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What is
Ecotrash is a trash can that
makes recycling easier for you
and your family.
Why did we do it?
•In all media, (news, social media, etc)
we are told that we have to make
planet earth a better place.
•They encourage us to recycle and the
truth is that the only reason why we
don’t do it is because of our laziness.
•Have you ever heard of eco-bricks as
an alternative to recycling? Or
making your own compost? The
question I should be asking here is
have you ever made the effort to try
it? Your answer is probably not so
this is why we made “Ecotrash”.
How does it work?

•The Ecotrash trash can is divided in three parts:

organic and inorganic trash, and pet, that is plastic
•As you can see there is a small space with a
dispenser below where the inorganic trash goes,
this is because the space is designated to fill liter
bottles and make eco-bricks.
•What happens if the piece of trash does not fit
inside the bottle? Well for that we add a crusher
(shredder) so that there is no problem when
entering the bottle. For it to work you just need to
push the big red button and when the green light
lights up it means your eco-brick is ready
•On the organic trash part you just need to put in
the organic waste you have and the little lights
there will let you know when your compost is
What is it made of?
• It is made of stainless steel (acero inoxidable)
stain proof.
• It is not designed for materials such as cardboard,
glass or wood.

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