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Leaders are

Born But not

Souvik Biswas
Table of
What is
01 leadership?
Ways of becoming a
02 leader
Leadership Trait
03 Theory
Behavioural Theory Of
04 Leadership
What is Leadership?
● A leader is simply as somebody whom people follow or as
somebody who guides or directs others

● Leadership has been described as a process of social influence in

which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the
accomplishment of a common task.
Ways of becoming a leader

Leaders become leaders in three ways:

● A crisis or event pushes them into leadership.
● Their personality leads them into it.
● They choose to be a leader.
● If they choose to become a leader, they also choose the depth of
their training.
Leadership Trait Theory
● Leadership trait theory (LIT) is the idea that people are born with
certain traits or qualities. Since certain are associated with
proficient leadership. It assumes that if you could identify people
with the correct traits, you would be able to identify leadership
people with leadership potential.
● The basic idea of leadership trait theory is that if an individual
possesses certain traits, she or he will be a successful leader in
any situation.
Limitations of Leadership Trait
● Most people recognize that it is possible for someone to change
their character traits overtime.
● Does not take situation into account. A person who is a leader in
one situation may not be a leader in another.
● Sets forth numerous characteristics that are very general,
contextual, and unmeasurable.
Behavioural Theory Of Leadership

● Came from research out of Ohio State University in 1940s.

● A leaders behavior is the best predictor of his leadership
influences, and as a result, is the best determinant of his or her
leadership success.
● Anyone can be made/created a leader by teaching them the most
appropriate behavioral response for any given situation.
Limitations of Behavioral Theory Of

1. Certain leadership behaviors

are appropriate at different
2. The best leaders are those who
can use many different
behavioral styles, and choose
the right style for each situation.
Researcher’s Conclusion

● Researchers concluded that the answer is "yes" leaders are both

born and made/created. Leaders are likely to possess a common
gene and have similar brain wave patterns. However, what nearly
all leaders have in common is that they will have improved their
skills over an extended period of time.

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