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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Date: January 24, 2023

I. OBJECTIVE: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to explain the significance of death towards
human existence and recognize the meaning of their own lives.
A. TOPIC Human Persons as Oriented Towards Their Impending Death
B. REFERENCES Britannica Online Encyclopaedia
Curriculum Guide
Abella, Roberto. Intro to the Philosophy of the Human Person. 2016. C&E Publishing. Manila
Oxford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy
C. MATERIALS Candles, lighting implements, papers, pens, blackboard, markers, laptop, TV
E. VALUE FOCUS Collaboration, Sharing
F. STRATEGIES Collaborative work, Reporting, Discussion
 Motivation/Review: Short review of the previous lesson.
Instructional Delivery:

Activity: Individual Activity Lights Up!

Each learner will light a candle and observe its glow. After a few minutes, they will share to the class
their observations.

Guide Questions:
Analysis: 1. How do you feel about the activity?
2. What are your thoughts about the activity?
3. What have you observed about the candles?
4. How does the activity possibly relate to our new lesson?

Abstraction: With the aid of the Power Point Presentation, the teacher will discuss the essential elements of
death and its implications towards human existence.
 Birth – signals the beginning of life
 Temporality – the human condition that means orientation towards death
 Death – the end of bodily functions which determines the end of life
 Self-determination – the human’s capacity to choose and act for oneself
Application: As a learner, think of a person within your family or community that suffers from pain at present
then write a letter of encouragement to that individual.
IV. EVALUATION What is the significance of death towards your existence? Explain.

Criteria Rating
5 4 3
Content The content of the The content of the The content of the
output has is output is partially output is not correct.
absolutely correct. correct.
Relevance The output is totally The output is partially The output has no
relevant to the topic. relevant to the topic. relevance to the
Clarity The output has no The output has some The output has many
errors. errors. errors.
AGREEMENT Further reading on the human person and its society.
Grade Level: 12-Stargazer (3:30-4:30)
Most Essential Learning Competency: Explain the significance of death towards human existence. (PPT11/12-11i-8.1)

Section Mastery Level Instructional Decision

12-Stargazer ____of____ learners got 75% mastery level

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