling the truth.
 And truth is, for some men finding the right woman is really easy and fast, others need to
come to Ukraine 2-3 times and meet a lot of ladies to find the one eventually.
 In our agency, we had a successful case when a man had a video call with a girl, after one
month he came to Ukraine and met her, and in one more month they got married. 

How long it will  There's a "but": that man was highly motivated and ready for a relationship, he knew what he
wanted, and he really did all he had to do to get married and have a happy family. 

take to get  Other men need much more time in our matchmaking agency, we've had clients who spoke

married with 20 ladies and only after that they got their result. It's not that easy to predict how many
months you'll need to meet the right woman, but the most important thing is that you have to
be focused on your main goal -- finding a wife to live happily with her.
 Matchmaking Agency is just a tool, that you use for your own happiness. We can introduce
you to one million wonderful girls, but if subconsciously you have fears, or previous
relationships traumatized you too much, or you are stuck in a previous relationship, no
agency in this world can help you find love.
 WE GUARANTEE RESULTS to every serious and genuine man, but you need to answer to
yourself, if your heart is open to this beautiful feeling called love. 
1. Be open to new things, especially new mentality
2. Trust each other, because anyway for some time you'll have to be far from each other
and it's really not that easy to keep calm when you are not together all the time
3. Support each other and try to understand another point of view. Being supportive and
non-judgmental is very important, so with that your partner will relax and can really
open up from his or her best sides

How to be 4. Be active and work on your relationships! When you live together it’s important to
work on it, BUT, when you live far from each other, don’t expect that your

successful relationships will sort themselves out! No, they won’t. One thing that could help you is
thinking everyday about how you can improve your relationships, and of course it

in relationships  should come from both sides 

5. Don’t look for perfection! You are not perfect like no-one is in this world, so don’t
wait for a supermodel or a billionaire! The fastest result get those people who are
down-to-earth and for whom finding a life partner is more important then a beautiful
6. Listen to your matchmaker :) Many guys say that they are in an agency, but they don’t
need any advice. We don’t give the advice to show you that you don’t know
something, but to help you and maybe to change a little bit the ways you've had before
(which actually didn’t bring you any result).
 ​
 First and foremost, Ukrainian girls usually never pay to join a Matchmaking

That’s why when you join, you have to pay double price for double services for

Why it is usually so   
women you actually do not know yet.

expensive to join a  In my agency ladies PAY to join and to be in my database, because my reputation as

Matchmaking agency a matchmaker is very high and Ukrainian and Russian ladies are ready to pay to
work with me.
 That’s why you don’t need to pay double price, so our prices are affordable or all!
 I've made this program because my dream is to make as many couples as I can meet
through my agency and get married!

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