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Assembly by Amira Anwar

Thought Of The Day
Don’t stop until you’re proud of yourself.
Word Of The Day
- The action of leaving a ship, train or aircraft.
1. What music are balloons scared of?
2. What do you call a funny mountain?
3. How do you know a moon has had enough to eat?
4. What did the calculator say to the student?
5. Whats a snake’s favourite subject?
6. Why are leopards always bad at playing hide n seek?
7. Where do pencils go for vacation?
8. What did the candle say to the other candle?
9. What did the traffic light say to the car?
10. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses inside the class?
1. Pop Music
2. Hill-arious
3. When its a full moon
4. You can count on me!
5. Hisss-tory
6. Because they’re always spotted!
7. Pencil-vania
8. I’m going out tonight
9. Don’t look, I’m changing!
10. Because her students were bright

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