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Prepared by Alina Sasiuk
State subsidy - державна субсидія
Shareholder - акціонер

WORDLIST Cantata - кантата(твір урочистого чи ліро-епічного

Zarzuela - зарзуела(operetta-like stage performance)
Repertoire - репертуар
Auditorium - глядацький зал
Recital - сольний концерт
The success of the building brought a group of leading citizens to plan a new opera house. They wanted to
build a more splendid opera house than would have been possible under royal management. To finance this,
they founded a company that accumulated profits from stock trading. The members of the "Societat de
Propietaris", the owners' company, reserved most of the lodges

Teatre Principal Gran Teatre deI Liceu

 Many internationally renowned Catalan singers also
began their careers at the Liceu, such as Josefina
Huguet, Maria Berrientos, Conchita Supervía,
Francisco Vinas, Graziella Pareto, Hipólito
Lázaro ... and, after Spain’s civil war, Victoria de
Los Angeles, Montserrat Caballé, Giacomo Aragall,
Eduardo Gimenez, Vicente Sardinero, José Carreras,
Juan Pons and Dalmacio Gonzáles. We should also
mention Spanish singers like Maria Galvany, Elvira
De Hidalgo, Michel Fleta and Pedro Lavirgen.
Thus, the magnificent foyer and the equally
splendid hall of mirrors were reconstructed
according to the original rooms. Below the
concert hall, an auditorium with a restaurant was
built as a break room for the guests, and the
stage was equipped with state-of-the-art
technology. The curtain has been modernized
and was designed by Antoni Miró. The upper
floor seats got TV technology installed, since not
all seats have a view on the stage. 
• Each season the Liceu offers more than forty
different shows, featuring the most important
figures of contemporary opera (singers, conductors
and stage directors).
•It also programs concerts, dance, films, recitals and
children’s shows. The theatre has a shop specializing
in the world of music and art (a starting point for
tours of the theatre), a small auditorium and a café.

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