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Gender and Society

Sociology - is the systematic study of the development of structure,
interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups
of human beings.

Human Ecology - is a branch of sociology dealing especially with the

spatial and temporal interrelationships between
humans and their economic, social, and political

Gender - is the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically

associated with one sex.

Society - is a community, nation, or broad grouping of people having

common traditions, institutions, and collective activities and
Gender and Sexuality as a Social Reality

Sex - the biological aspect of sex: maleness or femaleness

Gender - the social interpretation of sex, masculinity, femininity, etc.

Sexuality - the totality of our own experience of our sex and gender

Sex chromosomes – chromosomal markers that distinguish females

from male (XY)

Intersex/Hermaphrodite - individuals with composite genitals

(possessing some characteristics of both
male and female genitals)
Gender Identity - aspect of our gender of who we are

Sexual Orientation - another aspect of our gender pertaining to our

emotional and sexual attraction to a person
Gender and Sexuality Across Time

Patriarchy - social system where men primarily holds power in the

political and the private spheres

Feminism - continuing of series movements that aims to challenge the

patriarchal society that creates these oppressive political
structures, beliefs and practices against women.
Historical Views on Gender

Aristotle, Plato and other Greek philosophers viewed women as the
inferior sex and are properties of men whose only job was to obey their
husbands, bear children, and take care of the household. They were
forbidden to learn philosophy, politics, and science.

Herodotus, a Greek historian observed the Egyptian civilization citing
that Egyptian women enjoyed higher social status than Greek women
because they can inherit property and engage in trade and politics.
Confucianism has stringent written rules that dictate women should
conduct themselves. Women should obey their father, when married she
is to obey her husband, and when widowed she is to obey her son.

Women Empowerment
Women’s liberation movement or feminism started at different decades
in different countries, some are far more advanced in their struggle
while others are still starting a movement.

During the 19th and early 20th century, first wave of feminism spread
across the western countries as women demanded for the right to vote
and to be able to legally own property.
Second wave feminism in 1960’s through the 80’s, women drew
attention to various social inequalities such as domestic violence,
especially marital rape, reproductive rights, wage inequality, and etc.
The 90’s gave birth to the third wave and 2012 started the fourth wave.

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