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This Day

With God
Sis. Ellen G. White

Daily Morning Devotional with Bro Raymond Mendiola

Thankful for
Every Moment
Manuscript 2, December 3, 1892, diary.
I will not leave you comfortless: I
will come to you.

JOHN 14:18
Although I did not have good sleep during the night, my
peace was like a river. The love of Jesus grows in my
heart, and I do love Him, and my heart flows out in
grateful thanksgiving. The preciousness of divine truth
presents itself with such clearness and force to my mind
that I long to express it to all that I can reach to comfort,
and encourage them with the consolation wherewith I
myself also am comforted.
I feel not the slightest depression of spirits.
Pleasant views and ideas present themselves
to me like precious views of gold, and my
heart is all aglow and I feel an ardor of soul
that seems longing to express itself.
In reading the Scriptures, light seems to shine
upon every letter—sentences seem so fresh
and new and important—and my heart is in
complete harmony with the whole. I am
thankful every moment, even when awake at
night and unable to sleep.
I know in my daily experience that the Holy Spirit
is present as I read His Word, planting the truth in
the heart, that it may be expressed in the life and
character to others. The Spirit of God takes the truth
from the sacred page, where He Himself hath
placed it, and stamps it on the soul. What holy joy,
what hope and consolation can be ours to impart to
I attended the afternoon meeting [at Ballarat,
N.S.W., Australia], and there were more people
present to hear the word than I expected. I spoke
from John 14:15-24. The Lord gave me words to
speak to the people to present before them the
precious assurances that Christ has given to all those
who know and do His commandments.
Jesus asks an evidence of their love for Him. “If ye
love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). If it
were not possible for us to keep His commandments,
why does He speak words to us of this kind? Now the
following verse opens to us a treasure of knowledge.
“And I will pray the Father, [although I be absent from
you] and he shall give you another Comforter, that he
may abide with you for ever” (verse 16)....
Is not this promise sure? Can any words
from the lips of God's only begotten Son
make it more decided and positive?
This Day
With God
Sis. Ellen G. White

Daily Morning Devotional with Bro Raymond Mendiola

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