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(STEM_BIO 11/12 Id-f-7)
The Big “C”
• Cancer is uncontrolled cell growth
despite cell cycle control, errors do occur.
most critical area of cell cycle is during
S-phase where DNA replicates.
 replication errors (mutations) can
possibly be passed on to daughter cells
if gene mutation will not be corrected,
faulty protein may arise that plays a key role
in cell reproduction
Cancer will start
Repeatedly, small uncorrected errors are
passed from the parent cell to the daughter
cells and amplified as each generation
produces more non-functional proteins from
uncorrected DNA damage.
As the pace of the cell cycle increases,
the effectiveness of the control and repair
mechanism decreases
Uncontrolled growth of the mutated cells
will outspace the growth of the normal cells.
Review Cell cycle checkpoints
• G1- check if all cell requirements are complete
• G2- limits entry to mitotic phase
• M checkpoint- checks if sister chromatid
correctly attached to spindle microtubules
Two groups of intracellular protein molecules
that regulate the cell cycle
a. Positive regulation- promote progress of the cell
to the next phase
a. cyclins
b. cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdk’s)

b. Negative regulation-halt or stop the cycle

a. Rb
b. p53
c. p21
Positive regulation
 Cyclin can only regulate
cell cycle if tightly bound to
 Cdk’s are enzymes that
phosphorylate other proteins
 The proteins that are
phosphorylated by the
Cdk’s are involved in
advancing the cell to the
next phase
Cyclin expression cycle (pg.109)
Negative regulation
Tumor-suppressor proteins
•These are groups of protein molecules that have the
capacity to halt or stop the cell cycle.
a. Retinoblastoma protein (Rb)
-a tumor suppressor proteins common in many cells. It monitors
the size of the cell.
b. p53
c. p21
•In cases wherein these proteins are damaged,
Uncontrolled replication will occur and will result into cancer
• In the event where there is an early
detection of DNA damage, p53 will halt
the cell cycle and will recruit enzymes to
repair the DNA
• If DNA is beyond repairable, APOPTOSIS
will be triggered.
• APOPTOSIS is the programmed cell
-it is a genetically directed process of cell-
destruction that is marked by the
fragmentation of nuclear DNA.
A gene involve in normal cell growth
A gene that has the potential
to cause cancer
A gene that regulates a cell during cell
division and replication
Leading cancer in Women
The Philippine Cancer Society Inc. (PCSI) reported that 91% of
cancers occur between ages of 35 and above.
According to the latest data from (PCSI) 2018, cancer occurrence is
getting younger from 30’s to early 20’s.
Incidence rate of Cancer is higher among females than males.
Values connect
• Cancer treatment may lead to hair loss,
nausea, and fatigue. If you have a
relative or friend who is in this
circumstance, how would you motivate
him or her to continue treatment despite
all these odds? How can you help your
relative or friend to have a positive
outlook in life?

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