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Tunisair structures 

Introduction of the company and its importance in the

Tunisair is a national Airlines based in Tunisia. The carrier was formed in 1948
by the government of Tunisia with other shareholders. It belongs to the tertiary
industry, it’s a semi-public company the government own 74% of the company.
and it’s a B2C business.
The airline plays an essential role in the development of cities, countries and
regions. By facilitating the transport of passengers and goods around the world,
support the economy and the tourism of the cities for example by currency
exchange and offering many job opportunities.

The email
Date : Novembre 6 ;
Subjectif : Inquiry about a package ;

To whom it my concern
I am writing to ask about the package number 5811-5739-326 that I am
supposed to receive a month ago from a French company.
The company used your delivery services to send me the goods and apparently
there is a delay in the shipping.
I have already contacted someone from the centre call but they told me to
make an official requirement and send it to this E-mail address.
I would be grateful if you check on the arrival of the parcel and if you could
send it to me as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Zeineb jabnoun

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