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• SAMSUNG is one of the largest technology campany in the world.

• It has 61 branches located in different countries around the world, it
employ about 300 thousand people .
• On 1 march 1938 SAMSUNG was established by her founder ‘LEE
BYNG_CHUL’ in south Korean.
   SAMSUNG’s type is private limited company and her specialization is
business to consumer (B2C).
· The word Samsung means ‘three stars ✨’.
Organigramme of the campany
Holder : Lee Byng chul


Work force

research and Accounting and

Production Marketing Engineering Technical support
development finance
Importance in the market
• Samsung specialized in the production of a varied products, it has
become one of the most popular and successful names in technology
in the world which makes many competitors in the market.
• Samsung focus usually on developing new innovative products, the
high quality and design, moreover it makes sure to provide their
customers with excellent products and services to full fill their needs
and demands.
• From:
• To: Samsung
• Date: 20 December
• Subject: complain about the computer

• To whom it may concern

• . I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the computer that I purchased from your store five days ago.
To begin with the first problem, l chose a gray computer and the one l received is black, although the language is japanese
and l was not able to change it to my native language.
Moreover what make matters worse the memory of this computer is not the same as the one that I read in your catalog
l was really shocked and I didn’t expect that especially from Samsung.
I would be greatfull if you solve the problem as soon as possible other wise l would ask for a refund.
• Yours faithfully

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