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Explain the core teaching of

Judaism: a covenant with one God
and a chosen people
Key Points
• Monotheism - a belief in a single god/deity
• Yahweh - the one true God of the Jewish people
• Holocaust - burnt offering to God; also used by
Nazi Germans when they gassed and burned
the Jews during WW2
• What are the implications of the action of
• Why do the people need to see such spectacle?
• Did Elijah prove the power of Yahweh?
• Major Prophets - Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah; tasked to convey
the message of Yahweh to His chosen people, Israel
• Temple of Jerusalem - the holiest place of worship for the
Jewish people
• Plague - manifestation of God's anger towards his people (e.
g. fire, famine, destruction, etc.)
• Holocaust - burnt offering to God with purposes of
atonement and reconciliation
• Arc of Covenant - stone tablet which holds the covenant
between Yahweh and the people of Israel; Ten
• Monotheism vs Polytheism - Jews believe in monotheistic
manner; Prophets of Baal espouse polytheism
• I am the Lord, your God; you shall not have any other
god/s beside Me. (First Commandment) - the core
teaching of Judaism

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